ITT: We post our Myers Briggs Type and Our Favorite Anime




How is that normal intelligence treating you?

INTJ Serial Experiments Lain

INFJ-A, Evangelion.

You will never understand people as well as we master personality.

INFP, Spice and Wolf



ESTP, Aria

I'm sure most of Sup Forums is INXX, yeah?


INTP, Hxh as well


Yeah, we are all autistic

How's that turbo autism treating you?


Neon Genesis Evangelion

>I'm sure most of Sup Forums is INXX, yeah?
Most of Sup Forums is.

How about ___NO___

INTJ, Mushishi


Lain and Evangelion



Ghost in the Shell


Code Geass


space patrol luluco

This is user's wife.
Your picture triggered a seizure and we have informed the police

My fucking man

INFP, Mushishi

I thought INFP were supposed to be rare


Legend of the Galactic Heroes.


Neon Genesis Evangelion.


kino no tabi


Neon Genesis Evangelion


Haibane Renmei

INTJ, Code Geass is my favorite as of right now.


I am not sure about my favorite. Maybe Madoka? But I think eva is shit.


Do you see a pattern?


Rose of Versailles

ENFP, honestly kinda surprised that there aren't too many here.


>no one is not a _N__

I can't believe there are so many unironical eva fags on Sup Forums.


Did the daily EVA threads not tip you off? It could be worse, much worse, everyone could be a Keion-fag.


Probably Clannad: After Story

I love how every time I take it, it changes.

Tasogare Otome x Amnesia.


Legend of the Galactic Heroes for me if I had to choose one, but there's a lot of anime I'd consider favorites.


I like you user

Why though? This is a board about anime. And Eva is peak anime.

whats the "-A" people add to the end, I've never seen that before

and for the fag that is assmad about people being evafans: it can honestly be so much worse

Yeah no shit. I remember when the movies aired how there were hundreds and hundreds of eva threads. But I never believed that a significant amount of Sup Forums posters seriously consider eva to be GOAT.

No. If anything anime peaked in the 00s and is now in the process of recovery. I can't even find a good analogy for eva. It's almost like Elfen Lied. People pretend that it is super deep and amazing yet it's just a bunch of shit.

Assertve vs Turbulent

the thread is about favourite anime, not best anime. Theres a world of difference

In case you refer to me, I am not mad at all. Just surprised. But I guess you are right. At least it's not naruto or re:zero.

I can screech in seven different languages.

>i can't believe there are so many fans of one of the most influential and well-regarded anime franchises ever on an anime board

>People pretend that it is super deep and amazing yet it's just a bunch of shit.

nice meme

wtf, those are so general and vague that it really is pseudo-science at that point

Who are you quoting?

When railgun is your favorite you clearly can't be that intelligent.



MB has always been bullshit, just like every personality test out.

It's best to just treat it as a fun side diversion and nothing more, like horoscopes.

Elfen lied aired way after EVA and people realized it was retarded way sooner. The only people who think Elfen Lied is deep are complete normalfags. Evangelion is controversial, but has remained controversial. If it was genuinely that bad it's reputation would have went down the gutter 15 years ago. It's just that the ending invokes heavy subjectivity with how it broke narrative conventions. If you're going to compare it to anything it's probably better to compare it to The Matrix.


Hunter x Hunter

We should really use the Big 5 Personality traits nowadays, its a little less bullshit

Assigning personalities to letters is pseudo-science. I get different results when I take it every 8 months or so

>People pretend that it is super deep and amazing yet it's just a bunch of shit.
At this point I think all the people who shit on eva is actually just one retarded guy who says the same generalized brain-dead argument in every post.

Yet I have never seen a single good argument why eva is good.

I don't even see why people should care if other people like the anime they like at this point

How is it the current year and people still use MBTI?


The aspergers is palpable.


Proving my point. Also, what you wrote is hypocritical because clearly you care.

This. Just watch it, and if you can't get into it, stop.

>first user out of 43 to post Kyoani

You know, Sup Forums might have some hope yet

The main characters' complex motives and conflicts are fully explained, the plot is complex as it links the actions of multiple parties trying to get what they want out of the third impact, and the philosophy Eva articulates towards the end is unique in that it says existentialist ideas can coexist with a deterministic world, and it foreshadows all these concepts with its perfectly written dialogue since the beginning.
Maybe you should watch the show again

me telling you that I don't care about your opinion on Eva is different from me telling you that I'm mad at you for not liking Eva

You forgot about just how brilliant the scenery and the designs are.




