Why are these so popular?

Why are these so popular?

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Sexual awakening for young japanese boys. First time in their lives they saw some skin.

It closely resembles the look of wearing only t-shirt and panties.

It's a not slutty, but skin tight, swimsuit.

It was designed to be as non sexual and tame as possible, but it backfired horribly.

You can slide your dick in here.

The school swimsuit is simplistic, but in its simplicity lies its greatest quality. It shows just enough skin to keep you interested and still leaves much to the imagination.

It's just nostalgia for Japanese men.
I mean, I like one piece swimsuits as well, but couldn't care less whether it's a blue school swimsuit or any other color.

it just has nice aesthetics to it

Because Japan is a country of lolicons.


here are at least three variations of the common sukumizu. The one-piece hydrojet design intakes water through the cleavage, which is compressed along the torso and abdomen before exiting through the gap. This has the effect of both increasing underwater velocity through Bernoulli's principle, and the wearer being invisible to sonar, as seen in The Hunt for Red October.

HYDROdynamic, HYDRO.

Standard one-piece school swimsuit > traditional school swimsuit

where's the benis

>No name tag

Who needs a nametag when you get delicious belly button imprint instead.

The way normal one-pieces cling to the skin so tight and cut higher around the groin is what makes the so fucking good.

Same reason the "seifuku" is popular : it's the homely stereotype most of the audience can picture because they saw something that resembled it more or less when they themselves were in school.

its exactly the other way around m8

Competition > all

white school swimsuits are infinitely superior to their blue counterparts. this is a fact.

Yeah, basically this. All school stuff like bloomers, swimsuit and uniforms trigger nostalgia from perving over your classmates wearing those as a kid.

are you saying that because the white ones may go transparent while wet

Because modern ones are shit.

is this a new thing because the old ones have been meme'd into a sex thing or are these new ones actually better?

I did not understand either until I learned that the bottom piece is removable

I guess because all the fetish stuff.

I thought they were introducing a cuter version with frills

At first I thought they were very flexible

Basically japan is a nation full of creepy perverts who obsess over schoolgirls and 14yo idols and buy used panties from vending machines.

Just give it a generation for these to become fetishistic

BBC please go homu

because it has a neat feature

thicc hips

I was living a lie.

>new chapter never

my life begins anew

It ended IIRC.

>it's not a one piece with a thick seam at the hip area

What the fuck

What the hell would be the point of that?

Really? The last one I read was the one her sister came to visit

It's designed to grow with the wearer and accomodate all body shapes. You know, the part about the titholes and hydrodynamics wasn't bullshit either
Only the Japanese could shit out a product that is simultaneously so lewd and so mindbogglingly efficient


You judge a whole nation and all it's people by one minority?

When you think about how the USA is the country with the most pornography, isn't the USA worse?

>all these people mind-boggled by the actual design of the swimsuit
Do you guys never wore one?
I thought you were better than this, Sup Forums
it is, because its pornography is worse

it's "on hiatus" apparently

OP here. I was asking why girls are popular. Not swim suits. You guys kind of missed the point.

Girls are only popular because you can find them in swimsuits.


I can still fap to this

It's the best type of swimsuit.
