Little Witch Academia

The raws are out and it looks like the plot is moving

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>the only way to make magic great again is to purge the nonmagical elements of the world

A plot related OP.

Not a bad choice.

This is starting to sound a lot like Sup Forums. Really makes you ponder.

Character that will die.

Akko's virginity (by Andrew)
Hanna in Barbara's arms while she confesses to her

Even Ursula hates Akko.


is this Diana or one of her ancestors?

Oh shit, is that Badcock?


Ursula-Sensei secretly resents Akko, because seeing Akko and her pure ambitions brings out the past and Ursula's failures throughout her life, career, and her alias.

Her dark and heavy heart, tainted with doubt and remorse, will ultimately consume Ursula to the point where she takes the role of an Evil Witch that's bent on mitigating Akko's dreams to enrich the world of magic and wonder.

She's will be Akko's foe and villain.

>whip it out, I know you're hiding it. Akko gon' ride that broom tonight

You mean Sup Forums is going to release a ancient evil and kill us all? Yeah, most likely.

Why does this ghost call Ursula-sensei "Chariot"?!

>implying that Andrew and Akko will ever fuck
>implying that the only sexual relationship in the show won't be Frank and Lotte


Kek is not evil though. A trickster, yes, but not le ebil satan.

Probably Diana's ancestor.

I hope they're not in chronological order or else it will become really weird.

Where are the high quality moonrunes screenshots?


How big will the shitstorm be if the second key visual has Diana in the shadows looking all ominous?

All work and no yay makes Akko a dull girl.

Shysula is cute. CUTE.

Best of the Best

/r/ Akko breaking the door down with the Shiny Axe while Ursula cowers in the corner with her wand.

Ursula is Chariot


Childhood is idolizing Shiny Chariot. Adulthood is realizing that Professor Ursula makes more sense.


Hey everyone! subs are out!
Use the "misuki" option though, "anime" may be a bitch to load.

>That sincere smile when she thinks she'll be the one able to save magic.

I don't want her to suffer, but now it seems inevitable that she'll got what is left of her dream crushed.



Akko is very strong and nimble. She should just use brute force to get rid of all her problems.

Nice job saving magic, Diana.

>retrasoanime :v

on a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being the maximum, how sympathetic/tragic of a villain will Diana become?

That's the power to change the world for you.

There is literally nothing wrong with this.

So is this newfound magical journey plot going to be separate from the Andrew/Father plot or are they going to tie together somehow?

I like the show but I feel like it would have been improved a lot if they had reworked the order of the episodes.

1-3 remain the same. 5 becomes 4 (and gets rewritten so it isn't shit). 6-7 are 5-6. 4 is 7. 11 is 8. 10 is 9. 4 and 8 are 9-10. 9 gets shoved as a filler later in the show.


Nobody knows.


I want to protect that smile.

Diana is going to join the anti-spirals and it's going to be up to Akko to teach her the power of yay



The problem with that is that the collar seems to be from the cape.

user her smile was broken long ago


Did the usual drawfag come by and draw anything fucked up this week?

I want to fertilize Ursula, then marry her and live out my days with her raising our babies.

Hard to say, straps seem pretty much the same though

no all there was was cute vanilla art of Akko/Andrew and Lotte/Frank

>marrying an older woman

How much does Ursula trying to hide her identity on that Akko barge in remind you of yourself hiding your powerlevel (or filth)?

Little did Andrew knew that he created a monster that day.

>too lazy to draw anything fucked up anymore
feels bad

Must've been the VA's mistake.

30s? That is just the perfect point to make a real shit ton of babies.

She gets sexier every week.

stop bullying Diana she's the true heroine the plot will prove it !

Just caught up before the new episode.

That said, I want all your Frank/Lotte art so I can stop being mad that Lotte shot the only other decent person in the show down.

>us witches will teach the world of our peaceful ways, by force!

Nobody knows.

Probably it will tie near the end when the dark witches end up wrecking havoc and Papa Andrew goes all "SEE FUCKERS, WITCHED HAVE TO BE REMOVED! COMMENCE THE GENOCIDE PROGRAM" and then Andy would be like "No, daddy, let's trust the witches can solve it and If I'm right, I'll go back playing the piano"

But that's it. The meat of the plot seem to fall in the witches and all these magical people. Andy and Dad seem to represent the muggle side in this situation.

Why is Akko such a dork?

>Lotte thinks that Chariot disappeared following love
>Sucy thinks she turned into stone

Deep down she's still that little girl.

the power to change the world that revives magic is to use the life force of all non-magic peoples as a sacrifice for recharging the worlds' magic batteries

>yfw next week is the last ep before the break

How long is this break?

>that tongue
I want to do illegal things

Gracias ese


is this the episode where both tom and jerry get cucked?

>rap music begins playing

You only had to say "gracias" alone, "ese" in that context means nothing.

At least we get crossdressing action in ep12.
The fanart should help us make it through.

Is magical genderbender

Nah, chicanos and pochos use it a lot. ¨Ese¨ means something like ¨dude¨ or whatever. Fuck chicanos, btw.

Whats the difference, from a viewers perspective?

if it were realistic it would be Akko and Andrew discovering that they got genderbent and then spending the next 24 minutes masturbating awkwardly until the spell runs out

Nunca lo había escuchado en mis 23 años de vida...

Wait, there's gonna be a break? For how long?

Like a month or two?

"crossdressing" is just dressing yourself as the other gender, but you still have your real gender.
"genderbender" means your gender was completely change to the other, for real.

What is that thing?

>The most powerful magic was created in the distant past.
>This powerful magic was later called the Great Triple Spiral and it has the power to change the world.
>However, in the seventh century, the Nine Old Witches sealed the Great Triple Spiral in Arcturus.
>In order to unleash the seal the rod that holds the power of the stars, Claus Solas, and the seven hidden spells of Arcturus.


Entonces necesitas salir más, ese.

There is no break.

I know that, thats why I said "from a viewers perspective".

Bueno, en mi pais no hablan asi.

Hold up

If you get magically genderbent, and have something in your vag when the spell expires, where does the object go?


I want to pork that dork

There is no break, wasn't this confirmed a week ago

Isnt kek supposed to be an ancient god of darkness?