Don't look at my p-

Don't look at my p-



No! my crush is NOT a boy

>crushing on a damegami
That's some great taste you've got there.

And they still don't mention as to why that is or make a joke of it.

Wasted potential...

One of them wakes up tomorrow with a dick, pick one.

Everyone knows at this point. It would be a stale joke.

Does that mean Eris has 2 penises?

I suppose the advantage of wearing no underwear is that Kazuma can't [Steal] it.

Futa aqua best aqua


well i'm a dick, so darkness wakes up in bed next to me

Aqua so that I feel far less worse about bullying her (him).

>No more Aqua

Megumin since I like don't like her at all.
I just want to motorboat Aqua's butt and armpits, is that so much to ask? Kazuma could do that and more if he just asked but he doesn't.

> poor layout
> bad translation
> weak punchline

Aqua's pantsu is best pantsu

>Aqua will never blow in your ear

>Get what you ask for
>Still complain
I only have so much power.

Out of the 3 main girls I think Aqua-sama is best girl but I don't like the Wiz bullying.

Guys, I love Aqua.

Just wanted to let you know.

Everyone but Wiz has at least done something to deserve their bullying. Wiz suffering is the one points of the show that hurts me.

>lich in service to the Demon King

>Neutral as long as the demons don't harm innocents
>Will fuck up their shit if they break the deal.

>no more Konosuba for god knows how long

just kill me senpai

I'm guessing it's because she got the design after most of the story was already written.
She had a longer skirt in the LN and panties in a Vol. 1 illustration, so there's a big chance that the author considers the anime exaggerations as non-cannon.

I think he wanted an official explanation, not a fan-theory.

>filthy Aqua bread

Purge the retard god and all who sail in her

How can she be so thicc yet so unattractive? Megumin is sexier than she is and shes an actual child.

So does she not wear panties

better than another megumeme thread

Are you implying that Eris doesn't have a dick?

>futa Megumin

True. Megumin is bae, Bakwa is fucking retarded

Go ahead. Finish that sentence. I DARE YA!


Is it time to let Konosuba threads die?

I want to suck Aqua's nipples.

They would be fat and lumpy.

I'm not on the darkness boat but lalatina got a good treatment this season

why is she so fat?


>implying that a tank character being fat is bad

it's not fat, it's muscle


Why Aqua doesn't wear panties?

>Megumeme just had two threads in a row that attracted 170+ posters
>Aqua can't even manage more than 43 posts

Megumeme is clickbait

That just means they have shit taste.

Clickbait doesn't incite posting. As its name indicates, it only incites clicking. ;)

Just a year probably


Do you also think Sup Forums and Sup Forums are the best boards?

>more means better
Kill yourself sempai

That's not my point. I am merely reminding you that Aqua is less popular without any other implications.


In the story, novel, she does. There has been a popular fan theory that in the anime she's designed to appear as if she isn't for fan service.

Praise Axis

Join the Eris cult :^)

>implying the leader of the free world would pledge allegiance to the damegami
Keep your fantasies to yourself, Aqua.



also no

>implying the leader of the free world would pledge allegiance to a deceiving padded "goddess"

weiss a shit

>implying the leader of the free world would praise a god who lie about her chest

Just one more reason to stay alive.
I'm dot dying before S&W3.

She's just a little short for her weight.

>implying this is quality

How much OC have aquafags made again?

A few Axis cult shops. Sad, I know.

This is my favorite picture.

someone post the one in the nightgown, you know the one

>hurr durr muh OC
Who are you? a pony fag?

>dissing OC

I'm an Aquafag but that's going too far.

Yes I know it's just a reaction image. I just haven't been able to use this picture in two years.

Angry Kazuma:
>What are you doing, bitch, I will kill your chicken

Angry Megumin:

Angry Darkness:
>I will break your arms so you can't even beg for forgiveness, you scum

Angry Aqua:
>I am Aqua! That's right, the goddess of Aqua worshipped by the Axis cult! A mere minor god that I have never heard of before dare lecture me?! Know your place, Wolbach!!
>A fog appeared on her beckoning, and they slowly turned into orbs of water. This was becoming to dangerous. She might hurt some innocent standbyer

Why is (angry) Aqua so best in everything?

What did she mean by this?

>Angry Wiz
You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>Angry Vanir
If you're human, prepare yourself for a lifetime of endless trolling. If you're not human, you will not even realise you've died.

My Little Goddess Can't Be This Cute

>[Maid-chan] Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 2 Character Song Album: Ohakozukushi no Utage ni Shukuhai wo!

To be fair LN Aqua is way worse than anime Aqua

Angry Vanir got his fucking ass beat by Angry Aqua, which is why Kazuma still uses her to threaten him with when he tries to jew him out of inventions.
Angry Aqua has never face Angry Wiz, buy Aqua has a natural advantage, so it probably wouldn't be a contest

>wiz is a WIZard

LN Aqua never even ran away from Hans, let alone got help from Axis. She was the only one that stayed behind, and when Kazuma realized this, he was the first one back to help her.

If anything, anime-Aqua is undertuned as fuck.

Despite Aqua supposedly being the "dumb" one, her bants are far superior to Kazuma. Kazuma is just a mean-hearted dick, Aqua is good at teasing/mocking/scaring him.

LN Aqua doesn't have Amamiya-san's Voice

Checkmate atheist

>Neh, Aqua, what are you doing so early? Shouldn't you be out playing with your little cult? Leave me alone

>Ah, Kazuma who has never been loved by anyone, ever, he doesn't know what it feels like. Now get out of bed before I soak you.

Advanced bantz


>Oi, Kazuma, it's ok to have self-confidence, but don't you think this is a little too far?

>lots of people have shit taste
This is hardly news

>scaring him
That bit in LN8 where she challenges him to a fight was so fucking orgasm inducing.
Kazuma is talking shit about Darkness one morning, and Aqua walks in with a bottle of champagne in her hand:

>Neh, hikiNEEt, are you looking for a fight? You can fight me.
>Stay out of this, you idiot
>No. I will not. You want to fight? Good, fight me. Are you an idiot? My stats far outweigh yours, and with my Divine Blessings, even more so. None of the cheap tricks you use on Darkness will work on me, do you know this? Are you actually stupid? I learned Reflect Magic, so your cute rope trick won't get me. If you are so hungry for a fight, just tell me. I will crush you hiki, and you can say hi to Eris from me

>the bit in the LN where Aqua dares him to fight her, and lays out all the reasons why she'd pummel him into a red pulp, and he nearly pisses himself

What is it with you faggots saving the downsized version from the boorus? I always have to double check.

>mfw starting to type out this exact scene
>page reloads
>Axis hive mind

Anyone else fap to Aqua to give your vitality as an offering to her goddess self?

I hope she shows herself to me at some point after all of my masturbation has paid off.

>My stats far outweigh yours, and with my Divine Blessings, even more so.
Fug, I feel bad for Kasuma now

>I will crush you hiki, and you can say hi to Eris from me
Jesus, calm down Aqua

>Aqua is love
>Aqua is life

>Darkness's singing voice