Little Witch Academia

Will her dere ever return?

Other urls found in this thread:

Best Sucy

>No Sales Academia
>Little Sales Academia
>Little Andrew Shoehornemia
They should have stuck to the formula of the OVAs,whoever decided to add Andrew and Frank needs fired, if not executed.
I've loved every episode aside from the ones where they appear, and the episodes they were in would have been good if they weren't in it.
Trigger honestly deserves to go bankrupt for this shit, I went in expecting a TV version of the OVAs, instead I get shoehorned faggy boys and shoehorned romance.
I was gonna buy the BDs but decided to wait after the first Andrew episode in case they continued to fuck up, and unfortunately for them they did. They lost a few hundred dollars from me and many other people for the shoehorning.

Sup Forums WILL defend this


>plebbitors and normalfags getting triggered about the topic last thread

Fucking kek.


I'll take that part off next time. I figured they would be on the production committee even if only a little bit since it is their original series.
Not sure if I should believe him though since he seems pretty ignorant of the company he works even though he works as a PR person.


>What I expected
Harry Potter - boys + girls + yuri

>What I got
Pic related

Harry Potter was shit though, why would you be expecting that

Rabu Rabu was great.

Het is best.

Sure it will, once Andrew acknowledges her. Then they will finally accept the marriage their families arranged.

Just caught up

>Lotte: "I didn't want to go on a date when I hadn't developed any feelings"

Why do Japanese people think like this? Everywhere else in the world it's "let's date and see if we kick it off" while in Japan it's "We have to be in love to date" which makes no fucking sense at all. How is Lotte going to even get the chance of 'developing feelings' when she'll never see the guy if she doesn't date him anyway.

I guess this isn't the right series for this talk as it's not romance, it's just that this kind of thinking pops up in nearly every anime and it's aggravating.

Also because I got excited when all the other boys went off but Frank came back for Lotte. Thought it was cute but then she just ended up blowing him off. They'd be perfect together. Frank is a bro.

I want to FUCK Akko!

>Why do Japanese people think like this? Everywhere else in the world it's "let's date and see if we kick it off" while in Japan it's "We have to be in love to date" which makes no fucking sense at all.

This is the reason why the west is shit.

Who cares about anyone besides best girl?

Pic related.


I find it really endearing that there's witches of different nationalities in this show.

Makes me hopeful for the future of Japanese animation.

Akko x Ursula is best pairing.

what's the artist's name?

>They still believe it's Chumlee

>Fucking Chumlee gets to live in 2D heaven
>None of us ever will

I find it interesting. If you do to a school like Luna Nova, would you have to actually learn a different language or is their just magic around the school that lets everyone understand one another?

Preach! Though I hate how Japan sexualizes women, I think this is a good plus for them.

The only thing they need to do is to keep off Nazism from their shows (I'm talking about that certain hitler loli show)

They literally got Chumlee's voice actor from the Japanese dub of Pawn Stars

I have watched all these threads from afar and there is something I must ask.
Does any of you actually gives a fuck about the plot of is it just your little girls' fanclubs fighting each other ?


I'd assume you would have to, or else they wouldn't be able to understand each other when they went into the town


According to Shitkaku, Chris (Mario)

There's probably magic involved to it. They have probably solved the hurdle of multiculturalism.

If only magic was real and this world will be a better place


>bullying diana


This show would be better if Sonokawa Momoka was the protagonist.

I really hate why that hitler loli show is way more popular than LWA in Japan.

Shows how backwards the country still is

It's mostly about /u/fags getting anally destroyed by the introduction of men and romance.

Based Trigger does it again.


There really isn't one. I think My Little Pony actually had more of an overall plot by this point in the show.


That part of Japan must go to be honest. Haven't they learned from mistakes of the past?

when's the recap episode

Akko is pretty strong and nimble, she should just punch her way out of any trouble.

i want to fug ursula sensei!

>those broken ankles

Japan is really starting to become progressive, well maybe only trigger though

But it's a good start for humanity

I wonder does she fuck like a bear ?

I wanna ride her like a chariot.


she probably likes it rough

Most international schools teach in one language. English or French is the most widespread. Students enrolling in such an institution are generally required to demonstrate a certain level of proficiency in that language in order to attend.

