>S2 still isn't out

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>flopped in japan
no shit.

It will be. Heard the news a while ago.

>S2 was announced because it was a big success

Unlike other shows like memesuba that got S2 planned in advance

I have mixed feelings about this show. It had a lot of potential and started out great but quickly went down hill the second half of the season. It also had a lot of great waifu material.


I'm eagerly awaiting it

Kek, people actually care about this shit show?! I thought everyone knew it was just a shit rip off of Attack on Titan put out to try and make a little money off AoT fanbois while they waited for Season 2

Who else is going to watch the theatrical release in the US?

I watched for the visuals. I'd watch anything set in steampunk vaguely 1700s-1800s japan. Character designs were fun too.

Daita iron no more desu

I don't even want a season 2.

No one is making you watch it. You can just pretend it doesn't exist.



The recap movies are coming to the US? Crunchyroll or something is going to have them too?

Yes, by Crunchyroll. animenewsnetwork.com/news/2017-03-17/crunchyroll-screens-kabaneri-of-the- iron-fortress-compilation-films-in-theaters/.113590
I hope they'll screen them around the country and not just LA/NY.

Also, I hope the theater release will be subbed, otherwise I'm not going to watch them. It's a waste to dub a series like this that has such great voice acting.

I hope someone rips that somehow or that they release on their site as well since I'm not american.

Who /muscle/ here?

Me too, since I want a digital copy to download. I especially want to see that extra scene they put at the end. Spoilers I read in Japanese sites said it includes Ikoma getting his new mechanical arm, and princess-carrying Mumei


>that spoiler

best girl

Will Mumei get fucked in season 2? That body is going to waste.

user! she's only 12!

Prove it

Not my fault she's too sexy.


So what are the chances of Mumei winning the Ikomabowl? Will she be little sister-zoned forever?

Fill her up with rice.

>Will she be little sister-zoned forever?
He is pretty dense, but will end filling her belly with rice.

I hope so. Ikoma certainly wants her bad.

He'll fill her womb with rice.

You should know how nips feel about their little sisters. Seeing girls as imoutos doesn't mean they don't want to fuck them, quite the opposite in fact.

In anime it's usually the imouto who wants to fuck her oblivious onii-chan though.
And Mumei doesn't see Ikoma as a brother from what we saw in the first season.

I just watched this show a few days ago. I didn't think the second half was bad, what's wrong with it?

A horrible villain was introduced and took over the entire show. I really hope season 2 focuses more on fighting the kabane horde and a shitty character like Biba isn't introduced.

Butthurt AoT fans feel threatened by it for some reason.

Nah as long as she's a Kabaneri he'll have his little sister imprinted onto her. I was thinking he was gonna cuck Kurisu early into the series but nothing happened with that. The best bet would be him having a thing with Kajika

I don't think they're doing any romance with him in this anime though.

Have they ever interacted even a single time?

I didn't hate the second half but Biba did drag it down a bit. It still had a few great moments and some nice animation, as well as the great soundtrack. It probably would have been a bit better if the art held up to what it was the first few episodes as well, which were practically movie quality

They are friends or at least acquaintances. If I recall correctly, it was her who remembered Takumi that Ikoma was in jail when the kabane broke into their station.

You never know, they might do a time skip after the end of Season 1
They interacted a few times

I really REALLY want Ikoma to fuck Mumei real hard. And it would be quite nice if season 2 wraped up with a long sloppy kiss between these two.
BUT, Mumei is a moron with the mind of a child, and Ikoma is too mature and nerdy to do anything.
A timeskip would suck a lot too. I want to see the fallout of that shitstorm in the capital.

I expect Mumei is going to be driven into isolation for what she did, with Ikoma being her primary defender.

I'm not going to get used to characters calling her by her real name in season 2. "Mumei" is so much cuter.

Ayame brought into the capital the guys who destroyed it and nobody gave a shit.
And nobody's alive to know what happened there anyways.

