Clannad: Kyou story

This got me surprised.
>story takes five years after ushio death
>tomoya for some reason hasnt killed himself and he is obviously not even a shadow of himself
>kyou was scared to meet him, it took a meeting with sunohara to convince her to visit him
>akio and sanae managed to overcome the tragedy and try their best to help tomoya, truly a strong family
>sanae learns what kyou was doing and of course she figure out what are kyou feelings for tomoya
>long story short, tomoya was in yoshino concert, playing the bass, and akio was there too with the drummers, only tomoya was fucking up the bass, kyou and sanae were in there, they had a talk where to make it short, sanae talked about nagisa wanting to make tomoya happy for everything he did for her, and talked about how kyou may achieve that, and at the very end, she screamed tomoya name at the end of the concert, which surprised him
>despite that, he was still an edgelord, but he said to her "see you tomorrow" after the concert in which kyou say "sure"
So. Yeah, maybe not the after most kyoufags wanted because ushio is dead and is an open end, but it clearly show that she still love him after everything that happened.
If you want to read this just check sadpanda and some anniversary book in english, or go to ehentai. Its not h.

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I think your wife and kid dying gives you a pass to be a little edgy

I mean, yeah. But if that was the case then akio and sanae should be a little like them. Then again they are still together and try to help tomoya so i see your point.

As you say, Akio and Sanae still have each other, and they're considerably older and thus more mature than Tomoya.

Tomoya also had plenty of problems throughout his life, and the two things that managed to give him a reason to go on died.

He's got plenty of reasons to act like a jerk.

Tomoya had life shitting on him since the moment his mom died. The after story where no miracles happen would have broken men stronger than him. Give the poor dude a break. It's honestly a miracle he didn't kill himself after Ushio died.

Just finished reading, from what I can tell there are basically 3 routes.

>Nagisa survives, and they live happily ever after
>Nagisa dies, Ushio survives and Tomoya because a single father who raises Ushio well.
>Nagsa and Ushio dies, Tomoya goes back into depression into a while and ends up forging a kinship with Kyou

Tomoyo/tomoya best

Wait, so is this the big announcement they had in store for this year?

>Clannad is a story about Japanese Keanu Reeves


Isn't Tomoya also suffer in Tomoyo after?

Wasn't expecting to laugh at that.

Wait until this shit gets serialized, and then give it a few months to get an adaptation to manga/anime.


Yes, being Tomoya is suffering in every alternate universe it seems.

I honestly think this is how Clannad should have ended if they really had to go with the Nagisa and Ushio dying thing in the first place. No shitty magic, instead just learning how to move on and heal with time, finding happiness somewhere else. Kyou was perfect for that role anyway.

Either that or Ushio shouldn't have died.

Totally agree with this. I know Key loves to put a bit of magic on their stories, but this seems to fit perfectly with Clannad's theme of growing up, learning from your mistakes, and that you can find a family/people that loves you, without an actual blood relation.

Really need an OVA of this

Sounds like forced crap to appease retarded shippers

Still waiting for a Tomoyo After OVA.

>story takes five years after ushio death
And I stopped reading there
I understand that Ushio's death and revival is uncalled for but accept the death of that innocent child and setting a story as far as 5 years is just plain ridiculous. Especially when it is an unrequited love from when they were young

They only dared pull a ridiculously grim dead wife/child because they had the dragon balls in the first place.

user has a point.

Fuck. And everyone was hoping it'd be Tomoyo After getting green light.

So in the end, only Nagisafags and Kyoufags got a happy ending confirmed since choosing Tomoyo leads to dying.

Akio and Sanae still have Tomoya, who they pretty much consider their son.

Maybe that's just one announcement. For all we know, there could still be more news coming.

Why do you want to watch Tomoya die so much? What did he ever do to you? Or do you just want to watch Tomoyo cry?

Tomoyo After ED

>If you want to read this just check sadpanda and some anniversary book in english, or go to ehentai. Its not h.
>not a single illustration of Kappei with Ryou or their marriage
I'm going nuclear.

thanks for reminding me the kid dies.
fuck i completely forgot about it. Even though I annually rewatch clannad.

Having a bad memory is a curse and a blessing at the same time.

>fuck i completely forgot about it
>Even though I annually rewatch clannad

You may have something serious here user.

