Marry, fuck, befriend

Marry, fuck, befriend

Marry Sep for her glorious singing skills
Fuck Kashima for gfd happiness
Kill Sakura because she's an annoying cunt

Marry kashima, fuck seo, befriend sakura.

Correction, *Seo (ie. Lorelei)

Marry Chiyo
Fuck Seo
Befriend Kashima



Marry Seo, fuck Seo, you get Sakura as friend anyway with Seo, Kashima can decide herself.

The only way I can find the clip is by watching the whole episode and rewinding it over and over again.

it is ep 9 or 10, around where waka went to watch movie with Seosenpai and then Seosenpai monologue at the family restaurant

Lol I was referring to the scene in episode 4 I think. Where she's seen singing Caro Mio Ben after ditching Nozaki to carry notebooks

she was still annoying by then, before getting lovey dovey with Waka

Well, be that as it may, she's pretty entertaining, has loads of talent and is fun to hang around later in the series. I guess I'm just really attracted to girls that sing well and have good taste in music.

I bet she also master the art of blowing flute

Those girls are so disgusting.

Marry Kashima, fuck Seo, befriend Chiyo

That's not the only thing she can blow.
Pic unrelated

Anything other than ignoring

from left to right, in that order.
Maturish and playful wife
Tiny fuckable woman
Fun and adventurous delinquent friend

>Fuck Kashima for gfd happiness
It's a great shame but she doesn't really have the personality for it.

Agreed. She's one of the better candidates in the series though. (honestly Seo seems like she'd be a good gfd)

>Tiny fuckable woman
add squeamish and we are diamond

It's a cute show. I don't see the characters like that.

Fuck all 3.

>Sawashiro gfd
Too much, too good.

Marry them all, you can never have too many waifus

That's illegal, user

Marry Hori-senpai
Fuck Mikorin
Befriend Waka and Nozaki

Marry, fuck and befriend Kashima


S-stop that

Fuck Seo.
Can't decide what to do with the other two.

Befriend Seo, fuck Seo, marry Seo.


seriously will be more doujin about her?

Not a single pokemon-joke? You're slipping.

Marry Chiyo because she's earnest and will be a good wife
Fuck Seo because hearing that voice gets me diamonds every time
Kill Kashima because fuck, she ruins everything

what pokemon seosenpai is? Meoletta?

This is one of the easiest MFK's I've ever seen.

Mary Chiyo, Fuck Seo, Befriend Kashima

This is hard, they're all hot but Kashima ticks loads of my boxes and Seo has that delicious voice and would be hot in bed. I mean they're all hot but those two most of all, Chiyo would be the best wife but I can't help wanting Yuu.

In irder from left. Mary, fuck, befrend. But what anime is this from.

Why can't I marry all three?

>mangaka no asistants

Marry Kashima, befriend Chiyo and Seo.

standing sushi bar