I'd fuck her like a bear. By that I mean pack her ass with so much of my nut that she'd stay happy all winter.

"I want anime to not be anime"
Anime is like it is because its particularly Japanese, with all the quirks and cultural roots implied. The reason anime is what it is, is virtually indistinguishable from the reason that Japan is lukewarm towards hitler and sexualizes little girls. Lose one and you lose the other. You act like anime actually promotes nazism and pedo-epehebophile. Ok well maybe the second one but he nazi stuff isnt actually pro nazism. They just dont have an irrational cultural censorship of everything nazi germany related.

>You act like anime actually promotes nazism and pedo-epehebophile.
But yes it does. Don't deny it

You already said it in this
>Japan is lukewarm towards hitler and sexualizes little girls.



Looking good lad

It sorely lacks yuri, make it a show about Diana being a jealous bitch in heat lusting for the protagonists' garden and add lots of sexual tension and it'll sell trillions !

>not displaying some guy with cultural signifigance from the 20th century as the ultimate evil in human history is tantamount to actively support the annihilation of the jews
>but it actually does promote nazism
Correction, it doesnt demonize it. If you cant see the difference, you probably have to go back

>dat slow head turn
>dat gasp
>dat shimmering eyes
>dat way she softly calls out his name
>dat beautiful music

What did Trigger, dare i say, meant by this?

>lobotomyposting is banned but this isn't

Episode 12

Hitler did nothing wrong, the Holocaust never happened, end of story

He's a dear friend

>you probably have to go back
For fuck's sake, you should go back to that "certain" board

what board?


>Doki doki no waku waku.

That's just how it is. Would you prefer if Japan had Western ideals and we could see anime girls twerking and fucking each other casually instead?

This is why even though I may dislike some things like this, I would never want it to change. It's a part of why Japan is the way it is and which is why we like it as a whole.


Dont bring your shit here

Sucy a cute


Good god stop trying so hard to fit in.


Maki a shit.


What makes some of you think I'm a yurifag? Only yuri anime I've seen was Valkyrie Drive.
If Andrew and Frank were in the OVAs I wouldn't be complaining. At the same time, if they were in the OVAs then they wouldn't have been good.
What's even worse is that Fagtun said Trigger was interested in doing another season of PSG. With what Trigger has done to LWA, I imagine they will turn PSG into a shitty romance anime and add some lame new character(s) and dedicate way to much screen time to them. At this point, I'd rather have no new PSG than have a Trigger PSG unless they redeem themselves.

no, it died when her dad sold her virginity to his boss to help pay a debt


user you just went full retard.

How is Sucy's depth perception?


No one is going to take you seriously you falseflagging faggot.



Even if they are in the committee, they don't get much of anything unless they make their own merch. Tattun had already explained that before, and it's consistent with what we know about how production committees work. The money from BD sales goes all to Toho (the head of the committee).


>What makes some of you think I'm a yurifag?
You don't want to see the female cast solving their tensions and divergences by rubbing their nasties together and angrily biting each other lips in a rage and hormone fueled naked battle ?
Should I question your sexual orientation sir ?


Good thread.

So many assumptions and I dont know how to address them all, so Ill just list them and trust that everyone else grasps that theyre false
>Sup Forums is a nazi board
>portraying a nazi in any context besides the ultimate evil is the same as being a nazi propagandist
>those posters are the same person
>youre not wildly out of place
>we cant tell that you were selfposting
all of the above is false, now please quit shitting up the fucking thread with your no contributions and bullshit agenda and fuck off.

on your way out the door enjoy this photo of Akko Seig Heiling, circa 1942 [colorized]

Ursula-Sensei secretly resents Akko, because seeing Akko and her pure ambitions brings out the past and Ursula's failures throughout her life, career, and her alias.

Her dark and heavy heart, tainted with doubt and remorse, will ultimately consume Ursula to the point where she takes the role of an Evil Witch that's bent on mitigating Akko's dreams to enrich the world of magic and wonder.

She's will be Akko's foe and villain.


So Ursula would be Homura?



That's a nice tactful joke you got there.

Sigh, this place is no saving