Does anyone else instantly skip past Machi scenes?
Does anyone else instantly skip past Machi scenes?
just picked this up and only been watching vampire/succubus
her scenes aren't too bad.
snow girl's can be painful to watch though.
I want to make her mind go blank.
>Just Gay Things
Would literally anyone care if Machi got hit by a bus and died?
Wait, there's a headless gir
Picked the fuck up.
Yuki is the best of the 3 students.
Machi is the reason I am watching this show.
So it wasn't only me, good to know.
I can't help judging people for their taste in Demis. Really it seems like the people who say "Hikari is the only good character" or "Machi is boring" strike me as people who either don't watch a lot of anime or can't really appreciate this kind of show.
Succubus > Vampire > snow women > dullahan
This is the only scene I've skipped in the entire anime since it went on for far too long.
Best demi is Machi.
seems like your tastes are just shit user.
Specific character scenes as a whole are fairly dull. The only good parts of the show are when the characters are interacting with each other.
yeah but what other demi can lick ur ass while u fuck her pussy at the same time
thats what i thought fag
My nigga. I watch it for dumpire and succi-sensei. Machi is plain annoying.
Remove Machi and the show instantly become better
Machi is cute! CUTE!
Anyone who has something mean to say about Machi can say it to my fists.
Her body is nice but her face and hair is repulsive.
Come at me, beta fag
You're wrong shes great in every aspect.
I wanna succ on Succy's toes.
Physics bro should have done some kind of experiment on Machi's wormhole. If he's got so many revolutionary ideas why doesn't he try proving them.
I bet he's a string theorist.
>skipping scenes
>of anything
Please do us all a favor and end your life.
I'm actually glad to know I'm not the only one.
OP you've done it again. Just when I think everybody has forgotten what a tremendous faggot you are you go and remind them. Bravo.
I actually like the thought of having her eat herself out while you fuck her ass.
We both know she's too much of a boring prude to ever do that.
>tfw I have no neck and I must wear the bunnysuit collar
No I just imagine fucking her head
So you're a poor judge of character besides being tasteless. Soukka.
that's what makes it so great
she'd definitely be adverse to the act but she's got paper thin self-esteem and could easily be coerced into doing it out of love
Only because of the way their written, Machi and Sakie are shit. I guess it's because they have the most crippling demi natures but they've ended up being bland as hell characters, only good for whatever fetishes they cover.
Hikari and Yuki are fun even if you disregard the demi natures completely. They don't just feel like they're there to carry out what the title says - Hikari especially so, the author got the balance between her being a demi and her actually being a person just right.
>the only good characters are genki spazs
Then stop being a retard and find that show which only has genkis in it.
Vampire > Succubus > Yuki onna > Dulhan
They're not good due to being genki spazzes, I explained myself even. I usually don't like that type of character either.
Only men of taste realize Machi's greatness
I really like Machi, but I wouldn't know how to approach her.
use your head
She is uninteresting, boring, badly designed and falls into typical anime tropes.
Hikari is the polar opposite beside some tropes.
Yeah, and it all breaks down to you preferring girls who'll feed you gags and ignoring the good qualities of others, as to say Machi is boring for her sweet, polite personality or prudishness when crushing on Taka-sensei and pushing herself on him awkwardly, both of which don't uniquely have much to do with her being a demi but which follows. Or Sakie's earnest personality combined to her worrywart and irresolute ways--stemming from her want to have a normal relationship just like in the more wholesome of her chinese cartoons--being shit for some unsaid reason that comes directly from your own tastes.
>Hikari and Yuki are fun even if you disregard the demi natures completely.
The ironic part being both Hikari and Yuki, and for that matter much of the rest of the cast, would never forgive you for saying this.
What's wrong with the vampire?
I was hoping they'd get a pantsu shot of Machi and then sensei would blush and pretend he didn't see anything.
dropped the show 3 episodes ago because of her. The snow woman and the succubus were kinda funny but it just doesn't have enough vamp to carry it.
Succubus is the only reason why I am watching it (and maybe Dumpire). Making her a teacher who wants to fit in society was a nice touch.
I think you just feel personally attacked because people are saying your taste is shit.
If you put your dick in her flame is that like her deepthroating you?
>scene with the other students handling her head near those rails
>start to wonder what would happen if they chucked her head over to the ground below and what the charges for killing a super rare demi-human would be
Literally nothing. I want to be her dad and protect her.
