No thread? I'll do it then.
We Can't Study
She's getting darker by the chapter
This brown girl seems familiar.
Doujin artist?
There was one already
And she's not even that dark actually.
holy shit what happened
>scanlator: we want the jungle fever audience
Less than 10 chapters in and someone has already lost. Maybe this won't be as stretched out as Nisekoi.
It's going to be cancelled before it gets to 20 chapters.
Has the reception so far in nipland bad?
It's just Sup Forums overreacting.
Wait, what?
Sorry, halfway through a bottle of vodka
i meant, How's the reception in nipland so far?*
And to think we've only been worried about the translators replacing dialogue with memes.
>MUH genki brown tomboy
Jaimini insist on using their shitty raws even though digital ones are already out before they even release.
Yep, she's cute.
Swimmer > flatboard > glasses.
Jaimini uses the RAW from the chink scanner like Niggerstream.
Why would they purposefully use inferior material? How could someone be so stupid?
So that they can spam topaz filter to make it "superior".
Right now it's sitting comfortably in the middle of the Jump ToC if that means anything.
If you don't like their releases you can always read the raws or buy the magazine yourself. No need to be an asshole.
Pointing out someone's dumb choices isn't being an asshole, user.
It's dumb in your own special snowflake opinion.
I do read the raws. I'll mock someone's shitty scanlations just like I'd mock someone posting something from mangafox.
It's not ranked yet. Fucking Demon's Plan was hovering around the middle of the ToC before plummeting and staying at the bottom once it started getting ranked until it got axed.
My own opinion that everyone here seems to share.
You're obviously Jaimini. Stop defending your trash and do better.
You and the others can go away then because OP is using Jaimini's scan to discuss the manga.
Best present
What a mess
And we're discussing Jaimini's (which is you) joke scans, aren't we?
>guy she loves
Since when? That came out of nowhere.
If anything, I admire your dedication.
Jaimine please use the better scans for future chapters
Here's a simple tip for your simple brain: Don't like it, don't use it.
He's also in the Yuragi threads.
He's entertaining
Jaimini please use better scans for future chapters
She looks too pale in the left one imo. I think something in between would be better.
>too pale
That's how she canonically looks. Deal with it.
I know it's bait but I'm posting it anyway.
I know. But I still think it's too pale. Got it?
This is a straight improvement to be completely honest.
How long would you have to be swimming under the sun each day to get this level of tanned?
It's subjective. But the right one has less detail.
I haven't read this and she seems great.
So is this a harem manga or just girl trying to reach up to /adjustglasses?
Post moar.
We need to go darker.
>best girl will end up with mc's friend
maybe it would be better if she was full brown
It is Yuipollfag. His strategy is to claim that the main heroines don't like the MC and then trump his favorite girl.
Doesn't seem like a big issue.
That's someone else I think
This person claims nobody like the MC
To be honest it wasn't that obvious in her introduction chapter so it would make sense that someone didn't notice.
Oh, you're right. That is someone else. This guy is just being funny and not extremely desperate to make it look like Uruka will win.
What are the chances that is a guy(female)?
>doing it for free justifies doing things wrong
>you are not entitled to make any criticism to my work
>be thankfull and suck my cock dude
Gee, I almost forgot how much the e-penis can raises someone's ego.
Not high enough.
Just keep making fun of them, it seems to really make them mad. Probably because they recognize their own mistake but are too pigheaded to make any change.
I for one approve of Jaimini's decision to color code worst girl as a shitskin.
Why is the author putting so much effort into making Sup Forums the best girl when it's obvious she is going to lose?
Is the author a sadist?
Fun fact, the only fansubs/scanlations that get mad over criticism are the shit ones who only care about leechers and speed.
The groups who chose quality over everything have no problem handling criticism from others.
I'm unirronically thankful to crunchyshit for killing fastsubing
You should just stop shilling your scanlations here. Making one thread is fine, but doing this one and another one in the catalog for maximum shilling is pathetic. I noticed how you did the same shit with Hungry Marie.
best girl comming through
Technically, but couldn't you get a panel where she is in the front?
