this show is bad but she is one of the best written child characters I've seen, she is believable as a child
This show is bad but she is one of the best written child characters I've seen, she is believable as a child
I was about to say something about the licking being unrealistic but then I just remembered that one time I was trapped and held down in the girls bathroom in second or third grade and the girls who held me there constantly slapping me and licking my face.
>she is believable as a child
I don't know if it's a cultural thing but every child experience I had featured children who are all loud as fuck and makes fun of any boring scenario
I can't imagine any better attitude for children
So that's why I want to sexually fuck her so much?
>she is believable as a child
somehow I doubt you've been around many children
>x is bad but not gonna lie x is good
>child character does very stereotypical child thing which makes it a very believable child
kyoani shills everyone
>this show is [...] one of the best written [...] I've seen
>this show is bad
I love her dub voice.
Boner no
>loli femdom
I know how you feel. I don't care much for anything else in this show, but goddamn Kanna makes me wish I was a father. I don't know about her being actually a realistic child though. Just about all the kids I've met are the loud annoying types. If there are any purehearted kids out there then they are a dying breed.
children aren't cute, and even when they're being cute they're more obnoxious than cute because their voices are high pitched
>falling for Abe's propaganda
>this show is bad
let me stop you right there, jerkface.
I mean, I know I'm on Sup Forums but I definitely underestimated the level of degeneracy that's in my company. You can't really tell the difference between Sup Forums, deviantart, and tumblr anymore can you?
>omits reddit
You need to go back, faggot
Why would you come to this place if you wanted to avoid degeneracy you fucking faggot?
m8 every normal person loves cute things
>she is believable as a child
That explains why I want to fuck her so much
yo are a pedo
well done
Death penalty to paedos desu
>Will Santa be able to come if we don't have a chimney?
But that's where you're wrong. You DO have a chimney that can make Santa come.
You are a shitty parental figure, it's just that.
You guys know you're watching cartoons, right? This show is not up for an oscar. If believability and realism are your things, fine, but if you're judging every anime on it then you're going to hate most anime.
i love how they draw the dragon eyes, every dragon in the show has gorgeous eyes
I'm pretty sure Kanna is autistic.
Please continue.
Well kids are loud as fuck in most cases, but honestly speaking these kids also comes from households where their parents are also loud as fuck and don't give them attention.
>she is believable as a child
Thats why she makes my dick so hard
YOU'RE believable as a child
>You can't really tell the difference between Sup Forums, deviantart, and tumblr anymore can you?
From the standpoint of "degeneracy"? You never could. Hell, you do realize that not having blatant porn threads in a fairly recent thing on Sup Forums right?
Some people can appreciate something when it's there without getting devastated when it's not.
Autism is basically a form of retarded (in the original sense of the word) mental growth anyways. It's fine for a 10 year old to like Spongebob and legos and not always be able to read between the lines, it's when they keep doing it as they become adults and mix it with weird sexual shit that it becomes an issue.
>she is believable as a child
She has too much self control and isn't loud enough or hyperactive enough
what the fuck
lol I don't need to go back to anything. I'm among the same group of f/a/gs when I'm on either site. including you faggot
I come by every now and again to see if they're any good threads but you guys are openly talking about naruto and wanting to be fathers over cartoons
>defending that
Stop projecting
I'm convinced this is another abe special.
Have a family, raise children, integrate with the local community. You can still work overtime like a good worker without alienating your adorable daughteru. Also, look how ridiculous this loli yuri bait is. Stop.
>elicited le projecting response
yeah I must've hit the nail on the head
That's wizards, not witches
>she is one of the best written child characters I've ever seen
Kyoani retards are something else, man
And instead of proving him wrong you resort to insults, typical anti-KinoAni fags.
Fuck off with your yurishit. This is why anime is declining. Because this kind of thing keeps geting created to pander to degenerates.
Every anime made after the 70s is made for one of two audiences:
1. Kids
2. Degenerates
Also, anime isn't "declining," it is what it is and you like it or you don't. The fact that you've watched select hits from decades past and think that's representative of anime from that era is about as moronic as reading Paradise Lost and going "oh boy British literature is really going to shit these days man what is all this filthy commercial crap getting churned out we need more genuine art like we had back in the good old days."
Anime that isn't made for kids has been made for perverts and pedophiles for almost 40 years now. How do people spend more than 5 minutes discussing anime and not understand this?
this is what manime fans believe
more pls
Not best written child character but best use of child for moe appeal
A mental health user in a past thread referred to Kanna (and presumably other jitome lolis) as having a 'flat affect'. Though you could argue that Kanna doesn't really have a flat affect, since other characters are able to read her easily.
I wish we had this kind of propaganda in the West.
We still have propaganda, just designed to produce the exact opposite effect.
isn't it more that she doesn't have a very expresssive state of functioning? she barely emotes anything unless it's on an extreme or it's someone she is intimately familiar/friendly with
Seeing western civilization destroy itself is kind of entertaining.
she has a 'flat effect' because she'll never be on Lucoa's level
But seriously, how does Santa get in when you don't have a chimney?
Mail slot.
Best believability in chillens goes to Sweetness and Light or Poco's Udon World, they can be cute but loud and obnoxious and snotty.
I want to come down her chimney.
someone should tell her Santa doesnt visit poor people
He always carry a portable chimney with him
He asks your parents to deliver your presents for him. Too bad it seems like Santa never had my parents' contact details.
Isn't she a hundred year old dragon?
Three hundred years old yes, and that's still only a child by dragon standards
how many more days?
Dragone enter puberty when they are 1000 years old
We have no idea what her age is.
anyone have imgur links for the pictures deleted? i imagine they were choice. in the meantime enjoy some sfw images i collected from Sup Forums
It seems that this artist and Abe are good friends
Whatever vent you have. Growing up my dad would tell me he could magic his way through the vent over our stove.
Every place has some form of ventilation. If you're enough to believe in Santa you're young enough to believe that Santa can come through a place no human possibly could.
Please no.
Stop lewding my daughter you sick fucks.
The problem is
She's not a child
She's a dragon
A dragon century old
can someone explain to me the difference between lewd and sfw? i have seen images removed for being lewd, yet are still sfw
SFW does not mean "not naked".
fuck you asshole, when everything turns to shit because evil whitey stops single handedly dragging the rest of the world kicking and screaming into the future, all will be lost
That is what I was referring to.
Flat affect is how Kanna acts. Flat effect is what I experience when I look at Kanna's chest.
Someone post that edit of Kanna biting on Kobayashi's shirt but instead it gets replaced with a guy. You know the one.
China would have created a genetically engineered superhuman master race by then to pick up the slack.
That's a dragon, user. You're right that the show is garbage though.
Maki plz
not thick and not loli fake lolifag
>probably the child character I ever seen
you probably this new if you think so
I was so tend to watch those shows but somehow never did so. You really peak my interest!
To me my favorite has to go to Naru from Barakamon, who is also loud and rude while still being believable and loveable.
A character really matter to the story not just for the sake of weird fan service is what "well written" should mean.
Knowing China they'll probably be cheap, dime-a-dozen factory slaves that are raised and worked to death by the millions while people in western countries bitch and do nothing.
You're describing the present. Besides, they are in fact already working on superhumans while the west is still bitching about 'muh morals'.
Who are you quoting?
>this show is bad
Stopped reading there.
Except she is a two thousand years old dragon who rapes children.
Sasuga Kyoani.