What do you think of a 24 years old NEET?

What do you think of a 24 years old NEET?

They're better off than me

this is intentional, right

>I-i'm a student
OP is a literal retard

she's obviously lying

i am a 26 years old neet irl. ask me anything.

What's your excuse for not killing yourself at this point?

What's your preferred method of suicide?

Gun, rope, or pills?

How many times do you cut daily on average?

pls be in LONDON

voluntary righteous joyous neet or circumstantially imposed depressed neet?
what's your favorite anime?

what are you doing with your life? just wasting it away

when you only distract yourself every day with entertainment you are no better than a drunkard, your life is utterly meaningless

n-no bully pls

It's meaningless either way. Drowning myself in media just lets me temporarily forget that fact.

were you born after or before october? I wanna know if i'm winning

How do you do it? I wanted to kill myself at 20 when I was NEET.

Was this actually in the game?

not her but also 26 year old neet here
what do i win?

I don't remember that female neets are cute.

but you aren't truly satisfied with this, now are you

wake the fuck up, step out of it

Sure is normalfags cucks here.

I'm a 27 year old NEET

yes, he's quite famous for that and his final fantasy pizza cutter swort

I'm a 24 soon 25 year old NEET.

I know some cute (for 3D) female NEETs.

They're married and living off of their husbands though.

43yr old NEET

life is good! Could always be better though.

I'm not sure I can count that as winning


Sup normalfag cuck.

What will you do when your parents die?

Let me guess. This threads will ironically like a NEET as long as it's a cute girl

that ain't being neet then.

That's just lazy housewife.


Kill myself of course.

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Except is says Escapism instead of Capitalism. Plays into the theme of the game.

Kill yourself

this thread will unironically like like any cute girl unless she's 3D in which case she can fuck off and neck herself

not wasting a moment of it
rather than whoring my mind/labor/time to perpetuating the horrific machine of modernity, i'm actually finally doing wonderful worthwhile beautiful fulfilling things
i'm ironically busier than ever and couldn't be more happy
and when this ship sinks and i'm on the street or dead, i'll have in this short period lived harder and better than most people ever get to

You first normalfag cuck.

I think the artist should continue to draw more of her.

I'm 27. I win.


These comics motivate me to do stuff with my life, but they are kinda too sad, man. I kind want to see her happier. Gal has been self-depreciating herself too much

>still using "cuck" in the first place
Do you think you're something else? You're a normalfag as well.

5 more years I'll finally stop being a neet and become a dark wizard.

Also shameless 27 y/o NEET here. Technically I'm studying for a career I know I have no chance in hell of earning money with because of my corrupt 3rd world shithole.

Only go to college for 12 hours a week and spend the rest of them doing jack shit. I want to kill myself.

I want to murder all NEETs

Defining your current mental state by the path you took to reach your current position is the first step towards being miserable.

25. Brothers rejoice!

I assume you are in your 20s

we are the key generation. breakthroughs in computing hardware are around the corner with functional 1 atom scale chips in lab right now and optical making great improvements, AI is getting better and better and will become very very big within the next two decades, age curing tech and medicine will be developed within our lifetime

our generation will decide the fate of mankind. whether we go down the drain and vanish without a trace so we might as well have never existed or break out of our irrelevance and meaninglessness

you should be happy that you live in current age. don't get me wrong, I understand how shitty the world can be. watching anime in moderation is great, I consider it the best form of entertainment. but don't limit your life to something like that or you may lose your one lucky chance to enjoy a much better future

30 here.

I think only the 43 year old guy has me beat.

I used to have a career and I'm only a NEET now because of illness, though, so I don't know if I count.

Doesn't count, it's not your fault.

>not NEET
You had one requirement for this thread, and you can't even do that right.

they pushed the age requirement by 5 more years due to the recent excess of applicants though

When I was a NEET I spent my time in the local library studying japanese and german, is it wrong to use your NEET time for improving yourself?

What else can a NEET do to improve themselves?

