Shingeki no Kyojin

Less than two weeks to S2
What are you looking forward to?
How far do you think two cours will get us?

It will never end.

Looking forward to chicken-wing eren

Castle Utgaurd plus Clash of Titans.

Hoping it'll end at Zeke vs Reiner scene.

Annie's birthday is March 22
Eren's birthday is March 30
Jean's birthday is April 7

>Araki somehow manages to glorify this.

that'd be perfect


Endgame right here, brothers.

So, do you guys think zeke is dead?

By saving he meant ending his life.

Still spouting that garbage?

Yes. It's pretty pointless, but I do like it. I also think either Gabbi or Falco/Colt are his kids.

Death is the only thing that can save Eren from his misery

Not yet.

Gabbi is nothing like Sieg. Falco on the other hand.

>season 2 in two weeks

holy shit that soon?

anyway I really liked this chapter

Falco is going to be part of the fodder that makes Gabi go full ragetard

What if Gabi dies and Falco ends up with the Armor

It will be a tragic misstep on Isayama's part

since SnK is so big to normalfags, I'm kinda surprised it's not being aired-on-same-day on toonami like Space Dandy was.

Isayama needs to stop killing the loli

>What are you looking forward to?
EH and YH moments, Erwin getting focus being a badass, Historia punching the manlet.

If CR has dibs on the Simulpub maybe they have it on a simulcast as well.


The cutest and best friends.

That story is about him, not Gabi.

This is gonna look great animated if it isn't just a giant black bar


Fujos man. You don't need to understand them.

Armongfags ARE the fujos.

Those were AMfags.

Hongo a shit

Kill yourself.

I see no difference.


I like that one a lot.

What are you implying? Leave my Mika-chan alone.


Those dresses are lovely.

Levi a best!

Ponytailed beardlet after the timeskip.
If only to keep the facial hair curse from Jean

BR a huge shit

A worst*

>Wallists look exactly the same.
>Tumblreddit tears.

Remeber that Isayama has a bad habit of wanting to make people go numb with crushing defeat or something.

The only people who'd want them to not grow or change are bitter manlets.

I hope they change, they all have 19/20/21 now.

I hope they all have Connie hair to fuck with all the morons who think that a time skip means all the men must have long hair now

malet is the same thing by 8, 20s and 30s.

I hope Connie has long hair and grows to be Bert sized

They're almost 17 last time. The already grew as much as they could.

They still had at least a year of growing time and hair will always grow unless someone mysteriously goes bald.

>They still had at least a year of growing time
After 17, that's 3cm, and being nice.

My tits grew a lot after hitting 20

The fat must go somewhere.

It varies by person user and this is also fiction

post them or fuck off with that

Why is /snk/ so negative and generally salty? every other thread is funposting, but /snk/ is bleak with pessimism. If Sup Forums had depression, /snk/ would be the cause. Not even Berserk threads are this dense.

I grew 5 centimeters after hitting 20.

Fiction with strong scientific undertones. I doubt Isayama would fuck up biology that much.

I'm rather skinny, actually. Your body can 17 keep growing after dude.

He's spent years fucking up anatomy. Titans can only be explained via bro science and here you are insisting a couple of teenagers can't grow significantly taller in a couple of years with improved living conditions.

Growing on the sides don't count.

Just because he can't draw don't mean he skipped school.

Welp, that's hot.

>teenagers can't grow significantly taller in a couple of years with improved living conditions.
Honestly, this. Now they've got shit they were lacking when Hissu wasn't queen. I bet they eat meat once every week.
Imagine all the fish they could've gotten during those four years.

People need to be much happier!

They already get growth spurts when he consistently forgets how tall they are.

*A couple of 17 years old having a start of puberty tier growth sport.
>A couple of 17 years old having a start of puberty tier growth sport.

Nope, I am still skinny.



Nigga it's possible

>Anons can't into big

You are right. Not even EVA threads are like this, and that's saying a lot. I can't wait for the new wave of newfags to cleanse this place from the bitter BRAfags and fujos.

Like having your first period at 17 possible?

Stagnation. Our meta mixing poorly with dumblrinas hashing out their catfights here instead of their fucking blogs or reddit

And the fact that SnK is drepressing as fuck. At least Berserk is kawaii uguu.

Considering all the stress and undernourishment for the better part of puberty, exactly like that yeah.

It is known

It's too late to "start eating meat" now. They're already adults. Now there's only the chance of geting fat as fuck.

>I can't wait for the new wave of newfags to cleanse this place
I don't know if that's a good thing user but I will trust you.

He's a newfag himself WAKING HIM UP INSIDE'ing after being called out nonstop.

The archives are up again. Take a look at old /snk/, newfags.

Every other introduction of newfags has gone poorly but I remain hopeful. As always, I foolishly think these threads can't possibly get worse.

But they can. And will.

Because Sup Forums hates snk, Isayama hates snk, we hate snk, snk characters hate themselves.

What would make them worse?

>All introductions of newfags goes poorly
It wasn't different on season 1.

Imagine the whiny Armongfag x 30.

I don't know. Something always does.
Then we try to do nice things like drawing cats and flockmod, but they can only stall the descent. Nothing can stop it.

No cliffnotes? What are the most recent atrocities that turned this place to shit?

>desu only goes back to 2015
>moe has no search enabled for Sup Forums

I-I didn't want to look at HANNES IS KILL anyways

Armongfags. The main reason why we don't have flockmods or drawfags anymore.

Please, they aren't the only one. BRAfags, shipperfags, fujoshits, manletfags make this place even worse. Drawfags go because they wanted to go.

>BRAfags, shipperfags, fujoshits, manletfags
Spot the Erenfag.

The drawfags leave because they gradually lose interest in the series and these threads. Losing them in turn causes flockmod quality to go down. Trying to be nice when retards are being faggots in flockmod is also unpleasant.
-Use the chat
-Don't fuck with other people's drawings
-Leave your salt in the thread

Is that really so fucking hard? This is why we can't have nice things and we all hate eachother.

The eternal triggered fags. You can't say anything or they will tell you to fuck off.

I mean any Erenfag who isn't any of the above sounds pretty okay be me

The laat time we tried to have a flockmod, an Armongfag fucked everything for everyone.

I'll never forget this Hissu.

