Got any thoughts on this?

Got any thoughts on this?

How different is it from the show?

Other urls found in this thread: shinji/

It was garbage. Completely ruined Shinji's character and all of the psychoanalysis scenes that made Eva interesting.

also pretty much sacked AxS

If you like Rei you'll like it

If you like Asuka you probably won't


Don't listen to
both retarded asukafaggots. Manga is good in the beginning, but goes south in the last volumes. It goes nowhere and is a waste of time, copying EoE but leaving out the actual characterization and meaning. It has a reset end.

I just wanted to point out how they really fuck over Asuka as she jobs hard to the MPEVAs instead of putting up a good fight

She jobbed harder against the MP-EVA's EoE, Asuka was far more of a joke in NGE. Manga was nice to Asuka, but of course anime Asuka is a better character, same goes for Shinji, Rei and everyone else except Kaji.

Shipper retards only care about "muh shinji x asuka", a shit tier pairing which shits on Evangelion, you aren't supposed to do this escapist shit retards.

it's better and actually has an ending.

>being this mad over the OTP

>She jobbed harder against the MP-EVA's EoE

How the fuck is getting hit by an unblockable spear jobbing?

Manga Asuka is struggling to beat any of them where EoE Asuka straight up beats all of them until they regenerate

*asides from the first ones she attacked which were a shot for shot recreation

>anime strongly warns about escapism

Get a fucking life.

"Jobbing" is the act of fighting hard to show how unbeatable an enemy is. The point was that the MP-EVA's could never be defeated by Asuka. The MP-EVA's were giving her an easy time, toying with her. The harder Asuka fights, the more powerful and dangerous the MP-EVA's come off as.

Asuka never beat them up, they beat her up and rended her flesh in a scene it's director refers to as "gangrape".

I swear you Asuka fans have a sub-zero IQ or something.

>he unironically resorts to ad hominem to mask the fact that his pairing is cannonically sacked

>The point was that the MP-EVA's could never be defeated by Asuka

But she was beating them. All of them

She wasn't beating them. They could have ganged her any time they wanted, or a single MP-EVA could have used their spear to wreck her. The fact is that she lost, and the MP-EVA's were far out of her league.

What Asuka did in EOE, was to "job hard", as you put it yourself. Harder than in the manga.

Troll harder, guise.

Just like Hillary won the election, right? Delusional retard.

it worked

haven't watched anime since 2012 kek

all me btw

wasn't shinji less of a wimp in the manga

>literally curb stomping MPEVAs
>About to crush the core of the last EVA
>gets hit with plot device fake spear
>runs out of battery
>cannot move
>this is somehow jobbing

Hey she still struggled even into death in EoE, Asuka just let Shinji save her in the mange

Manga Asuka literally sat on her ass while Shinji yelled about how he had to protect her and started 3rd Impact for no real reason

Why are Eva threads so shit

Reifags ruin another thread

EVA threads are shit because of posters like
and you () of course. Why? Because you're unreasonable morons who refuse to spout anything but your own masturbatory fanwank.

First, you complain about manga Asuka "jobbing". It's then pointed out to you that EoE Asuka "jobs" even harder, especially in the series. Then you get butthurt because you prefer your fanfiction over NGE. This is the problem with every EVA thread, people with your mentality.

Let's recap on what "jobbing" is:
"Jobbing" is the act of fighting hard to show how unbeatable an enemy is. If Vegeta or Yamcha, who are undeniably strong, fights a hard fight against a given foe, and is then promptly destroyed by the enemy unleashing his or her true powers, they are jobbing. Their fight served one purpose, to showcase the superiority and strength of the enemy.

This is what happens in EoE. The MP-EVA's initially do not fight Asuka, but just look at her while she is allowed to attack first. Then they attack her one by one, instead of all at once. Asuka does not destroy the enemy's core, she only stabs or maims them. EVA's are known to regenerate, refer to many such scenes in NGE, and the MP-series are the pinnacle of EVA technology at the time. So when the MP-series decide to actually fight Asuka, she loses. When they decide to attack her all at once, or use their weapons, she loses.

Calling the MP-series "plot device fakes" just because they raped your shitty waifu is just a chilish tantrum thrown by a disgusting Asukafag that can't deal with the harsh reality.

The point of the fight was to show that Asuka had no chance of defeating the MP-series. The harder she fights, the more effort she puts in, the stronger, the more potent the MP-series appear. This is why Asuka jobbed HARD in EoE, and if you think about it, that's her entire career right there.

Still better than her suiciding like the doll Rei

Rewatch NGE some time. Asuka is a doll who attempted suicide. Rei actually succeeded at killing herself and the enemy, and then came back to life five minutes later.

