Is Sword Art Online the anime anti-Christ?

Is Sword Art Online the anime anti-Christ?

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I can see where you're coming from.

It's the ultimate proof that for normalfags the mere idea of something is more important than the execution. Same goes for Harry Potter.

No it's where A-1 started going downhill

No. As shitty and overrated as it is, there's plenty worse out there.

you didn't get the memo apparently..
ordinal scale redeemed the franchise and it's now highly rated on Sup Forums
so you can stop pretending to hate it because the hive has changed its mind

>ordinal scale redeemed the franchise
It was absolutely terrible save for the animation. No character development whatsoever, cheap mystery plot, cringe-inducing dialogue. How anyone who's not a die-hard fan can enjoy this garbage is beyond me.

>Implying we enjoy it
The Rekiverse is a massive web from which there is no escape.

It REALLY makes me want to play Monster Hunter, but I can't find my goddamn 3ds.

it's always the last place you look, so you should start there

no, it's the anime big mac.

>not playing Monster Hunter on the Vita...
Son, I am disappoint.

you cheeky cunt


Did Digibro kill Sword Art Online?

What does that even mean?

I will never understand how anyone could ever find such utter garbage entertaining.

There are far worse things out there. It butchered a good plot but it wasn't really good or bad since they stayed generic. I know Kirito gets a lot of hate but being generic isn't good or bad. Once you watch animes with MCs that try to be unique but fail you will see what it means to want to kill yourself every time they speak.

No, it was already dead to begin with.
He just made hating it the trendy new thing.

I see it as more of the Medea of anime.

Kawahara seems to be at his strongest when writing drama between two characters. Even his interactions between weak characters are fairly entertaining. Instead of focusing hard on that, however, he keeps doing half-baked action/adventure stuff.

Similarly, Tyler Perry is a fucking great drama writer, but instead we keep getting Medea's shitty wacky adventures. Why?

Because it makes money.

Hating SAO is like hating Nickelback. There's lots of reasons to do so, but people mostly do it to fit in.
Fuck off.


too good of an analogy

>Is Sword Art Online the anime anti-Christ?
Sao is just some hot 15 year old's power fantasy. Well, I also used to like similar garbage 10 years ago, so I can understand it.
>all these teens naming themselves as Kirito in online games

what are SAO OC's like? After all an alleged Anti-Christ isn't nearly as important as its followers.

Nothing wrong with fitting in.

SAO is too hate-circle jerked to even create ironic ones. If someone did that they would be stormed upon for liking filth ironic or otherwise



I donated to Digibro's Patreon because he's pretty much the only analytical anime youtuber who's even half-decent.

w-what happened to him


Digibro embraced his identity as a weirdo anime guy, instead of trying to pander for normal fag views by keeping up appearances. Gotta say I respect him for that heh

This. He doesn't worry about having to look employable since his job's making anime reviews, so he's growing wild.

To be fair Harry Potter has a bit more going on for it than Little Mr. Perfect and his bitches.

There are always waifufags and self inserters




>Hating self-insertion
>when most of Sup Forums likes indulgent crap

What makes SAO worse than most of it?

stopped reading right here

It's popular with normies.

Even the normalfags shit on it.

Hell even the apologists who like the show see it as a 6/10 at best

the nickelback style hate culture that surrounds it

>What makes SAO worse than most of it?
It was never better, but the fact that it's reached Narutard/AoT-levels of popularity is annoying to the extreme. It's utter bullcrap that anyone considers this good.

What would you do to a little Silica?

>ordinal scale redeemed the franchise and it's now highly rated on Sup Forums

But Progressive manga is alright

I'd argue it has less going for it.
>Little Mr. Perfect
What, you mean like the boy wizard who can't even break up with a chick without it being entirely based on her crazy, Asian ass having a meltdown? Potter's a complete fucking cardboard cutout.
At least Kirito has something resembling character traits. Edge lord, videogame-loving siscon.

Ordinal Scale went back to Aincrad flavored mediocre. As long as you're inoffensively mediocre people will like/tolerate you. Just ask Danmachi and Accel World

So basically if SAO died a flop and was sealed in a box never to be spoken of again the worst that'll happen is an autism video made by Digibro and DXfan

Not really, but he, draconismarch and other e-celebs (i hope this thread gets purged) started the trend of rightfully shitting on a show in great detail.

S1: Summary
Started of half decent with nice visuals
Time skip
By episode 2 Kirito had become an unironic edgelord by dividing the entire community and the show treated it like he was doing something good
Time skip
Transitioning to "These minor characters who were obviously going to die died OH NOOOO"
Time skip
The harem expands
Kirito is overpowered to the point of hillarity
Time skip
Asuna becomes likable
Detective plot that does nothing
Time skip
More harem even though it's obvious Kirito and Asuna are going to get together
Guy who just so happened to not like Kirito turns out to be evil
I love you so much
No I love you more
I love you so much I would rather die
I love you even more
Random daughter subplot
Kirito hacks into the game in like 7 seconds because he's so great
Asuna becomes unlikable
Time skip to the end of the plot
The fucking creator of the game had to cheat to beat Kirito because he's so great
Kirito breaks the game out of sheer will because he's so great

If SAO died a flop and was sealed in a box never to be spoken of again Sup Forums would like it.

Kirito goes into a coma because of the evil NSA.

The surviving Law guys try to train up a peasant army in preparation for the Chaos invasion (Chaos are led by the literal God of Darkness who is also an evil NSA agent who eats souls like rape).

They get rekt, but Kirito's harem save them with GM accounts and deebeezeee powerlevels.

