Is Crackshipping allowed on Sup Forums?
Is Crackshipping allowed on Sup Forums?
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Yes and it triggers a certain Madoka autist so have fun.
Blessed be your ships
Always and forever
Thank you, Father.
Ranma x Lum
Crack because no one actually ships these two
Bulma getting cucked
Better pic
Tamao x Ren, but I doubt anyone knows where they're from.
Shipping shouldn't be allowed on Sup Forums at all, to be honest.
Uh, you meant TomoyoxTomoya
Don't ever post this again.
What happens to Kikyo in the end? I assume Inuyasha and Kagome get together.
It was literally banned by the mods at one point. But that's gone now, because the good mods left when moot asked them to hand over their IDs. And as result Sup Forums got the /mlp/ mod, and not things are drastically worse.
The only people who like shipping cancer shit are tumblr retards and people who think Sup Forums is purely for shitpsoting and attacking people like He is a well known bad evader who was banned for posting CP.
Pic related is this person.
>Uh, you meant TomoyoxTomoya
That's not a "crack" pairing you retarded faggot. Here's another one just for you
You're literally the only one being a cancer and shitposting here by being this asspained about a completely harmles thread.
This is the same person, by the way. He made this thread for the sole purpose of meta shitposting.
He's also cried publicly about not having any friends.
>ur cancer because i say
>it's harmless because i say so
>you can't even spell harmless
No, your shipping cancer has literally nothing to do with anime or manga. Just like you blogging about wanting to fuck your sister has nothing to do with an incest anime.
It's not harmless just because you like it. And of course, it's inherently low quality. Which all the mods used to agree on, pre tumblr mod era.
Kikyo and Inuyasha had a kiss and said goodbye as she died. Say what you want about that show but that episode was really fucking well done. Also, you realize that Kikyo's whole life and afterlife was nothing but suffering.
I was teasing.
I'm just going to edit Sunohara out anyway
I like how this thread is mainly one person spamming. Like ever shipping cancer thread.
>Posting anime and manga characters
>It has nothing to do with it Sup Forums
Sure ok
>It's not harmless just because you like it.
No it was harmless because no one was being a spurging faggot until you showed up. I didn't know posting pairings was somehow hurting you or the board.
Cool, cool.
I like how you completely ignored everything said in the post and just spammed personal insults. You make the tumblr shipping shitters like yourself look even worse.
Is this like your favorite word or something? Because it's an extremely uncommon word, and you say it all the time.
And yes, like it has been explained to you many times, it doesn't matter that you are posting characters from anime and manga. Because that doesn't automatically make it related to Sup Forums. Read the post you're replying to, and how it explained you blogging about your sister is not on topic for an incest thread.
>I didn't know posting low quality shit hurt the board
Then you have downs.
This is why these threads used to be banned. People shit bricks already with OTP threads but go to crack shipping and faggots start analy bleeding. Talking about romance between anime characters on Sup Forums is sacrilege.
Nadia deserves to be NTRed for all the shit she puts Jean through.
Or, you know, no one gives a single fuck about your off topic low quality tumblr shipping fetishes. As they are cringy as fuck and have nothing to do with anime.
Your shipping cancer has literally nothing to do with the board. Fuck off.
But you're not talking about romance between anime characters. You're shitting out fanfic garbage. If you want to talk about anime romance, actually talking about a romance that happened in anime, not in your head. As the what happens in your head is not relative to the board.
>It's not harmless just because you like it.
>It's low quality because I say so hurrrr
Yeah, this is a great quality argument you have her cunt.
>ITT pictures make people angry the thread
Why are you typing so badly on purpose? Anyone with a brain already knows who you are.
And I find it funny you are trying to side step the point out how it off topic without question.
And, it being off topic is in part what makes it low quality. What else makes it low quality is that you just throw away the actual characters from the series, and replace them with your tumblr fan fic shit. The character as they are shown in the anime is where the value comes from. You throw away that worth, thus degrade them, thus making your crack shit low quality.
It's really not hard at all to understand.
>non-unique IP
What's it like actually having autism and being mentally defective? Autism is about being able to read social cues, such as peoples' emotions, which you totally fail at. Because you stupidly assume anyone who disagrees with you is mad.
Get treated for your autism. And learn that just because people tell you to stop shitposting doesn't mean they are mad. It means they don't want to wallow in your shit.
Dudes abandoned by their mothers don\t count as people user.
I've never been a fan of crack shit but I still never understood how people are willing to start a crusade against threads like this when half the board is filled with much more cancerous shit then this nothing thread.
Hahaha, you forgot which devices you switch your IPs on and made the post that replies to the OP a non-unique IP, and this one the new one.
Reminder that the person posting Madoka crack shit is the person who cries about not having any friends.
>December 2006
>"First Look at 4 New Movies!"
If only we knew at the time that this was a lie.
I just masturbated at this picture.
You have such obvious patterns in your behavior it's pathetic. You're clearly crack shit cancer, and you saying the word "I've never been a fan" doesn't mean anyone will believe you.
Notice how you are the only one spamming crack, !Akemi.
Get fucking over yourself already. This site is not your personal shitposting playpen.
You know, had you shut the fuck up instead of being a loud mouthed faggot this thread might have been dead by now.
