Redpill me on bitcoin Sup Forums

Redpill me on bitcoin Sup Forums

Is it worth it or should I hold my capital in a jewish bank?

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Bitcoin is unusable garbage since Blockstream destroyed it.
There are usable cryptocurrencies that may hold their value.
Even better, there are altcoins that are part of real businesses.
Those will have value as long as the businesses are successful.

>Bitcoin is unusable garbage since Blockstream destroyed it
can you explain this? i've never heard of this company before

Go back to biz and shill it there.

Blockstream is the Bilderberg-controlled company that took over development of Bitcoin.
Some rebels created a fork called Bitcoin Cash that is like the old Bitcoin. It may be a good buying opportunity since it's relatively cheap right now... but it may not. Adoption is quickly growing, but people might choose to adopt some other cryptocurrency instead, so I can't guarantee it as a good investment.
If you want more info about Bitcoin Cash, visit its reddit.

Bitcoin sucks as a currency. It's slow and not fungible. Monero on the other hand...

First of all the market is going sideways. When it settles buy 3 LTC, hold 1, and then trade the other 2 for shit coin trading on binance or bittrex to get your feet wet. Good luck. Learn how to secure then off an exchange. Don't go all in, start with $500.

Bitcoin is fun. It's basically a bunch of greedy douchebags jerking eachother off because since there is no basis for the value of Bitcoin beyond scarcity and human greed, it effectively has infinite value so long as people recognize the value.

It's monkeys jerking off in a circle. Genuinely. Because the scarcity doesn't warrant the current valuation. Only the greed and continued piping of money into it by people trying to play a game gives it that value. It's perched on an ever-enlargening bubble because people that know better are totally willing to gamble on it. And they'll continue to gamble on it.

Pure human greed shouldn't be the basis of something having value, but here we are. It's the one thing that makes Bitcoin worth anything, it's not in short supply, and people keep acting on it.

Visa shits on bitcoin in every conceivable way. Hell you can even buy disposable visa cards with cash

Blockchain tech is actually legit but far from fully developed yet.

Fully expect Goldman Sachs/Amazon/google and the rest of Wall Street and mainstream tech to take it over and use it to continue to control more assets.

For every 2 GNT you buy 1 SNM
Lock it away for 4~5 years
Don't forget to pay your taxes on it

You can thank me later !!

>said the guy who knows nothing about bitcoin
just because some cabal of fools chant to you that bcash is satoshis original image doesn't make it true, it just shows that you are susceptible to the most basic of advertising and will suck up to any figure of authority in a decentralised environment you fuck. Bcash was created to exploit the mining system to create billions out of thin air and weaken the ecosystem just for monetary gain, but its shown to be a complete failure with nothing to show for itself but the lies it was built on. Oh and don't say its fucking cheap, cheap compared to what, ripple is a fucking dollar is that cheap you piece of shit. Go buy your bcash and fund the chinese in their mining farms cuck

I'm a programmer and the arguments against Bitcoin Cash make no sense. The arguments for it make perfect sense.

>Is it worth it or should I hold my capital in a jewish bank?
You need to keep it in the bank unless you're buying bancor.

Thanks for all the info guys!

(((bernard lietaer)))

Are you describing bitcoin or fiat debt based money that's printed at will? If you seriously think the Dollar or Euro has any inherent value you must urgently stop smoking crack.

You can also withdraw bitcoin with a visa card directly into your on nothing but debt based fiat money that's printed at will.

the value in fiat is that the empire can invade other empires while some chinks in their basement cannot

Bitcoin (not bitcoin cash, or any of the other centralized scam coins) is literally the anti-jew, an escape from the fiat scam.


You should have bought coins five years ago. Now is the time to sell them to dumb shits that don't understand the above.

It's better to drop both and move to Digibyte which is fully decentralised not controlled by miners and way faster and cheaper and less speculative (1000 times as many coins).

Now is the perfect time to buy back in. After the New Year it's going to the moon.

I have been looking into bitcoin.
Seems to me you buy bitcoins for a low price and then find an idiot to buy it for a high price.
Is this correct?

Now is not the time to sell no matter when you got them.

Does it make me a homo if pic related is a boy giving me maximum boner?

Bitcoin might crash just as during the dot com boom companies crashed. But some coins will remain and become the Amasons, eBays and Apples of the future.


1 EMP and there goes your shitcoin. Buy gold faggot



That makes no sense whatsoever. Shut up and listen.


Remember, Smart people make money in the stock market by taking money from stupid people...

Literally a decentralized pyramid scheme

The fact that dogecoin has a 900 mil USD market cap should tell you all you need to know

Doubling your pennies every day is the smart option

Jew controlled agents of white genocide?

They are guaranteed by stable governments.
BitCoin is a bunch of bugaloo bandit shit and built on immature tech. Yes, one day we will most likely use blockchain tech for everything that requires senders and receivers, including money, but for now it's a fad. It will be until some really well-made and actually functional blockchain is made and adopted by governments and banks.

