Mars warmer than Winnipeg
>Mars and the North Pole are warmer than Winnipeg
>It’s colder in Winnipeg than it has ever been in Scotland (ever)
>Approximately 0.00003 per cent of Canada isn’t freezing right now
>A swath of Canada the size of Europe was under an extreme cold warning
But muh global warming meme!
I wish global warming was real

Other urls found in this thread:

>Canada’s warmest city is still colder than the record lows of more than 30 countries
>Saskatoon is colder than both the north and south poles
>Alberta’s warmest place was almost as cold as Mars
>Toronto is colder than CFS Alert, the world’s northernmost permanently inhabited place
>Vancouver is as cold as Moscow
If any of you retards believe in global warming please stay on Reddit

what if i told you i believe in both global cooling and global warming

I'd believe you're an idiot

What is the best weather map on the net

The window

Feels cold man

i like how polite that road sign is, here they just say NO JAKE BRAKES

>Just stick with the Climate Change meme leaf

It's working!

That's not how it works, a very cold day does not erase the warming trend of the past decades.

And I'm not an alarmist before you guys say anything. I think the Paris Accord is useless for the most part.

Yeah i was looking at getting an arctic rated snowsuits but the only ones they sell for this kind of weather are meant for climbing mount everst :(

Global warming is not a good name for it. Climate change is a more accurate name. We are defiantly seeing more extreme weather. Keep fighting those straw men.

>I wish global warming was real
Those words came to mind when I was trying to get my car out of the driveway the other day.
I can't believe those memes about ice caps melting and polar bears drowning actually made it into my school curriculum fifteen years ago. What a joke. Leftists won't even admit they were wrong about it, either.

> t. retard

What part of "colder than mars" don't you understand commie!?

New Ice age soon
No wait, Global Warming. Its going to be Waterworld soon as the icecaps flood the World

Oh shit none of our projections are working and funding is slowing, lets just call it Climate change, that way no matter what happens we can say we were right

>one outlier in a sea of data

no wonder conservatives tend to be wal-mart greeters and janitors


works both ways.

>and instead of focusing on the actual sources of the problem, china and india, we'll demand western consumers pay double for 'green' versions of daily products

In scotland right now its freezing as fuck.

Global warming is about extreme weather conditions this exactly about it extreme winter and extreme summer the global mean temp has been incerasing

>global warming advocates and climatologists have always said that the poles will suffer the most extreme temperature warming than areas closer to the equator
>they have argued that when this happens, there will be an inversion of climate and temperature patterns meaning radical weather changes in the northern hemisphere versus a much warmer north pole because of the fucked up jet stream
>this literally happens
>brainlets on Sup Forums see this and thinks pointing it out means it's not happening

Tho I suppose it makes sense that you dipshits wouldn't have known about this because you've been too busy being knee-jerk contrarians about everything anyone who even sneezes left of centre would touch

>We believe in scientific FACT
>Gohoyyyy let's not give these climatologists the benefit of the doubt though

Yea it's like -35 in Montreal with the windchill but hey maybe this will send all the shit skins back to niggerland.

That is definitely the best app for local weather - I've been using it for years.

Was this Trudeaus plan all along? Invite the refugees in and then freezing them?

That is pretty cold. Stay warm and comfy inside if you can, Can-user.

the actual north is in camada anyway who cares lmao

>Sup Forums did not even bother to read what the basics of climate change is
It includes unusually cold winters.
Temperature worldwide has been going up, thus, global warming. Ocean levels are rising. So are levels of carbon monoxide in atmosphere. Its factual.
Sup Forums is just like a child that hates his mommy so he doesn't listen to her.
It hates liberals, so disagrees with them on every little thing, even if they are right.

Holy shit it's almost like being the most northerly country in the northern hemisphere makes winters cold. Wow I'm just amazed

>changing their (((predictions))) every 5 years and morons just forget about NYC and the east coast underwater by 2010 or the world will be an ice ball in 1985 predicted in the sixties& 70s etcetera

But is it man made?

Its 2°C here in vancouver.
Seems pretty standard to me

The poles shift, if you look at the data it is very evident the poles are shifting and the North Pole slowly moving in Canada.
Pic related

Making up shit and grasping at anecdotes from your alarmist aunt and dumbfuck celebrities is not an argument

Lol I live in the part of Canada where it's 2 degrees and raining. Stay mad if you're not living in Vancouver or Victoria

Fixed your stupid fake "Global Warming". Now you bitch because it's too cold.

Fuck off. -30º is nothing. Just wear a coat.

>tfw we are more likely to freeze to death than roast to death
>tfw people still support ending global warming

I am doing my part to help global warming.

Some faggot pulled the fire alarm boxing day morning at 5am in my apartment. had to stand outside in -24c, which, may not be insanely cold for some, broke a 134 year old record for the weather in my city.

How tho? Its based on axis tilt isnt it?

I hate when that shit happens and it always takes them forever to turn it off

>it is hes just retarded

>wear a coat
And you call yourself a Canadian. That's t-shirt weather. You're not allowed to put on a coat until your eyeballs have frozen solid.

>tfw mildly sniffled under comfy blankets with a warm honey tea while it's colder than Mars outside

except Canada gets these cold snaps literally every winter, so where's the change?

So this means the polar bears are saved, right? WHOOPIE!!!

this isn't unusual for Canada you fucking dunce, there are cold snaps every winter like clockwork

for those who still buy into the climate scam, watch this:

It hit -32 the other night in Winnipeg. Easy shitskin repellant!