Who is the audience for Love Live supposed to be?

Who is the audience for Love Live supposed to be?

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literal fucking drooling retards
>bright colors and pretty sounds

Every Kyoani shows.

Not even pretty sounds kek

Apparently it was suppose to appeal primarily to a male audience since it was initially envisioned with a male member of the cast if what I heard the Snow Halation PV is suppose to touch on.

Looks like scrapping that idea worked out since they're drawing in attention from both a male and female audience who like the yuri undertones.

LL has way too many female fans. It's probably the main reason why LLfags are so insufferable.


They made wickedly good rivals, though.

Not gonna lie, once the charm of the music wore off the concept felt so shallow and the fanbase looked so toxic.

Fuck's sakes man, the very idea of the girls not being lesbians makes most LLfags chimp the fuck out. It was fun to mess with them with stuff like pic related but they ruined the whole thing for me.

This, only one of them can actually sing.
Coincidentally, she is best girl.

But Nanchan, Emitsun, Mimorin, Rippi,and Pile can all sing really well, hell even Soramaru, Ucchi and Shikaco can sing when they're not doing high pissed as voices. The only one that can't sing is Kussun


Rin can sing too. Unfortunately she is a meme character.

Eli would be an awful gf. Rin would be much better.

I got you covered senpai.

>the concept felt so shallow
The concept of picking 9 random seiyuu and teaching them to sing and dance as idols? I think it's pretty interesting.


No, no, no. That's fine enough. The story behind the anime is what felt so shallow. Saving your school by spontaneously forming an idol group just feels so slapped together as an excuse.

Honestly, if they just pulled a K-on and said they showed an interest in being idols and worked towards being a successful group, and none of 'the school's closing' crap it wouldn't have been a problem for me.


Dirty Otaku

Saving their school was just a goal to aim for, I don't think any of them decided to be a school idol solely to save the school.

It's actually kind of like GuP, where saving the school plot is an excuse for multi tank drifting action, LL's plot is an excuse for school idol activities.

This isn't Eva or something, it doesn't really need a deep plot.


I kinda agree with you, and that's kinda what I like more about Sunshine, since the Sunshine MC has more of a "lets be school idols to be popular and have fun" instead of "lets be school idols to save our school," although Sunrise is stupid and decided to bring in the school closing plot anyway.

Honoka explicitly wanted to be an idol to save the school. In fact, literally nobody but Hanayo, Nico, and possibly Maki wanted to be an idol for fun. It was a plot device, but it was unnecessary.

are you really asking this?

The school closing as a catalyst is fine and everything, if that's all it was.

Muse LL, got it right with saving the school by season 1 and season 2 being about just winning Love Live

SUNSHINE on the other hand, as stated, not only brought the school closing back, but also kept it going by ending with them disqualifying themselves in the season finale.

>winning love live

"Truly they were a Love Live"

I unironically love the music.

>with them disqualifying themselves in the season finale.
How many times do I have to tell you they did not disqualify themselves

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you wrote the story.

Neither did you, faggot. There's nothing about disqualification in the anime, just lazy continuity.

It flopped when it was a harem so they removed the self insert and made it gay.



specifically /u/s

I mean. I've seen girl weebs fangirl (and yeah, she wasn't ugly, just plain-looking) over this show. I know one even made a presentation of it in a literature class we had together.

I know, I know, you could probably classify someone like her into your description, but I feel like you intended this comment to refer to guys alone.

>when you realize every 曜日 is 曜日

Normalfags and idolfags.

I want this for my 30th birthday.

Rin would be the perfect gf desu

You mean Rikocchi

She's for doggy.

I want to be her dog.


The laidback and easygoing vibe of the first episodes were refreshing, I agree, but the problem with Sunshine is that it just feels really gimmicky and incoherent. Obviously, the original or isn't really that much better writing-wise, but atleast they had a concrete objective and a straight path towards achieving it (nevermind that stupid burd subplot). Sunshine was just a mess going in different directions starting from Chika's idol dream, recycling that saving the school subplot, idol rivals, 3rd-year drama, forced yuri, and just an inconsistent tone in-between episodes.
Sorry for the long post, honestly want to like Sunshine for the reasons you stated above but I just couldn't get what kind of show it wanted to be.

I drunk demon keeps lewding your waifu. How do you cope with this?




You-chan is crying
and its all your fault riko


>swimsuit with socks on
Something is wrong with this girl.

Notice how she's sitting on the edge of a bed. She's gonna be swimmin' in my cum soon.

Literally everyone but lolicons.

I'll be mad if this song doesn't make it into season 2.

Yuri fans

I cope just fine.
In fact Riko was made for lewding and indulging is sick fetishes like Kabedon or even chin in hand kisses.


Nah, not "yuri fans" whatsoever.
The target audience is generic male otaku (at least it was), and it's just common knowledge that the majority of them at least enjoys yuri elements.

>chin in hand kisses



Yes, because that was the problem with that post. It definitely wasn't the assertion that everyone in a fanbase for an anime you dislike must be retarded.


My favourite low-key joke.

S1 had way more male background characters, while Sunshine is pretty close of getting rid of them completely.

In Japan, Otaku.
In the west, Otaku and yurifags like me.

i want to stalk you chan!
i want to chemically induce unconsciousness to you chan!
i want to kidnap you chan!
i want to rape you chan!
i want to impregnate you chan!
i want to reproduce ugly children against the will of you chan!
i want to forever ruin the body of you chan!
i want to ruin the idol career of you chan!
i want to be sued by you chan!
i want to be put in front of a state jury by you chan!
i want to pay child support for you chan!
i want to spend eternity in prison because of you chan!
i want other anons on 4ch to find me repulsive because of the things i'll do to you chan!

2012: seiyuu creeps
2013: hey this is getting popular, we can sell it to waifu trash, put it on late-night tv
2015: hey this is getting really popular, we can sell it to actual schoolgirls, put it on disney channel
2016: everyone loves love live, put it on fucking nhk

so basically, it's gotten more and more wholesome as it needs to rely less and less on dudes who buy a whole case of cds to get the bromide they want.

Alright fags we do this shit every Love Live thread, but this eternal struggle must end. Pick'em. poal.me/dw4pdn

These are Umi's sexy legs!

Lick Umi.


Umi's idea of a sexy dress is a China dress.

Good taste, Umi!


Such a shame they cut down on the sexy legs and butts after the series got really popular with a larger audience.

Which A-RISE makes you a-rise the most?

Girl's-eye view depresses me. I will never be a cute JK.

The one you just posted

>not a single nico in this entire thread
I'm okay with this


Maki's bountiful blessings!




Can't argue with that.

Umi best girlfriend material

Wife too.

i want to haggu

Isn't it middle aged men?

This thread needs more (You)


yea sure

Would you let an idol put you in a choke hold?