Reminder that Biba literally did nothing wrong.

It was better than AoT in every way.

The porn was nice.

Fuck yeah, thank you based WIT. Did they add other new scenes or only at the ending?

Mumei deserves to be loved tenderly by the man she loves.

I love Ikoma because I can never get enough of nerdy engineers as heroes. That's true wish fulfillment to me.

Gotta agree that Hozumi is a horrible name.


Ikoma is badass

>Leave Biba to me

I hope they get him a new haircut because this fuccboi style doesn't suit him.

It's not a habanero doujin if that's what you're wondering.

The latest post-recap movie visual looks like this (on the right). It looks like Ikoma still has his short hair. He might let it grow out for a while since he seems like the kind of guy who doesn't fuss about his appearance.

>That prosthetic arm

He better interchange it with some badass steam powered shit in season 2

I really liked Ikoma's hotblooded autism. We need more manly nerds in anime.

Mumei isn't a moron, she's just a little girl with the judgment of one. Biba took advantage of her as a vulnerable orphan, and made himself the most important figure in her life when she had no one else to rely on, so you really can't blame her for being deceived by him.

I agree that Ikoma is too mature and nerdy to make a move on Mumei, but I can see that changing in the future. My perspective from having read the first half of the novelization is that he sees her as a child sometimes (usually when she's sulking and acting bratty like in episode 6) but not all the time. He finds her beautiful and admires her strength, thinks about her all the time, and wants to be accepted by her as her equal and worries about being rejected by her. In my view, he seems to be in love with her but isn't aware of that yet, since he has zero experience with women, and has spent his life studying the kabane and learning steamsmithing and shunning contact with other people (partly out of his guilt complex, partly from his contempt for weakness in others and feelings of superiority, which he uses as excuses for his innate social awkwardness).

A cannon. I have the feeling that Araki is a berserkfag, I'm sure he won't miss this chance.

There's no way in hell Konosuba was planned in advance since they outright skipped shit that was important for S2, which they later had to air out of order.

It's more like Konosuba was a surprise success and DEEN decided mid-development to give it a second season. I hope you don't think anime are finished entirely before they air.

Biba was just god awful

It sure was a pretty show and I liked how Ikoma wasn't the total faggot I thought he would be, but was instead a bad motherfucker that wrecked shit with regularity.

It did really shit the bed once Biba was on the scene though.

I was just happy that the samurai got his hime


>Ikoma was a bad motherfucker

I loved it in episode two when he saved everyone on the train out of spite

No. It was planned.

this show was loads better when it was survival horror and didn't have the retard logic defying shit once Biba rolled onto the scene.

I mean,

how the fuck did those paranoid fucks at the capital not see the entire thing was a setup? I thought the protocol there was to not allow anyone in for at least 3 days, even if they look clean. And even worse, why the fuck would they let a dagger that was obviously rigged get so far as to get to the shogun without being inspected first?

fucking retards for the sake of plot advancement

Mumei is my musume.

Mumei is my yome

>12 Yo.

Show with overgrown loli. Can't wait till she turns 20 she'll look like a corpse.

Everything about her makes me go UNF.

Meant to link to this

The blond guy really wants that muscle.

I liked how in that scene where he kills that Kabaneri lady they made it look like he shed a tear when it actually was his sweat. He was such a pussy bitch.

>Super female Kabaneri turns them into a hive monster where kabanes forms a shell around them
>Super male Kabaneri gets an armour and telekinesis
What does it all mean

All the edits that came out of this show where fun


Super female Kabaneri had some armor and could shoot magical lasers/hadoukens out of her mouth.





Fuck you Russian shits. This is American webshite. Go back to your communist huts.

И зачем такое делать? Меня тошнит от ебла хуйла.

>owned by a chink hero

Хохол порвался

Oh fuck you man.

Аниме кстати так себе, концовка не очень.
Алсо, когда второй сезон?

Das weiß ich nicht.