I love how Kappei was mentiones by Ryou. The kid deserves to be mentioned at least

Isn't there going to be an announcement at AnimeJapan? It's still a week away right?

Also I might be the only one who want an SOL anime about Tomoya and Nagisa raising Ushio together.

I see your point, however, I dont really like how Tomoya is still getting cucked by life itself in the story, and lets be honest, the only two characters who retain her love for Tomoya outside of Nagisa is Kotomi and Kyou, but Kotomi is like a very specific timeline separated from the others, like a second Nagisa, and she may be busy with her career outside of the town, regardless if she is aware of Tomoya or not. So Kyou is the only option to help Tomoya, despite that she clearly show how she really loved Nagisa as her friend and always tried to hide her feelings for Tomoya because she "knew" it was bad for feeling that way.

On the other hand. Ushio looks so pretty when she grow up.

Of course not. If I had my way, I'd rewrite the story so that Tomoya lives. I just want to see an OVA made because Tomoyo is my waifu.

>Tomoyo is my waifu.

Go to sleep Sugita.

Except Sugita's waifu is Houko Kuwashima... oh wait.

>On the other hand. Ushio looks so pretty when she grow up.

If you want the people to accept Kyou as a decent replacement for Nagisa, then she should be with Tomoya right when he was at his lowest.

But no. According to this, she was not there when Nagisa died. She was not there when Ushio died. Instead, it took Kyou 5 years to make a decent approach to Tomoya. That makes it a total of about 12 years of being unable to move on from your Highschool crush. Jesus

I personally like Kyou's character but this story just sucks

If you wait I try to get it. If not you can search it in the sadpanda, its basically the third story, second is fuko. Sorry im in a hurry. I try to be fast as impossible

Never mind, I found it. You're right, she's really cute as a teen.

>start reading VN
>got silver hair tomboy bad ending.
>never played since then
Should I bother to start reading this again?
I didn't get spoiled to much, expect that this redhead retard dies.

The PS2 version of the game had a happy ending too. I'm not sure how canon it is.

I want to marry Ushio and fight Okazaki for her hand.

>Tomoyo After: It's wonderful life
>it's wonderful life

Nigga, I could hit you with a brick with a question like that

>wanting Tomoya dead
Fuck the shit no. This is the moment where he should just be happy again, there is a chance that he could not meet Nagisa in the afterlife if he just waste his life like that. Suicide is often treated as a sin that doesnt let you go to the afterlife and sometimes people consider suicide to people who are just "living" and are only waiting for their death, believing it will change something.
Nagisa and specially Ushio death were forced as fuck if we go like that. And this may be forced too but I dont care.
I just want to see my boy getting a break for once, he got cucked enough and he need something to make him value life again. Akio and Sanae are clearly not enough.
On the other hand, I feel like Rie searching for a man is a little forced. Just a little

Can anyone upload it in mega?

Dude, I never said that.
I'm just saying that Kyou's relationship with him is just so badly delivered here.
If I were to rewrite the story, I would start it with Kyou making her move right after Nagisa died. Raising Ushio together will rake massive extra points.

But nah, let's start 5 years after Tomoya had everything taken away from him

What I really find weird is that, Tomoyo After aside, it seems Tomoyo's the only one who seemed to be ignored after graduation/after Nagisa died. We don't even know what happened to her or what she became around the time Tomoya was raising Ushio.

So, what is the thing with the Ilussionary World? It exists outside time and space? It's kinda like the afterlife?
Never understood well that plot point.

It's a world created by Ushio's regret when she died. I think japs believe that when something regret before it die, it will create something.

In the story they make a lot of focus of how Kyou loved Nagisa a lot as a friend and she shouldnt even have those feelings for Tomoya. The story also mention how her life is "happy" because she still has her family, a job and all of that and feel that its another reason to hold herself for try dating Tomoya (it was mentioned by Maeda and Kai that Kyou and Ryou were pretty much the Anti-Key because there were no tragedy or magic outside of the light orb)

Tldr Kyou believe that dating Tomoya will be like betraying her friend and thats why she holds back a lot until Sanae talks with her Sanae like an entity that learns about the feelings of everyone or a mother sense is really this strong?