They punch in different weight classes, you can't really compare.

Asuka: Weak doll with no personality of her own, can only get by on the pity of others
Rei: Strong individual with a personality of her own, can develop and get by on her own

that said, Rei is introverted and quiet while Asuka is extroverted and noisy.

Ok, you're just trolling now.
The whole point of Rei is she's a creepy puppet and escapism. Which is why she has to be killed at the end and Asuka is alive.

>Asuka: Weak doll with no personality of her own,

Not the other guy, but this indirect parallel gives both of them great character

Even goes down to the replacability aspect. Asuka feels replaceable and fucks with her

Rei is quite literally replaceable and doesn't care

No, that's fanwank that doesn't even make sense.

- Asuka spends her life refusing to confront her own problems, resorting to escapism to avoid them. She keeps playing at being "the best eva pilot", and that's her entire life. When they take it from her, she collapses.

- Rei spends her life confronting all of her problems, not running from them but tackling them straight on. When someone tells her something she doesn't like or doesn't know about herself, Rei actually considers it instead of brushing it off with a rehearsed self-defense mechanism.

Take the Armisael/Arael scene. Asuka lashes out and throws a tantrum screaming that "it's not true, i dont want to remember". Rei does the opposite, she consider if that is what she really feels, and is then able to turn the tables on the Angel in pointing out that it feels the same way. The result? Asuka has to be saved by Rei, while Rei saves herself and Asuka in ep 23.

This is why Asuka's arc is about descent into madness as a creepy figure of the otaku lolita figure, and EoE puts the "cream on the cake" by having Shinji ejaculate to a doll Asuka who can't move or resist the otaku-standin's sexual abuse.

This is why Rei's arc is about unshackling herself from poor relationship and taking back what the story's oppressive patriarch has taken from her, her legacy as a Goddess.

Basically, if you didn't get that Asuka was a pathetic puppet with no personality of her own, you did not understand Evangelion. Ultimately, Asuka is alive in EoE for the exact same reasons she was alive in NGE, Rei and the rest of the responsible characteres took it upon themselves to save her.

See, you're right. Both different characters, but some people like can't appreciate why.

I like Asuka though as as she is the most human character with Shinji

She is a fucked up person like the rest of the cast, I like them all I can't see how anyone can consider any ONE character in the show as "bad". Like Misato or Rei or Gendo

in sum, nge is a shittier fappable blade runner

They are all equally human. The problem is that some readers and viewers can only understand and accept negative human emotion and behavior as human, despite the fact that we're perfectly capable of the entire damned spectrum.

Rei is clearly not human

Sure she is. The characters are all fictional, and are equally human in that sense - they aren't. They're fictional.

In-universe, she is the prototypical human in mind and conscious, down to a very base - Rei is perhaps the most human out of ALL characters, since her mind's and character's focus is on a question every single human capable of thought or reason has asked themselves, "who and what am I".

In-universe, genetically - definitely not. However I'd argue that hardly matters since the "humans" in NGE are also different from what we consider human in the real world.

I found manga to be more enjoyable for the most part, probably becasue Shinji with outward agression at least made him appear more proactive and less annyoing, though mor clicheish. And Kaworu introduction was done way better.

BTW was that extra chapter with Mari showing up ever eleborated on?

I think Sadamoto said he just wrote it in the manga on a whim without talking to Anno or the other staff

>has an ending
no one actually thinks this

Why are Reifags the only good contributors in eva threads


>having 0 assertiveness and bowing down to offenders until you're literally god, like the bullied nerd who finally gets to have his revenge, somehow means you're more authentic than someone who has pride and actual skills like every single non-sperged human
>b-but muh inner potential!! my inner self!!! i'm a little lazy shit but I swear I'm better than chad who is only good at football!
>all this projection

Jesus christ you don't even try to hide your autism and lack of human understanding, please go outside until you're cured of your literal retardation. And don't try to meme your way out of it

Stop responding to the crazy Reifag

What does any of this have to do with the post you replied to? Are you the one projecting?

It's interesting. I pretty much only read it for Sadamoto's art though.


It made Asuka x Shinji official!


>Manga that's pro Rei
>"kills" off Rei

>makes Asuka's guide Kaji
>Try to force together Shinji and Asuka last second

This was very confusing at times


All Asuka shippers grew up in white trash families, you can't blame their for their standard in romantic relationships.

By that logic it made Kensuke x Shinji official. Retarded shippers.

It's a Reifag falseflagger, don't take them seriously.

Fuck off Asukafag.

Fuck off Reifag

Fuck off fujo

Fuck off retarded crackshipper. Evangelion is not about your fanfuction.

