Do you like Gantz?

Do you like Gantz?

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Only the good parts of it.

Hard to say. It roped me in and spat me out. Fucking shit is brutal.

Gantz:O was better than anything that came out of the franchise in the past 8 or so years.

dog bless them for the Milf.

Only good till the Giant Buddha statue, everything after that is pure shit.

>21% on rotten tomatoes

Looks like a smash hit.

It was good until Kurono got 100 points and left the team

also the vampires entirely without context

truly a miracle of the universe

Would you rise her mixed race daughter (male)?

Everything went to shit after Osaka

Italy mission was full of suspense though. I'd say it really shit the park when Reika revived Kurono 2.0

I don't know anymore, on one hand I had so much fun with this title, but on the other it was garbage since kei getting out of the team which was later retconned iirc

In-Universely they fit right in, it's the way Oku handled them that rubs people the wrong way

Tits that size in a compressed body suit of that nature. Fuckin' japs and their fucked up tit physics.

THIS, I would even go as far as to say that the beginning of alien invasion was gripping as fuck really, the whole arc was redeemable up until nishi's death

>Never seen girls in skintight latex
The real issue is the bounce with so little force in movement.

The Milf was kinda more annoying that I remember her being in the manga. It might have more to do with Kato being rewritten into a fresh new player who happens to have been a veteran before erasing his memories and losing the ambition of winning to revive Kurono, in addition to seeing his brother again. Because Kato as a character felt so weak in this movie, it makes it feel like the Milf's character is weaker as well. Just my two cents.

Pretty much. Killing off so many people in that mission almost turned me off from the manga.

I like to bantz about Gantz.

>Using Rotten Tomatoes instead of thinking for yourself.

Looks like shit. It's not good animation just because it's constantly making exaggerated movements.

Yes. It's the best from the survival game genre. Sure it's gets pretty shitty in the end but I still think fondly about it. The movie was pretty good and gave me a strong urge to re-read it.

Will there be a second movie?

No, just like with the other nice looking 3D adaptations.

watched Gantz:O on netflix before reading the manga. The movie was entertaining, the manga sucked in the beginning and end but was decent mid way

>2 gantz live action films - $70 million total in box office
>gantz 0 - $2.2 million

What the fuck happened? did all the fans die in 5 years?

>>gantz 0 - $2.2 million
No way.

The anime industry is like that, after 3 years a work is finished people lose interest

There are exceptions like haruhi, people are still bitching about s3.

Shocker, more of the general audience is drawn to live action films over animated.

the real issue is both

It would go like Shana S3 anyways, with no one left who cares at that point

Where can I watch it?
I only find it without subs

Torrent it from nyaa.

Which one is the good eng sub? Every one I try there is a fucker complaining about subs being out of sync

I torrented the 7 Gig one and it worked fine. Don't know if the other ones are fine.

>tfw very little Nishi lewds
Defend this

Nobody is into columbinefags

The russian /eng one?
If you dont mind can you feed me link pls

Having that genki young milf as my wife/gf will be the best blessing from god.
My life will be not boring anymore.

the English subs are hard-subbed but no missing lines

It was OK

Gantz handled suspense really well, but most of the action sequences were shit because of Oku's obsession with using 3D models for fucking everything. Gantz: O works well enough with the story, given that it'd take too long to explain everything in detail. The action is doubtlessly better than anything the anime or manga ever came up with.

But the best arc happens literally after that. The chibi alien mission and the massacre are the highlights of Gantz for me. Again, it didn't really know how to do action well, and we all knew it couldn't live up to the fucking intergalactic space wars Katastrophe was hinting at, so a self-contained plot full of suspense was amazing. Not to mention that the Tokyo team finally got likable characters after the male model and his stalker.

>Nishi's death
When does that happen? Italy or the alien mothership shit? Anyways, I liked it up until Sakurai's death when he went full Tetsuo. And I really liked the virgin dual wielder.

or this one Gantz.O.2016.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi

Am I rewinding time or something? Why do I keep seeing shit like this?
>Do you like Gantz?
>no re zero ep today
>how much value do you put into visual direction
>is re zero a masterpiece

>implying Tae is anywhere near that attractive

Yeah fucking right, trying so hard to make his waifu anywhere near Reiko.

That isn't Tae dude. That's the bitch from the Osaka team.

B-but critics are always right.