>she screamed tomoya name at the end of the concert, which surprised him

autism. thanks Key, you just destroyed her character.

>Kyou believe that dating Tomoya will be like betraying her long dead friend
Somebody give this author a swift kick

well yeah, I mean, they only have themselves left by that point.

It was something about the public screaming Yoshino, Akio and Tomoya name at the end of concert. The first two got a lot of scream but Tomoya didnt get a lot except for pity (he really was bad at playing the bass). So it was kind of obvious that her voice would be heard over everything. One legit cheer is more strong than ten pity cheer.
Wait, you actually believe that that type of thinking only exist in fiction?

Pretty sure it's common in real world. At least it's common in my country.

I heard Tomoyo After was extremely shitty with the worst kind of drama just for the sake of drama.

Well it is also realistic to have Nagisa saved by having her give birth in a hospital but I don't see you guys complaining

We did complain in those times...a lot. Dont bring that again.


>but Tomoya didnt get a lot except for pity (he really was bad at playing the bass). So it was kind of obvious that her voice would be heard over everything.

wait, that's also pity cheer.

different user here. context?

different user here. Why does Kotomi know the existence of Illusionary World (as hinted both in her VN route and in anime)?

Without Tomoya's influence her future is very much set. She'd go abroad and make use of her talents. and of course earn a lot of money. and probably get a better alpha male than Tomoya.

Not really, consider that Sanae was talking with her, and it take enough time to like just skip it to the moment where the public scream their names, and in that lapse of time, Sanae (and maybe Nagisa considering what they talked) revived that love Kyou was hiding for all those years, and it was right before the public started to cheer Tomoya, I guess she wasnt thinking at that moment.
Basically, how the main idea of the story was ruined by magic, despite that it was a common knowledge that Key always used magic.
Her parents discovered that.

Her parents study is about illusionary world.

>Her parents discovered that.
I could totally wish they continued this plot point instead of digging into this Kyou shit "plot"

To this day, I still can't take this series seriously when looking at that fucking air vent hair.

>get a better alpha male than Tomoya
We all know that's impossible in a Key Universe.
Tomoya is the single most alpha male in Key VNs. Only outpowered by the men who already have a wife or are not interested in mating

No matter how ugly a bandmember is, or how bad he plays, there is always at least one girl in the audience soaking her panties for him.
Tomoya just had the luck that girl was Kyou.

>cucked by life

user please.

I tell you no qt pie will wet their panties over a bass player.

Still strong enough to reject the rope.
Still strong enough to consider loving someone again

user please

As much as I love her she is my waifu after all, I doubt Kyou counts as an actual qt pie. They have stated that Nagisa was canonly the best looking of the girls, and when Tomoya made the bi joke there was a couple of guys telling that Kyou wasn't too feminine looking after all.
Now in this story we have almost 30 single Kyou, getting drunk, barely sleeping and caking her face in foundation on a daily basis, so I think of her more like your average japanese girl, rather than an actual qt. I still love her though

I got that part.
Tomoya was still an empty shell, but that "See you tomorrow" at the end implies that he really cares for Kyou and he would not mind to be with her again. Plus, consider that Kyou is the only one of the high school that was alwats there for him.
Tomoya too stronk not even life can kill him.

Sometimes the most normal and average girls are the best one.
Kyou is alcoholic though?

Same can be said to any deadbeats out there. they are "strong enough" to reject the rope/consider loving someone again and just spread their degeneracy onto others.

>Sometimes the most normal and average girls are the best one.

be careful on that one. Westerners will surely call you a pedo for targeting a HS girl.

you are only allowed to date a roastie or you're a sick pedoshit monster.

inb4 r9k

What bothers me is how they all still look like if they were in their teens. Akio or Sanae being 40 something doesn't help.

>I tell you no qt pie will wet their panties over a bass player.
Fuuka Akitsuki? Fuuka Aoi? Koyuki Hinashi?

When did they stated that?
So this means Ryou is prettier than her by this logic?

l-let's not go there. that shit is /jp/ tier.

That's Key magic

>source: my ass

When was that clannad announcement?

At AnimeJapan.

Kyou is a cute grill even she's near her 30s. So stop triggering me!

Did Kyou actually won Tomoyabowl?

So... They become a thing or not?

Rewrite will make it all right.