Sup Forums, you are Madoka, a regular schoolgirl with a typical day. What would you do now...

Sup Forums, you are Madoka, a regular schoolgirl with a typical day. What would you do now, as the events in Episode 1 begin to unfold?

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Trib with Homura.

Seduce Kamijou by kissing him on the lips and asking him to be my boyfriend, thus sparing Sayaka the heartache of Hitomi getting to him first.

Get in the fucking robot.

I create a reality where lonely south americans don't come to Sup Forums to role play like faggots.

Find an Sup Forumsnon and let him take my virginity.



Not become Meguca

create shitposts like the one OP did

Smell my own ass.

Masturbate. Can't have angst when you're getting your jollies. No angst = no contract.

Slut it up.

Become meguka

Sign contract.

Go to the mall with Sayaka.

Madoka is so ugly.


Could an ugly and boring girl like Madoka slut it up even if she wanted to?

Do I get to know what happens in the next episodes so I can find a way to ultimately cheese the plot and get the best possible ending?
If yes, masturbate and then do that.

If not, just masturbate.

Is it alright if I just go with Madokapple and Sayaka to the mall, OP?

the hell is madokapple?

A portmanteau of Madoka and Apple...?

Tickle torture Homura.

Final Vent a giant spider.

Become a Mami's pet.

You should have called them Madokapplin.

>not tickle torturing Sayaka

Get evicted

Masturbation, wish for the most powerful vibrator and whisk all of the despair out of the witches

Sex with Homura

Even if you have full plot knowledge, how do you cheese it? Making Madoka's actual wish early still leads to rebellion happening.

You don't and that would just make Homura reset the timeline. As for "cheesing it" Homura spent over ten years trying just that. Bad end every time until she hit the show's line.

make Homura go through so many timelines, madoka becomes literally infinitely powerful, then wish for witches and despair disappearing, while keeping Madoka alive


When I hear QB telepathically calling my name I'd confirm I was hearing voices nobody else was hearing and get to a fucking hospital. Auditory hallucinations can be a symptom of psychotic disorders and other problems with the brain.

Make a very detailed wish that eliminates every possible bad outcome.
Madoka just said "i want to be god XD".

And just when I forgot about his existence.

Remember to get Mami and Homura checked out too ...

and lewd them

Say "fuck yeah I'll become a magical girl" and go on rad adventures with Mami-san and Sayakachan and befriend the fuck out of Kyouko and Homura and then die horribly, YOLO

You have more things to worry about like me impregnating you 24/7.

Use my wish to make myself literally omnipotent, then laugh at kyubey ,all humans and all witches as they are forced to worship me.

>Be a masochist
>Become little girl
>Wish for all of the despair
>It turns you on
>Become most powerful magical girl

So everytime you aren't suffering you are griefing. That may mean that you will turn into a witch merely by sleeping.

Did Rebellion kill the series?

The movie is already 4 years old and there hasn't been anything new.
Aniplex was busy making other stuff in hope to get a new cash-cow but nothing succeeded so far.

I fear they might do it too late like Kizu with nobody giving a shit anymore once it airs.
I mean: Look how dead this thread is or how dead Madoka threads in general are. In 2020 literally nobody will care anymore.

Just don't let Homu remember what happened in previous timelines after becoming Godoka. Suddenly all problems are just plain fixed.

Given how there wasn't really anything going on before Rebellion I don't see how it killed the series
It's more that their failure to follow up killed the series
Whatever the new thing is is definitely going to happen eventually though

I am pretty sure that a Lich has no need to sleep

>As a work ages people stop talking about it
What a surprise.
If people forgot about Ryuki in 12 or so years for the majority of people to not point out the parallels, it's only a matter of time for people to forget about Madoka too.

Assuming I have knowledge of the events to come, call up Homu, brief her on the stuff she doesn't know about yet and hold a strategy meeting discussing the best course of action.

Forgoing normal human physical requirements probably takes magic power.

