Kemono Friends

Is Serval really Mirai's only hope?

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Reminder that Mirai died and Kaban was produced by her corpse being reincarnated by the Sandstar

Kaban was produced by her bag being reincarnated by the Sandstar


You can't reincarnate a bag

So you are suggesting that the bag itself has an AI or it has some level of sentience to begin with?

Action! Excitement! An unending, constant stream of memes! The serval stream had everything!


Sometimes, there exist a living organic bag.
Don't think, it'll make sense.

I can't believe I watched a cat do nothing for 7 hours behind an endless stream of text from a language I don't understand and enjoyed every second of it.

This was brought up a few threads ago but everyone was sharing their Myers-Briggs types and comparing them to the friends. I created a new strawpoll to tally up the types.


If you die in Canada you reincarnate as a bag.

You understood enough. You know that it's a lot of su-goi and ta-noshii.

Has this show spurred an increase of Japanese zoo revenue? I'd think with 120k stream watchers that there'd be a lot of people actually visiting them as well.

Would be a bit double-sided since zoos kind of suck for animals too.

Yeah, there was a segment on NHK talking about it.

Is it bad if I still don't know what is Myers-Briggs other than it's some personality questionnaire after googling it?

I want to rape the user who wants to rape Shoebill.


But I don't think i'm wise at all.

INFP. I do feel a lot like the Beaver. I am even worse though, as in I stop just in the dreaming phase in my head way too much.


The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire designed to indicate psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.

Taken straight from wikipedia, this website does a decent test:

Friendly reminder that Kaban is an asshole.

It's just an internet trend, think something like horoscopes. They take surveys of different personality types then assign names to them and add some extra pseudo-intellectual descriptions. They can be moderately accurate, but not explicitly anything to base your thoughts on.

I want to taste Prarie dog's vanilla scented kisses.

If only this show looked like this image and not shit.

This user is right, there's no way I would base any of my life off of an MBTI but fun things are fun.


Shobill dancing Luv can save u

What animal will Niconico livestream next?

I am happy that this show even exists. Yoshizaki Mine has outdone Keroro Gunsou with Kemono Friends, but this work would've gone to the dustbin if the anime didn't reach critical mass given how the game and the manga have gone by without notice.

Shoebill will be an exercise in extreme futility. Many nips spend several hours just watching and waiting for Shoebill to do just about anything, for Shoebill stands as still as a statue.

>two respondents thus far have answered E
slightly surprised.

bad kaban

Tried it!
I got "ENFP-T" not sure what T stands for though.


So someone explain it to me... I was told this show is somehow post-apocalyptic? From what I can gather, human died out and now there are only the animal characters?
I can't get past the first episode, I've tried twice. Suffice to say its just not for me.
Still, I'm curious, especially since its somehow become popular. What exactly is compelling about this show? Moe is all I can figure. Is that it?
Why are you watching this show?

INFP up at the most optimal (read: quietest) time of night. I can identify with Beaver because I think myself into anxiety attacks but I have no Prairie Dog to give me the extra courage to do things.

Myers-briggs user here, full disclosure, I am the ENTP and the other E was from a person I had test the poll yesterday before posting it.

Yeah, I feel more like Beaver than an Owl. Except without Beaver's practical skills.

Slander is not permitted, leave the park.

We throw them into the Sandstar volcano. They have no place here.


We just don't know

Behold, MMD MAD of a Kemono MAD.

Why do (you) care about a show you don't like? Does the popularity of Naruto keep you up at night?

>Emperor : Other friends got many fanarts with all their love...
>Emperor : But I only got things with all their lust!!

Poor emperor

The T stands for turbulent which means you can have a higher propensity to be self conscious and respond negatively to stress.

Why the hell are they selling the BDs as a book and not as BDs?

>vanilla scented

I don't think dirt and bark smells like vanilla.

Sounds bad... but thanks!

Because it's a zoobook that comes with a tiger poster

But beaver ass does.

Snek is a cute. I want to help snek come out of her cave.

On episode 7
>Little to no conflict outside of ceruleans
>Everyone considers everyone else a friend.
>Everyone willing to help each other without a second thought during Bag and Serval's travels.
>No one focuses on what someone might be bad at and only choose to highlight positive attributes.
>Everyone has some kind of useful attribute even though they don't realize it and this positive attribute is usually put to use by the end of the show.
>Get information I never knew about animals in their natural habitat.

