Trump intern flashes 'alt-right' symbol

>Former White House intern Jack Breuer held up a 'white power' sign during a photo-op with President Trump and fellow interns in the East Room in November
>Breuer made the same gesture that alt-right protesters made at Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, along with Richard Spencer and Milo Yiannopoulos
>The sign only works if made with the right hand.
>It is said to depict the letter 'W' with the outstretched fingers, and a 'P' with the circle
Together, 'WP' stands for White Power, and is seen in memes of Pepe the Frog

Does that mean Drumpf fired him?

No, he ascended into Asgard after making the secret magic power symbol of the white race

Looks like an aye-okay symbol to me, desu



yes that is a nazi sign and so is a green frog

Apparently Washington is all right with it.

It is, but the alt-right sort of claimed that hand gesture to their meme political agenda.
Other people say it's the hand gesture of the devil representing the 666

No, washington is telling secret Sevice to shoot deusche in the head!

seems like he knew where to stand, did kek move through him that day?

It is unironically the devil's symbol

Isn't that just the OK symbol?

And the two finger peace sign means two genders?
You abhorrent faggot.

>Trump intern flashes 'alt-right' symbol used by notorious extremists

>notorious extremists

>the ok symbol is finally and officially a white power symbol
we did it

I thought that was a dumb op but it actually worked. Like the absurdity was why it would never work. Now it's real. Truly clown world.

The devil is not "ok"

You mean the symbol of Satan that all the degenerate Satanists do?

Wow look at the libtards creating myths about a common hand sign. The okay hand sign is synonymous with the thumbs up sign that everyone else is using. It's also a hand gesture commonly employed by Trump when giving speeches.

Why do these retards think Milo is alt right?


it is OK to be white

oy vey annudda shoah

lmao look at the dead-eyed autist serial killer stare
definitely a Sup Forumsack

It's a 666, you're totally wrong


>lmao look at the dead-eyed autist serial killer stare
>definitely a Sup Forumsack
no doubt. The lack of smile really seals the deal.

Holy fuck he does it so autistically.

Looks awkward af

100% of the time, all the time 666

It's evil

author of the article is some faggot liberal from jew york

? No

It is. After Sup Forums claimed milk we started spreading the meme of the ok hand sign being related to white nationalism months ago.

>white men in back
>brown women in front

>white men on top
>brown people on the bottom

and did the alt-right faggots really pick it up? either they are retards or a CIA psyop

If you don’t see him, he’s the guy George Washington is pointing at.

Didn't Sup Forums make that up to see if we could get (((them))) to declare the OK sign a hate symbol?