If you want to crash the US economy maybe

>only 2% would take the penny doubled every day

You would literally own all available money in the world within two years. Fucking Brainlets.

People aren't smart enough to get that. Keep in mind that the quarter pounder sold better than the third pounder in the U.S. because people thought that four is more than three so they didn't want to pay more for the second burger.

Ah thanks m8.
Everytime I ask that question people call me a Jew.
Don't think I'll bother with it then.

Wait, is a "penny doubled every day" mean that the whole sum doubles every day starting from a penny?

For 10 years?
Wouldn't you own the galaxy by the end of the first year?

The whole gig is over niw that people sre more aware of it, for fucks sake, i saw an ad on youtube where some dumb blonde woman told me how to make money with bitcoin


Control the economy, control the country

Buy Gold idiot


Blockstream was founded by a group of faggot Bitcoin devs back in 2014. It’s the 3rd best funded Bitcoin startup in the US with 70 million+ in venture capital raised but no product to sell or revenue generated for their investors (AXA, Master Card, and other banking interests). The devs working for Blockstream drove out a number of early devs like Gavin (who Satoshi had left in charge of Bitcoin), Mike, and Jeff for refusing to go along with their idiotic fee market scheme.

Essentially the current development plan for Bitcoin after the Blockstream takeover is that Bitcoin is no longer meant to be peer to peer electronic cash as outlined in the Satoshi White Paper, but instead a store of value and settlement layer with $1000+ transaction fees for banks and institutional level players. Fees have been in the $40 range this past week and the neckbearded fuckwizards of Bitcoin Core are celebrating the death of Bitcoin as a currency (pic related).

You must be new to Bitcoin. It was never designed to be a fucking settlement layer for Jews, the current group of idiots in charge should have created an alt for their fee market/settlement layer scheme instead of hijacking Bitcoin. Unfortunately crypto is full of economically illiterate fucktards like yourself that will choke on whatever shit Blockstream/Core feeds them and then politely ask for more.

>tldr; Bitcoin devs have always represented a central point of failure as they can act as central planners. Kikes bought off a group of Bitcoin devs to sabotage Bitcoin’s utility.

Full disclosure: I’ve made about $500k this past year on Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Bitcoin Cash from a starting investment of 13k. I currently hold all 3.

2% penny tells you everything you need to know about cryptards

That normalfags are fucking idiots?

Absolute state of brainlets.

There is a crypto bubble out there, user. Consider gold. It has been money for hundreds of years and it will still be money hundreds of years after Bitcoin is gone.

If you want to have the advantages of Bitcoin combined with the safety of gold, you should consider GoldCoin.

He's not a Jew. He's a Belgian with a Flemish name. He's an incredible intelligent man who advocates multiple currencies to stabilize the economy. If anything he's against one global currency. Natural systems are much more resilient than monoculture crops against external or internal problems. Based on this he promotes different coins for different purposes.


Also remember that people that make money in these things have been studying it for years and usually have lots of training and education.

The people that lose money either trust a crook to do it for them or they study it for a day and go invest their money and lose it...

Of course, the stock market needs losers. Otherwise, there would be no winners...

You must do the hard work it takes to win since losing is very simple and that is what attracts the stupid losers to the markets....


If Im not mistaking, that would be an amount of pennies for it to collapse in on itself and create a black hole.

What galaxy?


Dumbasses. The money would still be in penny format. It'd cost more to truck it to the bank than the actual value you'd get.

$0.01 x 2^(10*365) = A number of dollars greater than my $150 calculator can calculate (10e500)...

No, you're fine. Go out there and make babies.


World of Warcraft gold has as much value, maybe more. Don't be an idiot. Every argument you hear for bitcoin turns out to be a lie. Its a bunch of idiots thinking they will get rich (ever notice they keep talking about how many DOLLARS it might be worth ?). Stay away. Buy gold if you want portable store of value.

>made about $500k

_______ is unusable garbage since ______ destroyed it.
There are usable ________ that may hold their value.
Even better, there are _______ that are part of real businesses.
Those will have value as long as the businesses are successful.

Removed all the speculative language so that you can see that its a technocratic materialist kike scheme.

Everyone who responds with the penny is an idiot. The gift caps out at $10000. And sometime before the beginning of the end of the 21st day you’ll have your $10k. Unfortunately then you can’t touch it for 10 years after you get it. Not to mention the plethora of pennies you’ll have to lug to a place to put them in a more usable form.

Just go for the gold like any sensible person. It was good thousands of years ago, is good now, and will be good millennia from now. Just honk about this. How long does your mother keep some of her jewelry in her cabinet? Just do the same with the gold bar.

Too late to invest in bitcoin. Invest in other cryptocurrencies, like Monero and Litecoin.

George Soros gets some chinks to work up a payment system for his anarchy army, and idiots think it will put the jews out of the money business. My sides.

Buy Link

The (((bilderburg group))) has destroyed it and made it near unusable. Invest in monero or quantum.

