Name a single show where the twintails girl isn't best giirl

Name a single show where the twintails girl isn't best giirl.

It's ok i'll wait.

Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu counts I think.

My post already discredits your blatently wrong opinion. so i ain't even gonna give you a (you)

Here you go. These two aren't the best.

Wrong as Uni is literally best girl.

Pic related was best in her series because twintails is dead.

Nymph is not the best.

Lest we forget

There are anime without twintailed girls.

But she is though
Fuck you for bringing that up, this thread wasn't supposed to make me sad. And if anything, death only immortalised her in the number 1 spot.


>Not Hiyori


checkmate atheists

>thigh indents
My pants are about to burst

Also that should be her canon bust size

Ore twintails for one, ponytail is best.

Aika is not completely flat here. I hate it.

It's heresy.




Nepgear exists.

More yuri incoming.

It's actually not just about the twintails, it's about who has the flattest chest too.



Nepgear? As in the most boring protagonist in the series? Sure, amigo.


>Origami as a Nepgear clone

Rin Tohsaka.

Shitty mary sue

worst girl

