For my money, it's the most underrated anime. Especially NEETs will feel at home with emotional rollercoaster Kaiji provides.
What's Sup Forums opinion about Kaiji?
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Pachinko arc was a mistake.
>hoh boy it's getting to the end and it's only ep18 out of 26 i'm sure there'll be another exciting arc waiting after this!
>last 10ep or so is about pressing a button and pouring in money
I was a little let down too. I wish there would've been another gamble, but boy, the pachinko was still intense as fuck.
The torrents I found were too low res to bother watching it. Also the mc seems insane enough to be put into a mental institution, who the fuck steals car emblems?
Am I missing something? I thought it was pretty popular.
The show is pretty great, though. Probably one of my favorites.
season 1 is really good, but season 2 sucks
never bothered to read the manga
Some episodes were extremely boring to watch and the constant crying was a bit much but other than that I enjoyed it.
Lurk more. It's not underrated here at all
Well you'll still get fags who bag the art and drop preemptively.
The tone in season 2 really went to shit. It became too silly with all the zawas and kuyashiis. Akagi was much better.
If it's so popular, where is season 3 then?
Maybe not here, obviously.
That's what pisses me off the most. The art style is neat. Does every pisshead expect anime to look as generic as possible?
The tone was pretty much the same, actually even more intense thanks to the intro song "Chase the Light", and the zawas and what not became more frequently, sure, but they also loosened up the tense atmosphere and made more bearable to endure.
>season 3 then?
Never, because the soundtrack guy got life in prison for weed possession.
Does Japan have a shortage of composers or something?
Why not just hire another composer?
Because he's irreplaceable
It's consensually regarded as very good and pretty well known. Not having many threads is the norm for old shows.
I still remember the S2 announcement thread. We were so happy.
Everyone in the Kaiji universe is insane to some degree.
I'm still confused about the interest rate in the first restricted SPS game.
He took 10mil and there's 40% interest every 10 minute, isn't it? Shouldn't the final debt be fucking skyhigh then?
I found disbelief in the fact in modern japan there's a despair cave, but at least Kaji let all his bros out was worth the 10 or so frieza pachinko episodes.
It was 1.5% every 10 minutes, which would add up to 40% after 4 hours.
I don't care abut Kaiji, I just want more Akagi with as many episodes as it fucking takes to finish the twenty year match.
Good first arcs,bad second arcs with horrid pacing
just started akagi the intro already hit the feels.
please tell me there's zawas
>uses their own tools to make the forest of needles wider
>tilts the fucking building to create a tilt in the pachinko machine to allow the balls to go in the correct hole
This is some top level cheating lad
He did nothing wrong and lived his life correctly. Honestly hard to say what is the Sup Forums opinion for one who wasn't around.
During the course of the anime? He shouldn't have signed the contract in the first ep and he shouldn't have tried to cross the brave men road.
Other than that, he did everything with his life because he can't get into something if it's not going to kill him. I still have hope for him though.
No, but you won't need them. The first half is superb. Washizu arc is the entire second half of the show and it doesn't end, as in the manga is still ongoing even now.
Kaiji is cute, CUTE!
Pachinko was great
Unanimously appreciated throughout s1. S2 kind of drawn out.
17 steps Mahjong is the best arc
Mahjong > E-Card > Chinchirorin = RPS > Bog > Brave man's road > Friendship game in part 4
How do you rate one poker so far?
Based. Kaiji was so introspective during Mahjong it was perfect.
Replace E-Card with Bog tho
I honestly couldn't get through this past the first few episodes because it just felt so depressing seeing grown men lose their minds and start crying aboard that ship.
Willing to give it another shot, though. Does it get any better?
S1 is one of Sup Forums s favorites.
S2 was split as there was no reason they needed so many episodes.
The manga is of course a delight, and I would say Kazuya is one of FKMT's best characters ever.
Even Rock Scissor Paper gets better once Kaiji figure it out how to save himself
I really liked the mindgames so far in one poker, but i'm gonna have to wait until the end of the arc before i rate it.
So far i'll put it on the level of Bog but it has the potential to be E-Card level.
I wouldn't say it can beat Mahjong though because Mother Sophie doesn't allow tampering (according to Kazuya at least) so it won't really let Kaiji go outside the box and win, he has to beat Kazuya through either sheer luck or mindgames.
They're all pretty good arcs but ratings are always subjective.
Bog was entertaining but it felt a bit dragged. E-card had a lot of mindgames and the resolution to it felt satisfying.