Yes, I am a filthy begger, but my wife and I just had a baby. December 8th. Saving up for some investment for the kid, so he can learn how to make money with money. Something that isn’t BTC because it’s basically meme money. After reading this, I am deeply concerned and looking to pullout. Especially with the dip and “recovery”.


Pic related, a graph of his heart.

what would you recommend for future investments ? long-term on those 3 ?

>what would you recommend for future investments ? long-term on those 3 ?

One good rule for new investors.

If you have to ask others where to invest, don't invest...

Chinks are pissed at Soros for crashing their economy. Why would they side with him in crypto world? They're doing just fine without him.

Warren Buffet said he recommends his heirs invest their inheritance in 10% government bonds and 90% s&p index.

Im not smarter than him and neither is anyone on this board. Why would you not take his advice?

get Cardano ADA and hold for 2 years and you will be a millionaire.


buffet is a no-coiner

If you want a simple approach then buying Iconomi's Blockchain Index might be a good idea. You can look into it and decide for yourself. Do remember that cryptocurrency is new territory and anything could happen.

I got some bitcoins to sell cheap if you goyim want

smart man

thats a good one


Yes, he's considered the world's best investor and not an idiot. Your point?

Don't do it.
It will eventually crash. Hard.

Sure, can you tell me the private key for your coins so I can verify Mr. -berg?

Gave me a giggle m8 :^)

See THEY LIE....

Noobs have no idea how much manipulation and insider trading goes on...

Good investors never listen to anyone else and they never giveaway their advice.

Simple test. Pull up the advice (((they))) were telling people ten years ago and study how well that worked out....

> Investing in stocks in middle of a dollar hyperinflation
> called genius

Why do mods not del this shit?

Except Bitcoin is not a bubble or a pyramid scheme.
It's different this time.

>no actual value for your investment
>old investors are paid off by new ones
>encourages old investors to stay in the scheme indefinitely (barely even possibly to withdraw from it in the first place)
>once new investors are incapable of paying off old ones it falls apart

it's not a pyramid scheme I swear :^)

Congrats on the kid. If you don't have at least 3 months of expenses saved in an emergency fund I would recommend you cash that amount out of crypto. That's the same advice I gave my best friend when he asked me if he should throw money into crypto for his baby.

Unfortunately even if I were feeling generous enough to throw $10 in BTC at you you'd never be able to move it due to the $40 fucking transaction fees. I don't have access to my ETH or BCH on this device.

So obviously, dont invest anything you can't afford to lose, and if you're living on your own don't invest anything until you have a few months of emergency fund saved up.

If you're getting into crypto I'd recommend a mix of BTC, BCH, and ETH along with some Dash and Monero as they have privacy improvements and transaction speed/capacity improvements over Bitcoin.

If you're looking for investments to hold in the mid term (i.e. under a year) Ripple and Litecoin have both offered outstanding returns, but I question their long term value. Ripple is a 100% pre-mined coin controlled by banks, and Litecoin follows the same development roadmap that Bitcoin core does (fee market, settlement layer, L2 scaling). While transaction are fast and dirt cheap on LTC if it ever sees widespread use it will see the same transaction backlogs and high fees as Bitcoin has now. Charlie Lee, the creator of Litecoin has stated he refuses to increase the blocksize (larger blocks = more transaction capacity). Charlie also dumped all his Litecoins a week or so ago so that's concerning as well.

Obviously we're near all time highs in all cryptos so invest with care Frogbro, there's more room for down than up at these levels.

>It's different this time.

>Not a meme currency ran by chinks

Thanks a lot for the insight, that's very helpful

The of the crypto era.

Is ethereum good. Also my BTC transaction is stuck for two weeks already what do.

Ultimately there's 1000s of different crypto currencies out there and the onus is on you to do your own research (if it sounds too good to be true it probably is).

While the 5 I mentioned before are my personal picks, I have friends IRL who made good money off EOS, Cardano, and Lisk with relatively small initial investments. Off the top of my head the kid who got into EOS turned $1500 into $10,000.

If you're seriously interested in getting into crypto but have not yet read the Bitcoin Whitepaper I highly recommend you do that as your starting point. It outlines Bitcoin's security model and the underlying incentive structure that allows Bitcoin and any other blockchain based crypto to be trustless. Also when reading it keep in mind that whenever Satoshi refers to a node he's referring to what we would now refer to as a miner, as the nodes in the white paper perform SHA-256 proof of work to process Bitcoin transactions. Satoshi is not referring to 'full nodes' or 'non-mining nodes' which are just users with a full copy of the blockchain on their computer. This is a very common misunderstanding by new users and the source of much of the conflict in the Bitcoin Civil War (do miners or non-mining nodes control the network).

After 14 days your transaction will get kicked out of the Bitcoin mempool and you'll be able to resend it from your wallet. Just make sure this time you set a higher fee, and of course thank 1meg Greg for his brilliant fucking fee market!

I was thinking about joining cloud mining pool because they can rebroadcast it but I'll wait thanks for reply user.
Also Thanks Greg your a true faggot.

you're basically saying there is no difference between the EU/USA and a made up group you and a bunch of friends stick to.