Will this be the fight of the decade when animated?

Will this be the fight of the decade when animated?

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Yes. That whole arc will be the arc/fight of the decade

>yet another thread
I'm usually not one of those "stop making threads" dudes but can't we take a break? People were high strung

You can take a break. People will still bump this and you are not forced to read it all

>hit over 700 posts
>clearly there's no need for a new thread

I liked this one more desu, kickflipping the gun to block the whip was pretty cool

This is going to be so good

You've gone and reminded me how many crazy things are in that arc, I hope they don't cut GiTD attacking Hamazura's car with a wrecking ball on a crane or the like

>Touma vs Terra
>Accelerator smashing Terra
>Touma vs Acqua
>Touma, Amakusa, Kanzaki, and Itsuwa with Saint Destroyer vs Acqua
>Mugino vs Hamazura
>Accelerator vs Kakine
>Acqua throwing Touma to surf on a sword and punch Carissa

So much good shit I can't even choose.

it's fucking Index, this is better than Code Geass or Kino

I haven't looked at a raildex thread in quite a few months, was there a season 3 confirmation?

No confirmation, but the author's editor made the usual tease of S3 seem less likely as he said "wait a little longer"

Yeah, but Miki informally blurted it out in the springfes. Dengeki officially posted about it saying to wait for the formal announcement soon.


You made it sound like it was lowkey. When miki announced it, jap twitter and 2ch went wild. It wasn't that usual apologetic miki who said that. Also this time, Dengeki took his word and made it a headline, unlike before where Dengeki never even mentioned it.

Here's the dengeki stage report that mentioned it (check the headline)


It's been confirmed as an eventuality user and they're not going to animate just one volume

Basically production hell now and way pass the greenlight

Holy fuck I just came back after a few months and what is this? How the fuck did I miss this?

PV when?

This just made my day

>yfw they blow all the budget on Hamazura vs Mugino
>Accel vs Kakine is barely animated trash
Too easy, Level 5s.

>Index better than CG and Kino

Hamazura vs Mugino would actually not require all that much budget to animate. It would be one of the least flashy fights in S3 and the amount of movement is pretty minimal.

Nah all the budget will be blown on Brexit

>talking shit about Kino
Nigga I'll fight you.

Imagine if all of those had movie quality budget

>those headache inducing camera pans
>those extremely detailed backgrounds and character designs
>so much keyframes

What I really want on a movie budget is NT9, the sheer potential in animating all the many ways Touma goes out is enormous and they could really make the last clash feel like a fight with a god

They could always prepare a budget alloted for the best parts of a season

They'll blow the budget on Saiai's thicc thighs.


Luscious thighs

I'm ok with this

>be mikoto
>be cute

>be mikoto
>be cunt

my wife is so beautiful

Why is she literally a different character entirely in Index and Railgun? Index version is one of my favorite girls in the series, while Railgun one is hardly appealing.

I approve


Your wife has beautiful panties

>wear your panties over your leggings
Goddamn level 5s.

Mugino is a beauty!

Fuck that. Picture Hawaii. All shots of the characters are shot from weird-ass angles, and with differing quality.

Filmsy Langeries!

Why does Othinus have a similar voice with Birdway?

They are both cute and small.

But it was terrible. She could have killed him 1000 times but she didn't because plot. And then he just shot her.

>And then he just shot her
I can imagine what will happen in the threads

Finally, Someone with Common sense!

This is going to be nothing compared to second Touma vs Accel fight.

It's probably the most retarded fight in the franchise.

>Accelerator smashing Terra

He never did though.

Lvl5fags pls

I can't remember anything from Terras fight. A few things around it, like Misaka learning about his amnesia. Which hasn't been brought up anyway.

Go and read it again. It can't even be called a fight and it's going to transition horribly to anime. Probably as bad as Amata vs Accel if not worse.

>Quote from Woman Shot

Next you're going to say that the power of love is not enough to defeat a lvl5

Amata vs Accel wasn't bad

S3 never

Let's be honest here. S3 will be very hard to animate. It's the part where Index actually gets good and there is a lot of fighting that will require a lot of work and $ to do properly.

But even if they fuck up at least we'll get more porn. And maybe Lessar will finally get a doujin.

It was terrible and it was creating autistic threads for like two weeks.

But we had the best threads for weeks

>tfw they've been meticulously planning this for 7 years

Casual Othinus when?

I can't even remember, Birdway appears for the first time at the end of WW3 right? So she won't be in S3 right?

At least the lewdest loli will finally get something.

Why does everyone keep pretending there's a season 3

Not only in the end of WW3, in brexit too

It's already greenlit so we're bound to get it no matter what.

It's a matter of waiting for the announcement

>better than code geass or kino
thanks for good laugh, next you're gonna say it's more popular

All we have is a vague comment. And it could very well take years even if it's true.

It isn't vague and yes, it can take years even though it's greenlit especially if they have other priorities

Series being in very early stage of development literally means shit. It could take a decade or it could get cancelled somewhere along the way.

You wanna go back to "finding a way to make it possible" then?

Koshimizu has a lot of work cut out for her between this, R3, and the E7 Rebuilds.

Your way of typing is way too obvious

New accel chapter when?

Accel anime when?

After Index S3 and Railgun S3


I wanna see (((Estelle))) animated

Work cut out for her; it's not as if she hasn't done so before. I believe she was doing double duty whilst she was playing Kallen Stadtfeld.

Season 3 was announced?


Best maid?

I wanna fuck salome

The one voiced by Misato Fukuen as she has done a good job doing so.

Is season 3 out yet?

Because blame Nagai

Why are the Kamisato girls all so weird?

It isn't brought up again because Touma makes Mikoto promise not to bring it up again. Mikoto is a lot of things, but being disloyal is never one of them.

there are features in the Sup Forums toolset that allow you to blind yourself to things you find distasteful.

Because in a world where the girls have their own lives to live and an entire sidestory exists where the girls have their own little adventure separate from the main character, a bunch of girls whose lives revolve around nothing but appeasing their love's desires and manipulations despite his obvious contempt for the situation is out of place.

Do you wish for a new season?

>Index S3 by Nagai

What will happen?

I'd like to blow my budget all over her thighs

Damn. Looks like 2017 is the year I start watching anime again.

Good times ahead


>Index I (Fall 2008)
>Index II (Fall 2010)
>Index III (Fall 2017

Damn the gap was long

God I hope not because I don't want Saiai to be a emotional less character like in railgun I want the perverted happy Index one

>Fall 2017
Make it 2018 to be realistic.

This. Why did he ruin Saiai? I wonder how will this affect in her Index appearance?

I really fucking hope that they stay true to the novels and don't change the characters

Nagai also changed Mikoto's first person pronoun from "watashi" to "atashi" to make her sound girlier.

Nagai shouldn't be allowed to touch this franchise ever again.