Not to say that Bog wasn't satisfying as well, but there was more of a "holy shit he won" feeling when he was up against Tonegawa.
But if you liked Bog more then that's fine as well.
in every game so far we have seen there's a cheat, even Kazuya cheated in the friendship game
I highly doubt that it will be a fair game
My favorite anime. It's such a good thriller. Everyone thinks season 2 was drawn out but the pachinko arc was probably my favorite arc just due to all the "balls to the walls" moments. Like tilting a fucking building
Dammit this got me wanting to rewatch it. Which subgroup is best? I think I remember watching Triad but I don't remember.
for both seasons
Better quality than Triad.
Thanks anons
There's quite literally no reason to do what he did at the end of arc 3. He's a gambling junkie.
Getting back at Hyodo and trying to execute Kazuya were good enough reasons, although being a gambler was part of the decision making process
Fucking atrocious pacing sometimes, but that was only a problem because of how drawn in I was. Found myself hitting right to seek ahead many times.
Who would seriously watch a show at that quality?
People who weren't born after 2000
That's the best arc ever you retarded fucklord, read the manga reeeeeee
How long did he actually get in prison? Seriously for life? I'm not finding anything on google.
So, what was the meaning of those "zawas"? Never understood them
FKMT is my favorite mangaka.
Kaiji is excellent, but I'm really waiting for a continuation of Zero.
I mean the literal meaning. I know for what they were used but I don't understand why they used "zawa zawa" instead of "x x".
So, what does "zawa" mean?
Now what will happened if Kaiji got thrown out to No Game No Life world?
S2 only got announced to promote the upcoming movie. there are small bits of part 3 animations from the panchiko machine on youtube though
ps the movie(s) were shit
the original meaning of the sound effect is like peoples chatter or smth like that, like a noise of people in a crowd, if i understood correctly- but fkmt uses it as a signifier for tention
It's not underrated literally everyone likes Kaiji you fucking retard
I can't believe so many people didn't like that episode of SD.
At least Sakazaki was excellent.
It kept me at the fucking edge of my seat as I was reading it.
I don't think subsequent parts of the manga are bad, but I also think they never just quite reached the same height as motherfucking Bog.
With all these Kaiji villains spin-offs, why the fuck did they give it to fucking Otsuki and not Ichijou
The anti-capitalist undertones make this a masterpiece
Stop trying to force this meme
Who /kazuya/ here
I hope he sticks after the one poker too,he is so misunderstood
Even if the writers intended to be anti, I sure as hell don't interpret it as such. Kaiji layed down the cold harsh truth, and it was a good reminder about how much shit we have to take in order to live a settled live in the predetermined system. Me likey.
I always imagined Kaiji just walking up to the construction workers like
Hey lads how many tons would it take to tilt that over there building?
I loved Ichijou. He had better come back somehow.
it's a meme anime taylor made for reddit
I hope he's doing okay
only good people would think that it's anticapitalist, and in doing so, they can't win.
I'm lowkey hoping after Akagi ends that he'll pick up Zero again, but like in a monthly magazine or so? I really wanna see it continue too.
the research this chart is based on is based on the distance at which every sample saw a difference
i.e., 2.4m from a 20" screen is where the diabetic 80-year-old with his glasses off could still notice an improvement
No, those are different sound effects. The "go go go" stuff in Jojo is supposed to be evil. The zawa zawa stuff is meant to portray stress through nervousness.
ah you beat me to it
poor morita, with all hes been through...
Yep. ゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴ is like rumbling dramatic soundtrack, ざわざわ is like... the sound of a surprised audience.
>taylor made
Is this the worst arc? It wasn't skill, it wasn't luck, it was just pure bullshit.
Good old fashion entertainment for rich people you mean
Ahh, the torture methods are so creative in Kaiji. This one is my second worst nightmare.
I remember watching it for the first time. I was floored and hooked. Certainly much better than most of the trash clogging the networks today.
Kaiji is the foolish king
Post the best moments in the show
sit down fucker, you're rolling again
Eh okay, one, because I gotta go sleep now. The first time watching the new intro of season 2:
The song and the scenes complement perfectly. I catches the emotional rollercoaster Kaiji has been through and still has to endure in this season, highlighting the cunning antagonists paired with the crippling desperation to secure his existence. Even though I don't a single word from "Chase the Light", it always gives me shivers because I'm currently in the same (even worse) emotionally crippling situation like our beloved hero.
Fuck off blogfag.
*Sigh*, that's what to expect here when your write more than two lines.
Just imagine any of pic related in NGNL world
Seriously, go away.