Look Rin in the eyes and say something!

Look Rin in the eyes and say something!

You looking for a fight?

I usually only beat up anons but fine, I'll take you on.

Kill yourself.

How did this rivalry start?

Shinka refused to put over Rin despite now being a part-timer. There are rumors Shinka wants to take the Sup Forums Goddess Championship belt to 2chan once her contract with Hiro runs out.

I'm sorry!

"Are you a refrigerator? Well th-then I guess you should catch yourself."

Who the fuck are you and why aren't we dating?

Why dont you do that?

The word "sorry" wont work on Rin-sama

Please stop showing in my gatcha, I don't want any more cool idols.

Why is Rin so popular?

Shit idol. Kanade is a sexier JK. Nao and Karen are better Triad Primus, and Uzuki is a better New Gen.


She isn't.
user wants you to think she is.


enjou kousai!

I could beat up 63% of women in a fight. I can take you.

Rin would batter you.

Brig it on, then.

Explain her uncountable fanarts

Rin has very reasonable prices for her 援助交際

That's an oddly specific number.

Something to share user?

Go on. My dick ain't going to suck itself.

Hello, where are the cute idols?

How much?

How many licks does it take to get to the centre of the Tootsie Roll?

What is it with Rin and beating up anons? Makes no sense to me

Do you want her to give you a sample?

Hey, I said beat not kill, ya illiterate wench

Man, I don't know how to draw good-looking eyes.

Okay, no weapons. I still cannot guarantee that you'll survive though.

Please, Rin-sama...don't hurt me again...you can take anything you want...

OK, for real. why does everyone says that Rin beats up anons on a daily basis?

user.. just look at her. You'll see the answer.

I don't know about you but where I'm from people don't just beat up other people randomly

>Look Rin in the eyes

Well Rin-sama is not from your place. Be careful though, she might go there and beat you up.

That's it

>whispering: "benis."

Not him, but are you that pure? Can you not see the delinquent within her through the windows of her soul? She's not satisfied and is constantly angry at something. I know other people like that, and they do the same shit. Perhaps she has a knife or a pair of boxing gloves hidden away in her bag. Or perphaps, a baton. She's not the type to fuck around with pepper sprays, she's probably into something physical.

I want to lick her armpits until there's no skin left

Hey, it's not my fault Rin likes pleasing old men

are snarky little insults like this really worth living out the rest of your days as a cripple? think carefully about your next posts, user. rin is watching.

I was like you once. now I'll never walk again.

The wind is troubled.

I can somehow picture her as a history teacher when she grows older. Imagine her having a husband on which she can unleash all that pent-up anger on.

>mfw I share the same birthday as this hooligan
Alright, I give. A little punch on the cheek. No more no less


This almost happened to me but luckily my Shinka arrived just in time to fend her off.



I played that game where you were turned into the village cum bucket.

Making Rin pregnant is my dream.

She reminds me of one of ShindoL's girls

Not really, Uzuki and Kaede are much more popular.

Same 3 skilled artists who pretend to be more than one person.

i'm up to episode 10 in 765 pro. i watched CG first, but 765 is better

Rightfully so.

That's debatable.

What are you doing at my window?

The anime did wonder on Uzuki's popularity, didn't it. Egao power is amazing.

Y-you too.

I agree with that, however I've got to say that I really do enjoy Kaede's design better than any 765 idol.
I watched 765 first.

you need more exercise.

What about now?

your lower back and obliques are flabby! I recommend weighted side bends, Russian twists, and planks. Dont forget to do plenty of cardio too you lazy idol

My god, I'm melting just from seeing this

Rin is pure. Pure!

Drop and give me 20

Literally whos are better Cools than you.

Uhm, no. Doing enkou is the reason she learned how to defend herself. She's anything but pure.

This is not the "face" of a girl doing enjo kosai.
She's too innocent for that, and she have a flower shop, so she's loaded

Takumi is better

Sad she doesn't get the popularity she deserves.

Get down on your knees and suck every last drop of my cum, until my dick is drained, NOW!

How do you even beat Rin in a fight without cheating?

There are alternatives to fighting

Beg for her to lose on purpose. You're on your knees while she looks at you like this.

I'm a lover not a fighter.

But then you would end up like this.

try rape then

Better. This is why Rin is best im@s

>hate CG
>love Rin
Life is pain.

Unlike the original cast.

CG girls are just blank slates, so fapping to fanartworks is more than enough.

Yeah I wish she had her own series.

Call Shinka.

>barely any femdom doujins of her on sadpanda
>already fapped numerous times to source of pic-related

Without cheating.

>CG girls are just blank slates
Pretty much. Most of Rin's personality traits in my mind are ones I or fan artists have assigned to her rather than anything derived from the anime.

Here's the reason why Uzuki is mch better than this autistic cunt.

Rin is not an easy girl, afterall

"Где Аня?"

Posting the REAL cat.

Become Shinka.

Fuck you Anya and your lack of good fan art.

How could someone say "No" to this lovely face?

Pure Rin is still best Rin and is the REAL RIN. Stop changing her character Sup Forums

It's a crime such a perfect girl doesn't get better fan-art.

That's still cheating.

There she is, best girl.
Rin can go take a hike for all I care