ITT: Incontestable best girls in their series

ITT: Incontestable best girls in their series

Lalatina > Aqua > shit > megumeme

You first

But the dorkness.

Step aside all you lesser anons.

She can gather my honey.


>actually being this full of shit

Kaworu is the definition of dreamy


Nice try.

Bulma can't be best girl when she's in the same show as android 18.




Ninamori best girl. Mamimi a retard.

>her name is literally megu meem

I blame her for developing my sibling incest fetish.

nigga P L S

You seem to have posted the wrong picture.




It's almost not fair how she has no competition aside from Iris.



>Hard mode: series where there are two best girls

What's it like having the taste of a 15 year old?










Ironic shitposting is still shitposting anons.








OP said best and not inferior fotm.





All GJ-bu are wonderful, but Ma-chan is extra special.



I liked everyone though


She just got her arc, she ain't the best just yet.
Unless you're a clockfag

nagisa a shit




10/10 Best doujins


How conflicting



>You will never be raped so hard and mercilessly by Aqua, she ruptures half the organs in your abdomen


I want Wanko to wanko me off

that's some nice work there.


19/29 for characters I liked best/shows I recognized.
Not bad.

Tell me user, you wouldn't happen to be a breast man, would you?

I want a smug thigh job from her


>Shizuku among the harem
Not to be a shill or anything, but Butakoma (The guy who did Vitamin Quest) made a game with Shizuku as the main character that you may be interested in. It's called Drop Factory, I'm sure you can find it somewhere.


>cowtits-only even if they are terrible
Totally legit.


You already failed



Not so fast.


muh niggas




I...I can't decide. I've never even considered best girl in this series. Dear lord, these are uncharted waters







Aqua: Harsh, borderline caustic Old Overholt Rye
Darkness: Nice quality, smooth warm Jamison
Megumin: The perfect Glenlivet 12 scotch


Outta the way, plebs

Shitoge a poop.


>a poop
Kosaki pic related.

>Silver cunt aka worst girl