NSA connect UW to the internet and get 50,000 American players to connect (it was advertized to them as a beta test for a new AO-rated VRMMO where you're allowed to slaughter anything and everything you like, with blood and guts), they mass murder UW residents and think it's hilarious.

To defeat them the main characters get 2,000 Japanese VRMMO players to connect. Despite the difference in numbers the Japanese are superior and win because Asian gamer damashii.

Then PoH (who is also an evil NSA agent) unleashes a zerg rush of Korean and Chinese gamers who were recruited by being told this is the a Korean VRMMO that's in beta test but evil Japanese hackers broke into the server, turned off pain dampening and are torturing their countrymen.

Even when some Japs who speak Korean try to explain the situation to them they don't listen because hurr japanese

The other NSA guys are surprised this works, they thought it wouldn't be worth it because they didn't think Japan is more different from Korea/China than European countries are from each other (hur)

Koreans and Chinese overwhelm Japs because this is every Jap's worst nightmare.

Kirito wakes up (thanks to the literal POWER OF LOVE from his entire harem) and wipes them all out in one attack though.

(Also PoH's motivation is that he's Korean and he hates Japanese so when he got stuck in SAO he decided to set up Laughing Coffin and have them and the clearers kill each other for shits and giggles because Nips killing each other is hilarious.)

Kirito and Asuna become gods because of x10000000 acceleration.

The AIs explore VR space with rocket dragons.

Alcoholism and depression induced by constant consumption of anime and anime-related YT content.

Be honest, how many of you would go gay for him?

Only if it gets an Asterisk-esque autism video; otherwise it just ceases to exist as hard as Hundred

Would things have been different if MC had cheat engine'd his way into the status of mary sue?

Dubs of truth. Harry Potter is FAR worse than Sword Art Online!

Kayaba wasn't going to kill his new protege, the entire reason he did the whole death game deal was to find his replacement after he scanned his brain/killed himself for the medicuboid and STL machines.
Also another important thing to take note of is that nearly the entirety of Aincrad is a bunch of disconnected short stories. They are not chronological in the LN, and bouncing around side stories in the anime wouldn't work. Also bear in mind that SAO 1, going from after Kirito's Dool Welding gets revealed to the end of aincrad, is the first thing Reki ever wrote.
In fact, the first time you see SAO without some sort of time skip is in volumes 3 and 4, Fairy Dance, which were utterly devastated by the anime.

Say hello to the last good thing to ever come out this godforsaken series
It's a shame the universe killed her off because she was better than Jesus-kun


Lost Song was fun.

I'm hoping this is bait.

Silicute or Silicringe?


Has anyone here read the SAO progressive novels and can report on their quality?

Never watched it
Can anyone summarize it and why it's bad

Yes what?

They're great. Still a bit high on the "Kirito solves everyone's problems", but I liked the original novels too, so I might be biased.

No. SAO's lack of quality is grossly exaggerated, since it actually got SOME things right.

Things like Umaru and Lucky Star are the industry's real low-points. Boring shows about nothing that promote hikki culture.

They're legitimately good. There's actual plot and character development and stuff. It will literally never be finished but it's definitely worth reading.

On what floor are they in the latest volume?

Er, LN copypaste anime is definitely close to the low point. Moeblob idol shit like KON is the trench of the industry.

Digi has always been a pretentious POS even back during his days of reviewing MLP.

Newest one is Volume 4 and it starts on floor 5. I haven't read it, so I don't know how much progress is made.

>hating on moe
>I only watch mature anime for mature person like me

How is someone who constantly jerks off to K-ON pretentious?

Thanks, i will check it out after finishing konosuba LNs.

There's a difference between people who can find entertainment in cute things and people who use cute things as escapism.

Digi has literally the worst taste ever. He watches an introductory episode and says at the end of it, "Yeah, not gonna watch anymore of it, not moe/pretentious enough for me"

His taste is it's got to be 'cutesy moe shit' or vicarious wish fulfillment romance' or 'pretentious artsy bullcrap'

only good part of the movie

He just advocates the 1 episode rule over the 3 episode rule. Shows with bad first episodes almost never get good when you think about it, so the 3 episode rule is just a waste of time.


I`ve never seen Tyler Perry or act in a dramatic role I don`t think, are you memeing?

Not even aids?


It takes roughly 90 minutes to watch three episodes of an anime.

That's not very long in the grand scheme of things.

except K-on is great

Nothing wrong with any of that.

Goddamn, Alicization is hot garbage.
>There's finally a notable male character instead of a new girl in the harem
>He's killed off halfway through the arc.


How is that relavant to the quality of a show?

Volume 4 finishes floor 5.

what would one do to make silica go ah!?

I don't know, that's why I'm asking.

>Digi has literally the worst taste ever
>literally the worst taste ever
You couldn't broadcast that you are a retarded normalfag any harder than this mate. Fuck off

t. Digibro

>watched fucking my little pony and reviewed it

His opinion is not worth jackshit.

t. normalfag scum who calls any anime out of the mainstream "pretentious", calls any show with cute girls "moeshit", calls criticism of shit shows "ego stroking", and labels anyone who doesn't look like a McDonald's worker a "loser weeb slob"

Even if I am Digibro it doesn't make my arguments any less wrong mate. A person can be biased and still be right.

calm down autist

>not embracing autism
>in the year 2017

No, I'm serious.

The dramatic works that he produces and directs are genuinely good. They're not god-tier fictional drama or anything, but it's competent and compelling.

>get to season 2
>Kirito is introducing his sister to his comatose wife
>"she's so fast that even I can't keep up with her"

False modesty is the fucking worst.