In this one, people could think you are talking about the excellent, but not quite as best girl /sci/
You told me the brown girl wasn't in love with the MC, Sup Forums. You lied to me.
And for some reason in the Akiba's Trip threads too.
If I TL something wrong I get embarrassed. I just take people correcting me as a learning experience since. Most of the time even on Sup Forums people are cool about earnestly trying to make a better product but shit on you if you act like an ass.
We don't know if she will lose though. She could win. Just from reading the manga with no biases she is in the lead.
The first two heorines seem like friends and maybe bros. I don't see them having romantic feelings for Yuiga.
Is that the same guy who claims Yukino/Iroha doesn't like the MC in yahari threads and Megumi doesn't like the MC in saekano threads?
It's either him or someone imitating him.
Maybe he's just dense like the MCs.
Anime when
How many chapters until they add a 4th girl.
My money is in the next one being his cousin who is rich and had promised to marry him when they were little, and then her maid joins as the 5th girl.
She need to keep up with the theme. So by Jinsei logic, we are getting and excentric artist next.
Maths, Literature, Sports, so maybe an Actress.
When do we get the trap or reverse trap?
Imouto is the 4th girl. She fakes bad exam results in order for him to teach her.
All harems need imouto.
I thought the author just matched the girls with the boards here. Definitely curious in /k/ and /h/ girls.
>The first two heorines seem like friends and maybe bros. I don't see them having romantic feelings for Yuiga.
You read the eyecatch at the corner of the last page of this chapter and say that again with a straight face
That was the joke with Jinsei too. Until they introduced a painter.
>You read the eyecatch at the corner of the last page of this chapter and say that again with a straight face
Yuiga's heart skips a beat. He isn't used to the womanfolk as potential partners. No implication of Fumino liking him though.
Skipping a beat is a red herring, it may be a shock or disillusionment rather than romance.
Imouto seemed nice. Hope she gets her own chapter.
It's a shounen manga that doesn't have a 'first girl'
No one will win.
Brown is technically the first girl. She is distinct from Fumino and Rizu and those two will support her.
Painter is /ic/ though
>best girl
I can't believe people like her. She's shit. Brown on the other hand is absolutely best and I will flip my shit if she doesn't win.
Best girl status
Sup Forums > /sci/ > /lit/
Most likely to win the MCbowl
/sci/ > /lit/ > Sup Forums
>Best girl status
Sup Forums > /sci/ > /lit/
>Most likely to win the MCbowl
Sup Forums
Sup Forums is the only one listed as she is the only one participating.
First girl is always the first one the main character has an 'encounter' with. Not the first chronologically. Childhood friends never win.
If there are multiple 'encounters' in the first chapter and it's a shounen, no one is going to win.
Stop the memes.
Logically speaking she won't win.
>Sup Forums is the only one listed as she is the only one participating.
It's a shitposty meme.
What do you base this on?
No, that just means the first two won't win.
Not a meme. If Fumino falls for him she will be in the bowl.
They are all in the bowl. They are the protagonists of the manga, they are in the bowl want it or not.
Maybe the little sister is not in the bowl, shame, the rest of them are.
Is /sci/ the one good at /sci/ or the one that wants to study /sci/?
Same for /lit/
I actually hope Fumino wins because they've at least developed her enough to where I have some care for the character. Rizu so far has been a complete fucking autist and Uruka definitely won't win because she came too late however she's also the most stereotypical genki-yet shy around MC girl ever made. Only good aspect is her /fit/ness and delicious brown
Same, I like Fumino the best.
Bowl entrants must want to claim to bowl.
Sup Forums has the lead at the moment.
Not really, Yuiga hasn't really shown any feelings for her its been shown to be quite one-sided so far, if anything him seeing Fumino and Rize as super cute puts them ahead in the bowl then Uruka. Also Fumino has been growing feelings for Yuiga but it isn't the same level but on both sides she's the furthest ahead.
>>What do you base this on?
She didn't show up in the first chapter and therefore is unlikely to be on the cover of the first volume.