ITT good tsundere
ITT good tsundere
Sequels never.
>confess in the first third
>nothing happens
>seconds season never
Why do they keep doing this?
Posting the greatest tsundere of all time, who also had some of the greatest OPs of all time.
Dropped the show at the second episode because of how obnoxious she was
pick one
The best.
Houki from IS
Is it fucking opposite day?
Only good tsundere is a dead tsundere
The pinnacle of Tsundere right here.
But only in the VN
>includes Sana, Kirino and Misaka among good tsunderes
Serizawa Fumino is the worst tsundere ever made. She made her show shit.
Is there an evil tsundere?
Incest moutos deserves die
Hater Faggot, Rin never showed be a Generic Cunt Tsundere
True. And this thread is about good tsunderes.
My Dude
Hypocrite Ignorant
Learn the difference
Houki is Perfect and Kirino is a Tsunshit who deserves die
Enjoy disabled kids
Congatulations, you fell for the meme.
What meme? Some people here on Sup Forums unironically wants to insert themselves as the guy and incest the fuck out of her with the intention of breeding
she won rigt???? LNfags, spoilers pls
The meme of incest causing health problems in children due to incest in itself.
Hell yeah.
The truth is that a single generation of incest is not what causes birth defects. It's that it becomes a slippery slope and could become a family tradition that leads to problems, such as defects.
>implying not maintaining superior bloodline
Azusa Azuki a shit
Emi a worst though
Disgusting and Miserable Incest Fag
Why people try so hard to hate her? She's like the kindest person ever, she will be the best mother.
Still salty after all this time. I hove Oreimo dispite never watching or reading it simply because of how it still makes people butthurt over the little sister winning even after all this time they can't stop themselves from getting angry and posting pics.
They shipped someone else in a series called 'My little sister can't be this cute' and actually thought the little sister wasn't going to win so when Kirino won they achived a new level of anal devestation after which they spent the next 6 months spamming gif's like this guy to make themselves feel better all the while being trolled by people starting Oreimo threads with a Kirino pic and they still fall for it even now.
Nothing more easy to troll on Sup Forums than these assclowns.
Red Chaika
What sort of shitstorm would there be if there was an official incest baby?
My melanistic cohort.
This one except I don't know who she is.
OP asked for good tsunderes.
>except I don't know who she is.
Of course you wouldn't know, tumblrshit.
Got that one from /vg/ actually.
Do you think Yabuki will continue this now that he's done with TLR?
Dead Series:The thread
99.9% tsun + 0.1% dere (bro) is best combination
no, the original illustrator of the LN, doesn't let anyone use the character designs anymore.
That's why the manga stopped in the first place.
Good taste m8.
I like Emi.
I like Emi too
and you, user!