This show was fucking terrible. I kept watching it waiting for something to happen and it just ended...

This show was fucking terrible. I kept watching it waiting for something to happen and it just ended. What the hell were they thinking?

You have to go back. Hyouka is 2012 personified. If you don't like it, you don't belong on Sup Forums.

Or you have shit taste.

You're going to take the side of a fucking Hyouka hater?

not that guy but as someone who watched it during its time and liked it, I can still get the hate for it.
It's really fucking dumb and has all the usual KyoAni problems.
If you're gonna make a love story, make some relationship progress.
If you're gonna make a mystery collection, stop focusing on the romance so much.

>Hyouka is 2012 personified.

No saitamas
No ghouls or titans
What the fuck bros?

I just come here to say Hyouka is one of the best animes ever made and it's easily on the top 5 of my favorite anime list, but if you don't like it that means you don't have feelings and aren't intelligent enough for it.

That's it. I'm out.

Hyouka was AOTY 2012 and one of the best series of the decade, damn.

>watch a sol where nothing is supposed to happen
>nothing happens
>>REEEEEE i want my battle shounen pacing back

just take your ritalin

But a whole lot happened user, did you miss it somehow? It's not always a show's job to exposit everything down your throat you know, some shows want you to take part in watching them.

KyoAni sameface is rly getting outta hands.

I really enjoyed it, but it is because I enjoyed it that I am pissed off with what happened. They started making a mystery and then forgot to make it a romance, in which they then forgot to add more mystery and completely defeated its purpose.

But I really liked the episode where Chitanda and MC were brainstorming the announcements thing or whatever. I hope it wasn't just me.

OP was a faggot yet again.
Hyouka is still the ultimate pleb filter.

I just want some decent Chitanda porn.

Let me guess... not enough action for you? Not fast paced enough? You would prefer an edgier grim dark type setting?

this fucker right here
he gets it

67% chance this is bait.

All the Hyouka doujins are either shit or really mediocre.

The best porn picture of Hyouka is the one where Chitanda and Mayaka are fucked by faceless old man at the hot spring.

Two cour anime usually represent their year better than one cour anime do, user-kun.