Reifags fuck off

It manages to be worse than rebuild.

Ok, maybe not than 3.33...

Fuck off Reifag

Fuck off Reifag

But yeah. I almost prefer fujos to faggots like you.

What the fuck are you even talking about? Asukafags are insane.

It's a meme

It's pure asukafag autism is what it is.

"They were toying with her" is a poor interpretation considering that kind of fuzzy logic goes directly against the idea of why the dummy plug was created.

It had good scenes with Yui, where she's presented as a saint mother who actually loves her son and relies on him, it actually tried to give Kaji backstory, although basing it on survivor's guilt and later projecting that guilt on Shinji was retarded. I also liked some of Rei's antics in it and the ending with Asuka was kind of cute, although it doesn't make it less retarded and pointless, like our whole existence. In general it was shit and isn't worth reading. Shinji and Asuka's troubled relationship is cut out, Rei's intense schizophrenia is cut out, Kaworu is no more, we get Karl (although his behavior is fun and he's literally a textbook case on autism). Manga had funny scenes at the beginning but with the introduction of Asuka, just what did he do to her, that bastard Sadamoto-chan, it becomes a complete nonsensical pile of shit (much like in Rebuild). The art was nice though. In general, it's obvious that Yoshi-chan didn't want to finish it. Not worth reading.

And gee, just look at those assblasting faggots ITT. Eva's fanbase is pure cancer. We got the fujoshi on one side, subtly screaming at LAS shippers about "muh Kaworu", while LAS shippers openly scream at them about "muh Asuka". And on top of that we have our all-time favorite present: the reifag. Jesus, you people never learn.

Maybe the NERV dummyplug system was made for efficient kills, but the MP Evas are a lot stronger and have replica lances, so maybe they're not programmed to kill and dispatch quickly

Who mentioned Kaworu in this thread?


What does that even mean.

Go learn some English, ESL-kun

I understand what subtly means, I don't understand what you're trying to say.

btw, seph, you did upload those extra scenes with Anno from Love and Pop? Can you post link?
I mean that this is a constant shipping battle

Efficient piloting isn't really the primary result of the dummy system, just plot armor that lets the Eva get stronger and ignore damage without triggering awakening.

It was never "subtle", as everyone knows this whole "le hetereosexual shonje" crap plus the "fuck off reifag" is Grade A kaworufaggotry on Sup Forums.

Fuck off Reifag

I don't think a Kaworufag would try to argue Shinji is heterosexual.

It's an Asukafag, he admitted it but they still try to pin it on Reifags.

Fuck off Asukafag

They admitted to being a Reifag last month and only falseflag as Asukafags to make them look bad

Its sad that one of the staples of Sup Forums, the eva thread, has degenerated to this level of faggotry


This, and the kaworufags joined in. They should kill themselves.

It was always like this

Yeah, Reifags were always cancerous

Delusional retard. Fucking no one buys it.

>I am more depressed now than I was when my fucking grandfather died
Reifags are human trash.

Eva thread quality is inversely proportional to the amount of asuka and kaworu fans in them.

Particularly in the 2004-2006 era you could find good threads. 2007 was the year things started going downhill in general for Sup Forums. It turns out Asuka and Kaworu attract the worst types of fans, sort of like furries and My Little Pony fans. Absolutely incurable individuals.

Embarrasing, asukafags and kaworufags are shitposting so much they try to pin it on Reifags now.

>that samefagging reifag
When will the suffering end? It makes me regret to be a human being

Talking to yourself isn't going to convince anyone

No one is samefagging except you. Kill yourself.

>oficial canon Gainax/Khara confrmed guro rape porn
Wait, what?

And now he's pretending to be other characterfags, it's getting embarrassing to watch.
Basically ACK of the Eva fanbase.

Fuck off reifag shinji/
Look at the first post under this.
Look familiar?
You can stop blaming Reifags now.

Yes, we know you're pretending to be an Asukafag. It's not the first time you've done it. Fuck off already.

Why would a Reifag be in the Asuka x Shinji thread?

>He actually found it and repeated it multiple times and is now trying to convince others it's not him
I wouldn't be surprised if he has a special folder with links and images for falseflagging. No one is ever going to believe you, reifag.

Not the first time Reifags stalked Asuka threads.

Yep, he's posted in Asuka threads and Kaworu threads many times, pretending to be them.
Such a fucking joke.

>that pic
Christ, this is some strong yet well-worded rage

>"it's the asukafags who ruin eva!!"
>"no it's the reifags who ruin it"
>"it's the kaworufags"
consider that maybe idolizing a character, and shaping your perception of the work around them, while also putting other characters down because you see them as a threat to your favorite character in some way, is inherently wrong