Monster Musume

I come bearing gifts.

Other urls found in this thread:!CdlDGDKZ!DBFbPGeTliNbixw_4GRNEA

Here's the radio program I finally got around to ripping. Hours of content and the ability to hear the VA's in their normal voice as well as the nostalgia of hearing your favorite characters once again.!CdlDGDKZ!DBFbPGeTliNbixw_4GRNEA

Hmm. Nobody? I expected to at least get flamed. Well I tried.

12 beast is alright but it's passed it's due, it needs to go so crab can focus and other things.

I haven't read 12 Beast since it got picked up by a scanlation group again sometime last year. I should get around to doing that. It's not as good as Monster Musume in my opinion though.

We're all ignoring Draco's birthday today, sorry.

Oh shit is it Draco's birthday? Just looked it up and you're right. Well happy birthday, cute newt.

Poor Draco, she can never get a break

Draco breaks my heart by not being real.

Might you possibly know which one has Tio's VA? She's the only one I care about at this point

She's the high pitched one in the MON special bonus disc I ripped as track01. Give me a minute to make a list of characters in each program.

But not knowing what are they talking about it's not worth to download (for me at least)

Here's the character's VA's.
1. Cerea and Papi
2. Miia, Papi Cerea, and Rachne
3. Miia, Cerea, and Rachne
4. Suu and Mero
5, Mero and Rachne
6. Suu and Rachne
7, Miia and Cerea
8. Papi and Cerea
9. Suu and Mero
10. Mero and Rachne
11. Cerea, Suu, and Smith
12. Mero and Rachne
13. Miia, Papi, and Cerea.

Track01 is the bonus disc that has all of MON on it.

That's okay. I just know it's not been made available and thought some would appreciate it even without a translation.

Pickles is best girl.

I appreciate it. Just sucks that the last thread was flamed and autosaged, so most of the responses you'll get for any thread not about a new chapter will be from the dedicated shitposters.

Many thanks, user.

It comes with the territory. Been like that for years.

True, but that last one was like 90% pasta.

In case this thread does not last, and you guys want continuous Monmusu discussion,

We have a thread on /c/ Of course, an Sup Forums thread can be more lively and active, but, I think its a good to visit the /c/ threads when you can. Plus those are pretty dedicated. And the closest thing we can have to "commander" threads for animes.

I'll be sure to keep that in mind as I'm always on the look out for cute pics of my waifu. Thank you.

Oh that reminds me.

/c/ is an image dump board. And ideally, things should go slowly there. You can do discussion but, and ideally, you should post pictures (and also, only start a new thread when the previous one reaches Page 10, especially if you actually make the monmusus threads on /c/ active)

But yeah, and again. Head to /c/. Its where monmusu discussion has moved to now, and is currently our best bet (at least until Season 2 is confirmed)

Btw, I also have a cyclops thread on /c/. Not that it is important


is this translated?

Unfortunately no but it does have cute voices on it.

/c/ was my first board actually, have not been there regularly since 2008 though

I really should have learned japanese when i still had free time...

Part of the reason I bought it was to have listening material that wasn't anime to learn from. If I knew more I would probably transcribe it but I'm just a beginner.

I took a japanese course when i was in college, did well in it but then never followed through with what i learned,
I work better in a class setting

Actually as far as how Monster Musume and 12 Beast is going right now, I'm enjoying more 12 Beast, even if it's 6 chapters a year, making it's pacing so damn slow.
It has a damn lot of potential development

does 12 beast have a translation group?

I think /monster/ is doing it now.

Not soft enough

New chapter soon or is crab skipping this month?


Hiatus for a while. Next new content after the radio dump is when the OAD comes out with vol 12 and also the vol 12 omake. Mid April.