Who never had a job, doesn't have friends, kissless virgin here?


my post was to trying to emphasize that i'm not simply hiding and distracting myself with cheap entertainment
sorry if that wasn't clear

I'm twenty-four and still NEETing hard. How's life two years down the road?

a job

Ah yes, delusions of grandeur. Don't worry about watching Anime in moderation user, it's done all the damage it can do.
After reading this I feel a lot better about being a 24 year old neet. Least I can see the difference between fantasy and reality.

every moment of your life is just spent passing the time whether you're a loser or not

He said it

Just ignore it, that user wrote that essay to convince himself more than anyone else.
You're probably doing fine.

>graduated with BMus
>can't use it
>been a neet for almost year

I wish I could've picked STEM. I don't know what to do anymore.

not him, be we are actually prolly living through the most interesting time humanity has ever been in
completely unprecedented in all ways
super cool and it's fine to be excited about
being a cynic does not mean you're seeing things more clearly user, in fact i'd say the opposite is true


Im NEET without his driver license.

Can't beat that huh?

I tried. Overqualified.

Did you lie?

same but shitter

I've never thought about that before. I guess NEETs have to exclusively live off of their family/government, and not a spouse?


24yo old NEET in Putinstan

thank God my parents are somewhat rich by local standards, and they don't mind spoiling me every now and then. When they die I'll probably kill myself asap

Lie next time.

But user a drunkard's life has meaning, their meaning in life is to get drunk. If they didn't have that meaning, then they wouldn't be a drunkard.
Hell, a drunkard is one of the few people in life who sees something they want and they get it. Most people just move through life thinking they want something only to realize they probably didn't when it finally arrives.

read books, both fiction and nonfiction
learn everything you can, pay attention to yourself and the things around you
make art or something
learn to program and really use a computer
plant things and garden

>tfw stay at home dad

I scoff in your general directions.

It's literally being a neet, being a housewife is not employment. You just do shit you would do anyway like cook and clean.

26 here, tovarisch. Already think of necking myself

But NEETs don't do shit because they live with their parents and mom is the one who cooks and cleans.

not all - my parents are both dead, I do all the cooking and cleaning for myself and two brothers.

Is this the social thread? Post your age, sex and state

>but I'm a student

Not in Education Employment or Training
this in no way implies that they can't or don't do things
just that in the eyes of the capitalist state, they are the problem and a liability

That's not what NEET means. You can still be active.

Having a cynic and an optimist arguing who sees the world more clearly, isn't going to get us anywhere. We aren't going to listen to each other's answer.
It just hurts to see another user say that "Our Generation will determine the future of mankind", it's that kind of pressure that makes many of us resort to the NEET lifestyle when we can't take it. To take all that pressure onto oneself is to ignore the other generations of people we live with and that they still exist.

That's called a housewife user


my argument is that the more people we get to embrace neetdom, the better off we all will ultimately be
there is more than enough for all of us now, no one need work a day in their life

I've often thought that would be the ideal way to go.
How did you meet your spouse user? Any tips?

Ah yes, another supporter of Universal Basic income. It really is the only way our society can push forward into the future. I hope the world can accept it at some point in our lifetime. Another generation shouldn't have to go through this bullshit.
Btw, that's a great sonic pic.

maybe transitionally something like that will be necessary
the goal is to get over the idea of income all together
to rid ourselves of this ridiculous notion that one must prove they have a right to live

You know every normalfag becomes a 65 year old NEET in the end.

>implying there's any difference

>triggered this many autists who can't even give an actual argument
Good job lad

I don't understand how anime characters can live alone in their own place when they don't work or go to school


I doubt we'll get rid of the concept of income entirely in the next 100 years. I think it's important we keep the concept of income, some people just like the idea of doing something they are compensated for and it gives their lives meaning. I think Universal Basic Income works because those of us who are simply happy to be allowed to exist would be able to do so and those who want something more could take on a job on top of that.
I see Universal Basic Income a lot like healthcare. It should be your right as a human being to live on this planet and not need to jump through extra hoops to make it happen. If you would like to jump through hoops for something more, the option is there for you.

>biggest autist of all