I just now realized that I am watching a PBS after school cartoon and have made it my AOTS.

I want to taste Beaver's vanilla scented anus glands.

Your brain goes from happy meal mode to full dread by episode 10. Just keep watching and you'll see.

>somewhere between INFP and INTP, like the F/T test result was around 50/50
>autistic like the professor
>think myself into ruts like Beaver
about right.

I actually didn't read the whole description for turbulent before posting so I'll just copy the rest.

They experience a wide range of emotions and tend to be success-driven, perfectionistic and eager to improve. They are also more willing to change jobs if they feel stuck in their current one and to spend time thinking about the direction in which their life is going.


Amazing, isn't it?

Tanoshii, isn't it?

I just hope they don't hurt Bossu in ep11, I don't think I'd be able to take it.

Is that a serious answer? If so, I'd be ready to accept it and just chock it up to being a cute show.
Also, have this. I know there's an anime version somewhere, but I don't have it...
Naruto is popular because it appeals to a demographic very strongly, mostly males, especially young men.
I'm just kind of baffled because it doesn't appeal to me personally and to my knowledge, its popular with older viewers than its apparent target.
I see a lot of buzz around it and was interested, but simply can't get into it. So I wonder why you guys, the fans, enjoy it. Someone said it was memes and reddit popularity in another thread, but I'm fairly certain they were shitposting.
That is all.
>I just now realized that I am watching a PBS after school cartoon and have made it my AOTS.
This user has summed up my confusion very well.

Read the interview




>梶井:昨今、お皿(ディスクメディア)が売れないと言われています。でも、イベント参加券とか声優さんのチカラに頼ったものは売れてますよね? そうじゃなくて、我々は中身を売らなければいけません。どうしたらいいのかを考えたとき、「お皿を買わなきゃ」という意識を弱めようと思ったんです。それともうひとつ、店頭に並んでいる商品を見たときに、「おもしろそう」と思って買っていただきたかった。では、それにはどの流通が適しているのか? などを考慮して、書籍で流通させようと決まったんです。そもそも僕は本しか作ったことないですから。

Disc media is dead and they are right.

Go and jump forward and watch ep4. watch that, then go back and watch ep3. See how you find it.

>skipping episodes

user what the fuck

I don't know about others but this is the reason I was shocked to see Serval get angry at other Friends.

A lot of friends are INFP. Cool.


It's no wonder it's so comfortable to look at after work. I wish this world was more like Japari Park. This show makes me want to help people.

You better be fucking joking. This show should be comfy at all times

the bag is made from Friendhide

>"disc media is dated"
>"let's print a book instead"

I don't get the conversation about Giant Penguin.
Are they saying there's something wrong with her, or she became a Friend via some strange way?
Well done.

Giant penguins are extinct

Giant penguin fossils was sandstarred
Just like Kaban

I'd much rather have a fun book to skim through than a few discs.

They're extinct, so she could not have been made from a living animal. The point being that this is possible.

She's an extinct animal. She became a friend by sandstar reacting with giant penguin's bones. Aurochs is also an extinct animal who became a friend through the same mean.

It's a really good anime.

Tachikoma became a friend in the game. And this happened to the beasts.

And Tsuchinokos don't even exist

It only accounts for personality, not intelligence.
Being an idiot INTJ is possibly the worst thing to be.

It's not necessarily post-apocalyptic. Japari Park feels that way because of all the abandoned stuff lying around, but civilization could be doing well somewhere else, and they just left the place alone like a preserve.

Probably not, though.

Kaban is so cute.

RPG Maker when

Ah I'm turning into a happy meal

Cryptids and divine beings can take friend form. The four gods, Oinari-sama, three legged sun crow Yatagarasu are more examples of how extreme this can get.

R-Type friend spotted

I want to rape Shoebill.

So, you are a friend who can't get past the 1st episode! It's ok. Totally normal. Try watching at least till episode 3. You'll get happy.

There you are. here. Pucker up.

>She's an extinct animal.
mammoth-friend never. Or a saber-toothed cat with big fangs.


Saber-toothed cat is in the game.

>mammoth-friend never
There is one.

>still no one bothering to fill in the gaps in this image
>not correcting some of the misplaced friends

Swimming Serval a cute.