Dumpster fire and chief

Really though? Almost a third of the year?

He's really putting our tax dollars to work for us.

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>alphas are lazy
>alphas are slow
>alphas are worthless
>alphas must go

T_D Sup Forumsdditors will defend this.
Just like they defend literally every single other thing Trump has fucked up.
Disappointment of the decade, and yet these 2000-born babbys can't give up on it, or else all that mental energy they invested in being insufferable political memelords in 2015-2016 would go to waste.


Funny how he already got more done than Obama

Is there a list of how many of these days are spent with other leaders or politicians, like him and Abe going golfing? Working vacation days are fine by me in that sense. Same goes for any president really.


Ceos do it. It's a business way to get to know your partner or rival.

>Heres a video of Trump today talking to fire fighters.

>Why is Trump on vacation so often like today.

You literally just said he was meeting with firefighters.


lol meeting with firefighters? It's a fucking photo op that lasted 5 minutes and then he played a round of golf.

Don't bother. Dotards think that Trump's vacations are work.

They imagine him wining and dining world leaders and executives, and striking new deals between every hole of golf. In reality he's just raking in cash as he gives patronage to his own properties and fucks around on taxpayer money while other people do his work for him. They can't possibly imagine him being a fat old man.

Slow down there Schlomo. There's enough gas for everyone, you dont have to prove how much you deserve it

>Dumpster fire and chief
it's IN* you fucking moron

>TIL travel time means (((Vacation)))
>You guys are really pissed he debugged the Oval, huh?


>"vacations" during the first year

this. If Trump isn't putting in the effort, the left had better hope it stays that way.

You do remember that he's a billionaire, right? He has his own money to waste.

fake news

>spends 1/3 of the year "traveling"
>still gets more done than anybody else
oh no
how will we ever recover

Raking in the cash? That's why he dropped 92 spots when in a wealth ranking?

That would be "dumpster fir IN chief" you ignorant hillbilly.

>how will we ever recover
>Germanistanese flag
It doesn't affect you.

>spending 1/3 of your TIME ON THE JOB doing fucking nothing but playing ball
What a tool
What did he do an entire year? He kept no promises.


Many presidents have had a "Winter White House" and/or a "Summer White House" -- a property they often own themselves where they spend time and do work during certain seasons.

For Trump, the Winter White House is Mar-a-Lago and the Summer White House is the Trump National Golf Club. Because one is a resort and one is a golf club, liberals count every day he spends there as vacation/golf days even though he's there doing work.

It's dishonest.

he will get it back from the assets seized from all the high-level pedo's going to Gitmo. MAGA losers!

This. Is it vacations or "vacations"?

Nigga still got more done in one year than Obozo did in 8.

tone it down gypsy it doesn't affect you either.

Well, it'd be more accurate to say he's recouping his losses from spending millions during that campaign as well as being hit by the fall in value in the luxury real-estate market.

You can't possibly believe somebody went through the trouble to run for and become President to make a pile of money. Somebody who already has a pile of money, at that.

not everybody is a poor fucking gypsie who can't afford to travel abroad

Good point
We should lower taxes



He is working for free, he has had more GDP growth in one year then Obama had in 4. if my country jumped to 3-4% GDP growth in a fucking quarter I'd be happy to let my Prime Minister go on vacation. Seriously fucking Americans these days are fucking dense.

>be libcuck
>lose mind when drumpf wins election
>scared he might do something to mess up the country
>get mad when he does nothing

Those weren’t vacations. He was avoiding the Obama wire taps and bugs left in the White House.

I'm sure they are not counting the time the Oval ofice was under construction and unusable right? Right?

Shut up faggot!

No more pine trees coming that way you lbgt liberal leaf scum! I hope your family gets ravaged by wild niggers.

>implying tax dollars work
>implying the president isn't a worthless figurehead with no control over policy whatsoever and any "work" done is simply subjective nonesense

What does 'travel time' and 'vacations' entail?

נייס בייט

>chooses to conduct business on his private estate to avoid the leakers in the White House
how many days has he actually spent golfing

burn in hell kike

This, seems suspicious that all of the republicans have twice as much vacation time


And yet he's still doing more than king nigger

T. Retard who believes everything he's been told by the leftwing media and leftwing education system