Oh yeah. The cinematography and EoE's soundtrack are pretty much unmatched


Okay and how does any of this make it good?

That aside, your post answers my question. Together with I think I now understand what you people see in eva. Thank you for that. Clearly my tastes are so different that we will not find common ground regarding eva.


Cowboy Bebop

some of those questions were kinda shit though. needs to be more specific.

It's my favourite because it hit all the right notes, i don't think it's the best

ENFP and Welcome to the NHK.

I can't tell you what to value in a show, I can only argue for what aspects are done well.

you're not allowed to be extraverted and like NHK

ENFPs are basically introverts in all but name.

ENFP is the exact polar opposite of a shut-in though

An unhealthy ENFP is basically an INFP aka the ultimate shut-in.

Back when I first saw the NHK, I was in an unhealthy, friendless place in my life and it really spoke to me and inspired me to crawl out of it and towards trying to better myself.


The ones I know are pretty far from it, at least

Well the only surefire way to objectively rate art, ESPECIALLY postmodernist art, is to rate by technical prowess and EVA is certainly technically a really great work. The cinematography, especially by anime standards where they don't care for it and just do whatever bland camera angle works, is very impressive. Interesting, effective, and especially evocative imagery is common. It generally utilizes animation in a way that live-action could not effectively reproduce, and much to its benefit. Narratively it subverts many cliches and lets other cliches play out like they would in the real world rather than an anime world. Hell EVA even subverts the idea of a grand narrative itself by cutting it's narrative spine to focus instead on the mental deconstruction of its characters. Like that or not, it's a pretty common theme in postmodern art and Evangelion is certainly much better viewed as art than as a story.

That sounds about right

Yeah I did not mean to bash you or anything. Your posts are good.

And actually complex anime with "living" characters are my favorite. In fact, with the exception of Madoka and Oban, all my favorite anime are purely character driven.

But I watch anime for enjoyment and entertainment and eva accomplished neither for me. Lain, Penguindrum, Paranoia Agent, GitS, all this stuff I can't stand at all. It bores me to no end.

On the surface maybe.

ENFPs have a public face, the smiling and socially active one that everyone is familiar with, and a private face, the one that is actually pretty introverted and sensitive. We need a lot of down time between socialising with people to regather our thoughts and be alone. While we like pretty much everyone, we only really feel close to people who we feel we can connect to on a deep, personal level. When we find those people, we're usually far different than what we appear to be at first glance.

We're basically introverts wearing extrovert camouflage, same way INTJs are supposed to be introverts who wear extrovert camouflage.


ISTJ 38/3/59/6

Kino no Tabi

is Lain Ni-dom anime?

its just that the typical extravert wouldn't internalize their problems, but make an attempt to find external help, either in friends or with family if friends weren't around. Where the introvert might seclude themselves out of shame and fear of others, the extravert might jump into the outside world in a desperate attempt to escape themselves and their loneliness

but maybe the basis of the introvert/extravert dichotomy is too vague

That's cool. My interests vary between characters and themes.
This isn't meant to be a joke but you would like K-on probably. Character-driven and enjoyable
I might lose any credibility for suggesting it though


Your Lie in April


Haibane Renmei

I haven't tried K-On yet. SoL usually isn't my kind of thing with few exceptions and when I like SoL it's usually "exotic" like Kino no Tabi, Saki or Maria-sama.

When I meant character driven I was talking more about anime like Simoun, Blue Drop or Kurau. Or pic related.

That's the rub though: ENFPs aren't your typical extrovert. The combination of Ne and Fi makes them altogether more sensitive and prone to internalising their thoughts and feelings. While you may know an ENFP who appears to be open and forthcoming with who they are, ask yourself how well you actually know that person. You know they're funny, fun-loving, outgoing and sweet, but what do you actually know about them as a person? Usually you'll be surprised to notice that the average ENFP is actually a lot more withdrawn about who they are than they would have you believe. They possess all this knowledge of your hobbies, interests and beliefs, but they rarely divulge their own unless prompted.

That's because ENFPs have arguably the strongest sense of internal value and contemplation out of all extroverts and make a conscious effort to put up a two-way mirror. They can see you, but you only think you can see them.