Tales of Zestiria the X


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>Ufo put Dezel on their twitter profile
He's gonna die isn't he?

W-whet if they are gonna pull a Fuuka truck over us?

There might be hope for Dezel!

Is the bilibili stream working for anyone?

Apparently he stopped streaming it two weeks ago.
The tvtokyo link is dead too, I guess have to wait for downloads now.

Here for Mary Sue queen Alisha

Well shit.

It's up

Not for me, it just loads forever.


Try to deactivate your adblocker.

More Berseria.



Which each and every new episode it becomes more and more perplexing as to the purpose of the knights, other than to lick Alisha's ass.


sup velvet

Oh shit, velvet is awake

Blood moon.

Why do birds fly?


>Sorey has wet dream about Velvet

What did he mean by this

What about Innominat? They effectively retconned Berseria didn't they?

That scene was just like the one in Berseria.

That Apple Dragon's rampant Velvetlust is infectious

She didn't wake up, it was a dream/vision.


And was the point of it?


I don't speak ching chong so I don't know. But it won't surprise me if she asked "Why do birds fly?"

she will awake in the next episode ?

So are they finally taking care of Eizen?

More velvet is always good, faggot.



Dezel keeps getting deathflags.

At this point in time I wouldn't be surprised if it was just another pointless reference.

I believe that the next episode will be the last one.


Nigga's even more kawaii than Meebo


Please no that looks awful



Wow, his death is more pointless here than it was in the game, that's an actual achievement.


What was the point of this? Worse than the game. And Rose still did her animal noises.

>Zaveid escaped and now Rose has to wear the awful hat.


But user you don't understand, ALISHA!!!

I meant Dezel's death in particular.

>2 irrelevant character dead in zestiria and ibo
>Velvet appear
Today is a good day

Good christ UFORTab;e's Velvet design always makes me salivate.

So fucking gorgeous

The way they handled Lunarre was even worse. Poor guy, he's useless in both the game and the anime. Why is he even a character?

In moments like this is when I appreciate IBO. I watch Zestiria and I think, well, at least it's not IBO.



same place

The Ice village in Northgand, right?

And? That was my point. The problem is that the anime wasted time with connecting Rose and Alisha story and erasing Dezel's story with her, this was a consequence of not having Sorey interact with the Scattered Bones, since if he did interact with them, then Dezel's character would have been established from season 1, and the question made about his connection to the assassination group. However, because this was removed in favor of connecting Rose with Alisha, this resulted in Dezel not having a story at all.

>2 irrelevant characters
>Alisha and her knights still alive
Nothing was accomplished here.

I watch IBO for the comedy, not even gintama makes me laugh that hard

At least in the game he called Rose out on her bullshit before dying.

Shouldn't Sorey's gramps be dying by now? Didn't that happened near the end when they were about to fight Heldalf? Why did they even make Sorey the mc?

It's the only way to enjoy it.


Because Sorey is still way more popular than Alisha and they needed to trick normalfags and secondaries into watching the anime or or suffer the fate of every other Yuri anime in existence. Unfortunately for them their ruse failed.


That's the White Day (men's Valentine's Day) celebration you fucking gaijin.


>No one told me about Grimoir in this episode
Best Normin.


Not again. Good to see you again too Velvet



Lunnare death in the anime had more sense than Dezel, THATS FUCKING SAYING A LOT


How the fuck did Dezel turn the evil loli back from being a dragon.


Grampa won't die
They are literally on the other side of the world now

Siegfried used properly

Oh shit. The only Normin that's not obnoxious as shit.

More like they've erased Sorey's past now.

That plot got scrapped, and now Sorey and the party are invading Mount Killarous, which is not only earthpulse point, but also entrance toward Heavenly Steppes - the Seraphim realm, and also hinted where Innaminot and Velvet Crowe sleep, sealed from this world.

They used Scarlet night setting, place where Innaminot is sealed, and Heldalf has 3 pure human sacrifices at hand, just like Artorius, when Inno got awakened.
This is so hilarious, that if Ufotable will pull this shit, I'll never touch their adaptations ever again.

I want to be used as Magilou's boredom relief.

>local upstart Lord of Calamity wakes up the Lord of Calamity
>she punches him so hard he explodes into orbit
>"coo coo."
>goes back to sleep

Is Velvet is best girl in Zestiria?

In other words they're using the locations but effectively forgoing all reasoning as to why they're important, resulting in superficial references.


Isn't next week the finale?


Thank God, he suffered enough. About time someone else took the burden

>No Zaveid

They didn't let him into the restaurant without a shirt.

I guess that makes sense

>tfw I have to wear the hat now.jpg

Because they need Sorey and Mikleo to advertise the anime because Nips refuse to buy anything with Alisha's face on it. And Ludger is a popular character.

In game Heldalf took as his base Empyrean Throne, which is Earthpulse point as well.

In Berseria the party used Mt.Killaraus, because Artorius was using the Empyrean Throne.

Now anime goes with Berseria, what is retarded, because this place isn't supposed to be full of Malevolence.
>But there's a bait
Heavenly Steppes (aka EX-Dungeon in Berseria) was full of malevolence and dragons.
And it also was a way toward the Heavenly Realm of ancient Seraphims.
If that's the source of Malevolence, we may be introduced to 3'rd game just like some people predicted.

cant say i blame them, alisha is shit

It's a White Day thing. Girls send the cafe chocolates, they talley the chocolates and the top 5 get special illustrations to thank the girls for their enthusiasm.

This years winners were Tohsaka Tokiomi, Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald tied with Gilgamesh, Sorey, and Mikleo tied with Ludger. That's why they have illustrations.

But then there's the problem of the characters knowing jack shit about the heavenly realm. Also in Berseria there o outright tell you that Malevolence is natural to their world the only thing that isn't are the negatives effects it has to the denizens of the world and the environment, there is a way to solve it, which the game implies is Sorey and Mikleo achieving their dream, not attacking the heavenly seraphim.

Hoverhanding Rose's tits.

Zui Fuu

And people in these threads have said they wish they adapted berseria. They would totally bastardize it even though it's source didn't need fixing.

The village , the red moon , the inn , the scene

that was totally like Berseria , I finished berseria just 2 days ago so this ep made me so happy

I wonder what was the point of sorey meeting velvet tho , maybe just fan service

No one care grimoire is here lol

Also R.I.P Dezel i hopped they would keep him alive but nope , he's just like lance