Code Geass

>still waiting for that season 3 air date announcement

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there's gonna be something about cg at animejapan
Sunrise please deliver and confirm it's a full season

Can't wait for more pizzabutt

R3 never ever.

Can't wait to see these two again

I hope we'll have a character like Diethardt, I fucking loved him, he was like viewers self-insert, except the part when he went full retard and betrayed lelouch

if gets season 3 this fall

well shit

Agreed. He literally had "this is the greatest shit ever" face all the time.

what could the story possibly even be? I guess since it's called lelouch of the resurrection we can assume lelouch is gonna be revived from dying, but for what reason? who's the antagonist now? I'm scared for the new season in all honesty.

Who even gives a fuck. You watch code gayass for the constant oneupmanship of insanity and C2`s glorious ass.

literally aliens from Jupiter
you better strap yourself for a ride.

If I were them I'd focus more on the Geass power in this season rather than international politics and shit. Maybe in another country? Europe? US?
Also the popular theory is that he didn't actually die, but rather took the Code from his father when he killed him, and thus is immortal, which means he faked his death.


I reckon the bad guy will be the source of all Geass or something, and it'll focus on that instead of politics.
Unless the source of all Geass becomes the new Emperor or something, weirder shit has happened in CG

we had europe in akito and holy fuck, I don't want to see it ever again
Though I do want some politics,It doesn't feel like CG without them

I can't wait for Jupiter-sama to wreck the plot


>Lelouch building a private army in Afghanistan even though he's super unathletic
>"Jeramiah You Fulton a Jap I'm sending him back Gotwald"
>Suzaku is put on trial and deported

yeah, that's true.

>Suzaku deported
i laughed

and man do we need more meme characters like Orange in anime

Oh, he will return, how could he not.

dont worry I know, and he's back better than ever. triggered by some flamingos in the PV, already ridiculous

>Jeremiah "if they speak moon, send in the platoon" Gottwald

R3 will just be about the lives of CC and Lulu as they travel around a free and peaceful Japan on their horse and cart.

>them digits

as long as I got to see more Lulu I couldn't careless about the plot, SOL would be perfectly fine with me


Shit, so this is how it feels to be young again.

im fine if i can see more of my waifu

Why did i have to get quads with a fucking Trump pic,why couldn't it be for season 3 airing this year

>tfw rewatched this recently
Kallens mech was badass. Wish I had a chuuni claw that could discombobulate someone

Aren't the recap movies starting this year?


I hope R3 has some kind of gimmick that stops the mechs from being able to fly. The ground battles were way more entertaining.


So it's Spice and Wolf S3, two birds with one stone.

This is the best possible outcome desu

reminder that Ohgi will be hanged and put on fire


Fucking traitorous kike slime, he deserves it.

Speaking of Ohgi, it was his birthday yesterday.
Here's a nice little ditty to celebrate with

holy fuck that hurts my ears

You guys know the ending of Shakugan no Shana? Its gonna be similar but both Lelouch and C.C will die.
Screencap this for the future

What's this about Jupiter? I can't find any source linking it to R3.

>Jeremiah "numbers gets chopped down like lumber" Gottwald

>Jeremiah "FUCKING REMOVE TOKYO" Gottwald

Did you even watch the anime? Geass came from ayy lmaos on Jupiter

we don't know jackshit, just assuming that new season would dig a little deeper into the whole geass thing

>still no news about the first 3 movies that is suppose to come out first
s3 2018 at least

What happened to the chinaman who had a forbidden ship with the princess

If they revived him only for it ending with him dead again I'll burn Sunrise to the ground


Why? Rurushe returning in the time of need is a nice story device.

Jupiter worst planet, stupid big-breasted slut.

he died from anime AIDS

I'm pretty sure he's glad to sacrifice his life to end all geass, remember he did vow to elimate all geass.

Not fair

I want him to have a happy ending, but not one that'll cause another years of dispute whether he's alive or not
deadfags BTFO

yeah I can see him doing some self-sacrifacing shit again ;_;

>>Suzaku is put on trial and deported

take that back

>Jeremiah "Lelouch did nothing wrong" Gottwald

Sup Forums is gonna have a livestream up for every episode, right?

Absolutely. Geass Sundays will be a thing again.

Oh, that's Jupiter's stormy eye thing isn't it? Never actually noticed.

I would suck my own dick if they dare to put those EU faggots in the same scene with the rest of the original gang.
Akito was a mistake.

I don't know this board will be able to take on the cg threads on the day first episode airs

i bet Jeremiah has LELOUCH tattooed on his chest

please do livestream If that happens

Tbh i still cant believe i'll get to see more code geass, anons. Truly the best timeline

We`re in the memespace now, user. Everything is possible.

Never been so hyped before

>Suzaku is put on trial and deported

>that music
>fucking robots everywhere
>Gottwald triggered by flamingos


Perfect, you miss a once in a lifetime experince, if you don't watch it with your fellow anons screaming in the chat.

And with the skill of our meme smiths, the memes are gonna be amazing.


Oct 8th 2017.

>crowd goes wild when suzakus ugly face is shown
The amount of absolute shit nips must have to eat to have taste this bad must be astronomical. They shouldve started a riot to have him hung along with jewgi.

2001: A Lelouch Odyssey

They screamed because a major character showed up and there was lot of fujoshi too

If they had shown lelouch everybody would shit their pants and start crying


what plot twist would make Sup Forums mad af if happens in S3?

Suzaku winning the Lulubowl

Anything good happening to Ohgi

CC is so ugly.


spoiler your text you massive faggot !

>Jeremiah "bring Tokyo into Gensokyo" Gottwald
>Jeremiah "Zero is my Hero" Gottwald
>Jeremiah "Fire up the oven for all the Elevens" Gottwald

Trump is the true arbiter of meme magic. It is only inevitable that this would happen.

Can't wait for Jeremiah's return.

Orange sacrificing himself for Jewhgi

MOAR Kaguya Sumeragi !!!

Don't even joke about that.

anyone winning the lulubowl

C.C. dying.

But that would mean that someone will take her code, which then implies that either someone figures that whole thing out, or she gives another person Geass.

Lulu and CC lose their geass early on, but remain immortal due to the power of love.

sorry bro, she is immortal. lelouch will never allow that

I'm still waiting for the proper Picture Drama that aired during the special event which depicts the Student Council about time capsule and what to do in the future

Bringing Euphemia or Shirley back to life.

>Bringing back "x" characterfag