>strategy meeting discussing


>Call homu
>She kills you and resets the timeline because you're not Madoka

>at Mami's with tea and keiki

Can such a comfy thing exist in this cruel world?

How would she know?

Cover the Advent Deck in sheet metal so I don't get Scissors'd

I am sure I can find some long lasting torture online for constant mana regen

Intercept Homura on her way to school, drag her off to somewhere private, so we can eat each other out, kiss, cuddle, and hold hands.

Sell my soul to this guy, no questions asked. He's cute, so he must be totally trustworthy.

Yea but is he hip with the kids?

Kill myself swiftly before Homura has a chance to save me.

Should I watch Rebellion?

Should I consider watching Rebellion with a German dub?

maybe. it's a step down from the series.

Yes. No.

German Dub isn't bad, but japanese with subs is better

And yeah, watch it

You should watch Rebellion
I don't know why you would want to watch it with a German dub but I can't stop you from doing so

Really voice acting has always been one of the high points of this series and Rebellion is no exception, it would be a shame to watch some dumb dub.

Watch it with all the dubs playing at the same time.

Ask my brother if want /ss/

I'm trying to improve my German. I can read well enough but even the OP of dubs to children's shows go over my head.

You still should watch it in Japanese. The voice acting for Rebellion is great.

yare yare

Become a Precure.

Why would you downgrade yourself?

To progress further.

Dude he could take on Walpurgisnacht by himself if he was the right kind of Precure.

>not wanting to be as strong as the force that created our very universe

>not being the force that reforged the universe in your image

Make what is already canon happen again.

Please stop doing that, it's annoying

>episode 1
>raping Moemura isn't an option

I'll kill myself.

Doing what? Answering the OP? I thought that was the point of the thread.

You're not funny

>not wanting to be as strong as the force that created our very universe
I personally wouldn't be able to truly live with myself if I were like that. Also I can guarantee you giving 99% anons or even 99% of Magical Girls even close to such power is a misuse of it.

Go to hidamari and hang out with Yuno


I'd waste my wish on something stupid, waste a lot of magic fighting overzealously, then regret it at the moment I become a witch and beat myself up over it until some newb comes along and ends me. So basically I'd be Sayaka.

It's an option if you come across the opportunity.

>xdddd durrr if i only post the same two images over and over again that will look like a have a new identity and no one will be able to claim i'm the same person who always spams crack
Fuck off and kill yourself. Seriously. You're not wanted alive.
It's funny, because you tried to pretend you were some "newfag" with that persona. And you instantly ignored everyone that told you the truth (with proof), in favor of believing your own samfaged posts (without proof).

No need to be upset, friend.

It's like you were waiting for that reply to bump this thread.

>if u tell me 2 stop shitposting that meens ur upset
Nice autism you have there. And nice Sup Forums reaction image. You sure do make yourself look smart.

At least I don't shitpost in every single madoka thread about some idiot posting shit I don't like.

>waiting until the thread was at the bottom of the catalog again to bump it
How pathetically attached to your own shit threads can you be?

And you are the only shitposter here. You are also the only person who thinks it's about what anyone likes. You are told to fuck off because what you are posting is factually low quality and off topic, meaning it is against the rules.

>implying I'm the crack poster
LMAO'ing at your life right now XDD

Oh course you are. Who you do you think you're fooling? Only one person in the world acts like you and tries to pretend everything is about what you like and dislike.

I'm not the guy posting crack. I'm just concerned that you have an aneurysm every thread about some guy.
Also checked

become madoka
my wish will be for urobuchi to never make an anime again

For fuck's sake, could you at least not post blatantly cross-board images while you shitpost? I come on Sup Forums to look at cute girls, not whatever this shit is supposed to be.

Give a single reason anyone at all should believe you're not the shitposter when you act exactly like him and go out of your way to defend him, and you think anyone who says you're a shitposter is mad.

You also refuse to stop bumping the thread.

He's trying really hard to pretend he's some Sup Forums poster and that everyone in the word defends him.

>stop bumping the thread
>bumps thread
Jej u some kinda stupid dumbass?