I said this once, but I'll say it again. I want to see Kyurii masturbating with a thick, bumpy, ice cold cucumber and shuddering with shock and delight at the frigid sensation penetrating her tight vampire cunt.
I want to bend her over with it still sticking out halfway and jam it good and hard up in her far further than she's willing to do so by herself.
I want to get it in her so snug that only an inch or two of it is poking out, her teeth chattering, breath ragged and body shivering from the piercing icy sensation spreading her inner walls apart and pressing hard up against her womb, then pull my hot throbbing cock out and penetrate her twitching asshole with tremendous force, driving her to madness from the unbearably intense polarizing sensations of the frigid cucurbitaceae in her pussy and the burning hot phallus ramming in and out of her anus without mercy, screaming with mindless pleasure as she experiences multiple orgasms so powerful it pushes the thick, still cold hunk of edible vegetation out of her desensitized vagina, now as cool to the touch as the aforementioned food item was, and gradually warm her up by pulling out of her ass and finishing up by gushing piping hot semen into that poor battered and frozen pussy up to the brim, slowly bringing her devastated genitals back to life so she can properly comprehend the pounding she just took.
Then I want to slice up the cucumber, lightly sprinkle some crushed sea salt and ground peppercorns onto them, and make her eat half of them. I'll eat the other half.

what if man was the real monster girl?


Is there a benis?

Crabman is skipping this and next month
Heart and Feather. They are on /monster/ on 8c.
They are up to the last chapter


>this comic

So where is the series headed next chapter? They've dealt with all the "dangerous" species.

What's her endgame?

Suu's story, maybe?

Well darn, just when I linked it, the thread on /c/ just reached image limit.

Well, no matter. We have a new thread on /c/ now Be sure to head there when you can for long term monmusu discussion as well as image posting, especially when this thread on Sup Forums ends.


Not enough soft thighs


That cliffhanger killed me. Suu being all alone and scared really tugs my heart strings. I know nothing bad is going to happen because this is a light harem comedy but still I was worried for a minute.

Remove yourself

I fucking hate you.

I hate you more than fucking chickenfucker. You've been posting this stupid fucking strawpoll for fucking months now. Why? What mad sickening twisted autism drives you to post this shit every fucking thread? I can understand someone like doppelfag with his waifuism, but you're just a fucking worthless cunt.

What if Suu gets BLACKED?

Kill yourself

Kek. Wasn't expecting that.

look at this side, now we'll might know about her origin

Force Kurusu to lose his virginity

love this dumb lizard

Fuck, next month too?

I thought he was on hiatus until mid April and releasing the chapter with the new OVA

two months hiatus
at least we'll have the 4koma, the 2nd OAD and the omakes from vol 12

Then the fanficfags will seep up from the woodwork and be back to annoy us once again

Oh for the love of god Ahobaka, I like your art but please do not give me Monster Musume NTR.

>4koma finally getting scans
Fuck, better mark my calendar
So much delicious Tio in that volume

a somewhat better pic


God this volume did wonders to my dick

yep, this volume will be a little bit more lewd than the rest

It's the thinking man's fetish

These Doppels will fetch a high price once the scans come

How lewd will Vol 5 be?

The answer is there will never be a Vol 5.

Lilith would have been better as a boy.

how would she react to him?

sadly yes
they didn't said a thing about it, and I don't think that they are even thinking about one

Probably violently.

>this many people hate the horsepussy
What a horrible night to have a feel.

Post Polt. I need more.

That's because she's shit.

I will love it with the force of 100 people.


Maybe if she wasn't so awful it wouldn't be this way. Saber horse a shit.

>tfw Crab does a volume 5
>It's just minotaur farm


I remember legitimately thinking she was gonna die for a moment when she fell off the bridge

Shit, forgot about that


Crab should write a chapter where Little Brown She-Devil falls in love with Little Brown She-Devil (male) and Rachnera gets jealous.

This is the kind of person that posts in these generals

What do you dislike about her?

but they are an anthology
as much Crabman will do a small omake of him and some of the characters interacting each other

He needs to introduce a slutty trap love interest for Kurusu first.

No real personality. Just copy paste.

damn it, Lala interacting with her creator when?

Yes please

>Cathyl finds Crabman's cowgirl drawings and asks what's the deal with that.

But I need my minotaurs dammit

they look way to similar though, its almost selfcest really

I was in s4s lighten up a bit

>literal shitposting board
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