Hey you faggots want to do an Sup Forums sings

hey you faggots want to do an Sup Forums sings

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Do the Maid dragon op.
Shit's cash money.

Only normalfags participate in social activities like this.

but user we're all in the same boat

shitposting is a social activity


we could, but we dont really need to do a currently airing show

what song though?

We're not.
You know what I meant and if you don't, you won't.

no idea user, i just want to do something fun. besides, there hasnt been one for a year at this point, right?

you know you want to do this user

Seconding this

What Sup Forums needs to sing is Daisy


huh, i assumed Sup Forums already did this one

We can't do Sup Forums sings anymore because jebusmatoi will just str8 upload that shit to his channel and cash the Jewish bux

>receive recordings through a specific e-mail
>edit them together
>upload on a newly made channel
that way nobody gets the credit.

its either you are a time traveler or psychic 'cause it currently doesnt exist... yet.

actually let's fucking do this:

Songs right now:
Maid Dragon OP - youtube.com/watch?v=dyGBqeSUDPw
Kyoukai no Kanata ED(?) - youtube.com/watch?v=nwl6Polwq4Q

if we ever get ~5+ songs we can decide through a strawpoll

>there hasnt been one for a year at this point
there are currently two "official" Sup Forums sings up
one is konosuba ed and the other is gabriel dropout op

shit the threads only have 6 replies at most
how the fuck do people organize this shit


my vote is for daisy

Maid dragon

Seconding Maidragon.

IBO's op, KANA-BOON's Fighter. I want to sing that.

By not being an attentionwhore cunt like the other faggots.

Sup Forums has sung more songs than those.