Hello Sup Forums my name is Kevin-kun
No it wouldn't. You are autistic. Which means you are overly attached to objects (aka threads). Meaning you will cling to this one for dear life until you are literally forced to let it go.
>waaaaah gib me my hug box
I've saged every single post in your shit thread. Kill yourself.
No, !Akemi, you real name is actually Austin.
I blame you more then them for keeping this thread alive.
Make me
See And you blame me with no bases whatsoever. You only say you blame me because you want to publicly "downvote" posts you dislike you and express that you are against them.
Again, I've used sage for every single post in your shit thread. And you have autism.
I'm not actually reading anything you say but the fact that you keep coming back here to bitch is hilarious.
Keep it up.
Do you enjoy making yourself look bad or what?
I give this thread fifteen more minutes. Let's see how close I get.
It's just one autist named ACK who does this.
But you're the one bitching
>bragging about being autistic
How funny.
Hey, !Akemi. It's still obvious who you are even if you're name fagging.
>putting in this much effort to samefag
>refusing to actually give proof for anything you say
Your boogieman is not real, and never will be. The way people know it's always you spamming "ack" is because whenever you say it you always refuse to give proof it's real or even a thing. As opposed to people having proof you are real. That's been posted in the thread.
You literally turned the stage 1 cancer into a stage 4 by coming in here.
You are the only cancer here. And it's made even more obvious the fact you are trying to advocate for hug box style posting.
Good ship d/a/non.
>It's inconceivable that two or more people are opposing my opinion
Yeah ok.
Actually, you are the stage 4 cancer. Posting against you is attempting to cut you out.
Nope. Not all, just you, !Akemi. The only person in the world who out right refuses to ever give proof for anything he says or address what people say.
ACK thinks everyone who disagrees with him is the same person. It's pretty funny to toy with what's left of his broken mind.
Senpai please take real screenshots. I can reccomend you a program if you need one.
Yes, it is, !Akemi. Because for one. The odds of two people being stupid enough to misuse the word opinion being in the same place at the same time is low.
Even more so when those two people refuse to explain or back up anything they say. While "both" these people are ignoring everything that is said to them.
Oh, and of course, "both" of these people are crack shitters, who are the minority in the first place.
So, why exactly should I think it's more than one person?
Is there any black guy and a white guy, you could take a picture of your hands with a little note saying you are not Akemi
Why are you talking to yourself? As you always get told, it has nothing to do with that you disagree, but everything to do with how you disagree and what actions you take.
That was a photo taken by / / He was trying to prove he wasn't samefagging, and then he posted that photo which has his real name it. Then he tried to delete it like a moron.
You knew exactly what you were hoping to get out of this thread, didn't you?
Is this Sup Forums's equivalent of Barneyfag?
>paying prostitutes to take pictures with you to try and convince people on the internet you're not samefagging
Wow, sad.
Stay salty loser.
You are also the only person obsessed with saying "Barneyfag".
Everyone hates you. Do you not get that?
Also, it's hilarious how you keep changing your IP just to samefag in this thread.
You are the one who physically crying about not having friends. You are the only salty one here.
>says the guy who has a literal prostitute as mother.
How did Sup Forums find out ACK's mother is a prostitute?
user could you stop. You're only drawing attention to this thread. I'm pretty sure that's the opposite of what you were trying to do. This isn't your hill to die on so stop acting like it is.
Why do you always make yourself look so bad? It has to be on purpose.
And the point of that statement just flew over your head. Like everything else. Because you're just so stupid.
Shit you sure got me there.
>replying to yourself
>begging people to think you're boogieman is real
And like always, you have no proof of anything you say.
Fuck off and kill yourself. You'll never let this thread die, ever. You're that autstic. And again, used sage for every post. The problem is you want a hug box and freak out when you can't have it.
ACK himself had a slip of the tongue.
And look at how you are so mad and upset right now that you literally can't stop spamming and trying to harass people.
You have spent YEARS doing this. You have devoted YEARS of your life to shitposting and attacking people because they tell you that you're not wanted and no one likes you. But, they have reason not to like you, because you're cancer and shit up every thread you touch.
Ah, so it's worse than Barneyfag.
>still talking to yourself
>still trying to pretend your boogieman is real
>still refusing to give proof for anything you say or address what anyone says to you
It's like you want to advertise that you're a single person.
Why are you so mentally disabled that's it's literally impossible for you to back up or explain anything you say? Do you think all your one line insults actually mean anything?
And it's funny, because you are actually taking pride in the fact you're a pony fucker.
Did your mom make you eat spoiled semen for breakfast?, you're whining way more today than other days
Post proof you aren't !Akemi.
>Fuck off and kill yourself.
I actually just came in here because I kept seeing this stupid thread on the first page but whatever you say.
You are not smart and you are not changing your posting style. You intentionally typing incorrectly doesn't make you look like someone else because it is not hard to willingly change how you type.
And telling you to fuck off and proving you wrong about everything you say is not whining.
Everything I say in my posts has solid reasoning and sound bases.
Something that you, !Akemi, have literally never been able to do.
>implying it's crack in the first place
>And look at how you are so mad and upset right now that you literally can't stop spamming and trying to harass people.
Wow, the irony is strong in this one.
Yes, because you keep bumping the thread.
>using the front page
Now I know you're lying and just trying to pretend you're someone else.
Why do you not fault the person actually bumping the thread? That person is clearly you.