Pretty sure Dullahans (in real legend) respawn or another one pops up if one dies. There's only ever three, there's never 2 or 1. She's also probably piss resilient.
Wrong. Machi is literally best girl.
So let's check back to 3 episodes ago.
>it's ep 8 and Machi only had one scene of greater length than a few seconds, and its a shared scene
Great, another shitposter looking to gin up drama.
Shut your whore mouth.
>Her body is nice but her face and hair is repulsive
there's an easy fix for that
hide her head
I would like Machi more with long hair
Sorry, there's no helping you. You've unfortunately been warped by an identity politics meme that a murder is somehow made more or less weighty for who it is that gets murdered according to the category in which they're slotted, or more or less heinous stemming from the social acceptability of the perpetrator's motive. There's nothing left for you to do but kill yourself with the weapon of your choice, an act that shall also be judged as more or less significant by its current social standing.
I'd like to see that, just to see how she looks
She developed that carefree personality to cope with the fact her twin sister is better than her in pretty much every aspect.
Yes. I've skipped a few whole episodes because of her.
Yep. Last week's episode where her and the teacher went to the university was so boring I skipped it and skimmed the manga instead--got the whole point of the episode in less than a minute.
Had a similar feeling with the snow girl, but she's been getting less stupid lately.
Dumpire and succ is where it's at.
Yeah, but last week's wasn't so much a Machi episode as it was a Souma episode. Like how Succy was a vehicle for introducing Ugaki. What you're saying is that you don't give a shit about any males.
Your taste is more painful to read.
She's as pure as the driven snow.
Yes, she is boring as fuck and her hairstyle didn't help. also MUH HEAD
Where the hell is the full ED? The OP has been on nyaa for ages so what the hell
It's not even good.
Weird because i want to watch this anime because of her.
Autism & Homolust
I give your taste 4 shits out of 10
>vampirefag samefagging again
Don't you have Jitsu wa threads to ruin with your autism
>monster girl series
>best girl is human
they seriously need to give Himari more screentime
Is Autism good or bad?
When will we actually get an interesting demi that isn't just some tumblr diability bullshit?
Like, where's the girl with eight eyes, fangs and the lower half of a spider?
The show clearly states that they're humans with minor mutations - not half-spider monsters.
Which is another reason I hate Machi - dullahans make no fucking sense. They had to dedicate an entire episode to try to explain it away with wormhole science. Dumb fucking cunt ruins literally everything.
I've spent 3+ hours watching anime daily for like 9 years now, all the girls in this show are fucking shit except for the vampire and the succ.
Autism is a value range all within itself.
Whether that is positive or negative is up to the beholder.
>Except the vampire
Machi is garbage, every time she's on screen I can only think about playing football with her head or doing weird fetish shit but she's so fucking ugly I quickly stop and skip her shitty scene.
>awkward not listed as a plus
See, that's where you're wrong.
I thought Machi's gonna be best girl but her love for faceless old men is hideous.
Yuki onna at least has nice feet.
I want to ice creampie her.
Why is that dullahan (male) wearing a skirt? Nigga
>taking a comfy show this seriously
>but her love for faceless old men is hideous.
Fags do.
Only manlets and chestlets hate Machi.
I want to tie machi's body to a wooden horse in the basement and have her be machine fucked, then take her head upstairs and tie it to a chair and make her watch me fuck the succubus
That episode was the CRINGIEST SHIT I've watched this entire season. It's like the writer went "oh shit I need some drama in this healing, comfy show. Let me crap something quickly". You could see everything from miles away, events just happened in the exact perfect moment, people were at the right time and right place. The writing and dialogue was complete and utter crap, it soured the fuck out of my enjoyment of the show. At least next episode is a fanservice one.
Did they run out of manga to adapt? I thought we were behind the raws by far. Is next chapter the last?
I skipped her scene with Takashi sensei's friend in college since I've read the manga, but I think I skipped reading that part too.
SJW alert.
I skip past anything that isn't a Machi scene.
I guess I'm the odd one out as I enjoy all the girls. However I'm a firm believer that pic related is best character.
So I was thinking, since next episode is a beach/pool episode. Can machi drown if she goes swimming without her head? How would it even work? If something gets in her neck will she die?