why doesn't real life women ever wear knee sock or high thighs?
isn't it obvious that they look much better than ankle socks?
it is like they are trying to be ugly.
Why doesn't real life women ever wear knee sock or high thighs?
>why doesn't real life women ever wear knee sock or high thighs?
quite the claim there
It can get much worse and already is.
I barely see women wearing ankle socks anymore. It's either those sole socks they wear with slippers or nothing.
It's a sad time for legwear people.
Most of the time if it's warm enough for shorts and skirts, it's too warm for high socks
Must suck not living in Tokyo.
I don't own one pair of socks, just pantyhose in case of something formal - is that really so strange?
Also OP, I don't think you're the type they'd wanna attract anyways, so this may be saving them in the end.
>tfw bare feet fag
>why doesn't real life women ever wear knee sock or high thighs?
Because 3D women are inferior.
Forget thigh highs, they don't even wear skirts.
Because most people aren't stupid enough to wear a skirt when it's so cold you need extra long socks to keep from freezing.
this, jeans were a mistake
>implying it gets cold in burgerland
abloobloo there's a centimeter of snow on the ground ;c i mgonna die ;c
In the town I grew up in, wearing high thighs combined with a short skirt or shorts is considered inappropriate. A woman dressed like that would probably get mistaken for a prostitute. Not sure how it is in America, though.
They're a huge pain in the ass.
>why doesn't 3dpd ever wear knee sock or high thighs?
Why would you care?
I had more than two feet of snow last week, it still hasn't melted
It's not really sensible to wear them with anything that would reveal them in most climates. The only time I've seen someone wear them more than a few times a year was a girlfriend who wore thigh highs and shorts around the house.
What the fuck purpose does this gender serve if not for my instant gratification
I'd opt to stare at cute trap butts in place of women, but Lord knows there simply aren't enough of those strutting their stuff
Because women solely exist to satisfy my sexual desires?
What would your mom said if she heard you say that?
>it is like they are trying to be ugly
What part about "pathetic virgin otaku" didn't you understand?
What the fuck are you on about?
>why don't real life women ever wear knee socks or high thighs?
They're either out of fashion, or they make you look like a prostitute, just like said. Tights are more accepted, but even they are losing. Girls tend to wear pants that accentuate their legs and hips more than they to tights and skirts (those are mostly worn on special occasions).
>girls tend to wear pants that accentuate their legs and hips
>tights and skirts are mostly worn on special occasions
Fuck me, I should probably go to sleep.
I like below ankle socks, they are very comfy.
I live in eastern PA, and women here wear yoga pants.
It's a pretty good time.
Because it's the age of footfags and it marks the end of elegance as a whole.
Look at the current fashion trends everywhere and you'll see that it's entirely dominated by barefoot fetishist designers. Exposed toes, exposed ankles, etc.
Elegant legwear is dead and buried. I even see shorts getting discarded in the middle of summer for the same grotty-ass leggings/yoga pants women wear the rest of the year where I live.
Nowadays wearing shitty short jeans with knee holes for no reason and the same unwashed sneakers you wear to walk to dog is what's considered elegant. I've seen people go to fucking weddings like that, mostly men because women at least still have the taste to put on a dress.
ITT: /fa/-Hitlers
Just go to any fucking college in America and all the white women all wear is fucking Yoga pants.
Every day Yoga pants.
None of them even fucking do Yoga.
>Mad ZR/normalfags that still haven't realized the futility of 3D
Not anime.
Canvas sneakers are nice as are some basketball style high tops. Jogging sneakers are trash.
High heels are trashs.
Those high heel sneakers chinese ladies wear are turbo trash.
Skirt + black tights + canvas plimsoll is god tier.
>why doesn't real life women ever wear knee sock or high thighs?
They don't stay up unless you use sock glue or garters. It's just too annoying to pull up all the time.
Because they're not practical. Thigh highs don't stay on fat thighs, they roll down every step. Nobody has time to use some gimmicky glue and garter belts that make you look like a slut. They only stay on tiny twig legs but if you're not an asian woman or a tween nobody has them since its all about ~thicc~ right now.
Why does nobody wear black tights + black socks?
I should add that this is why tights printed to resemble thigh highs have become a thing as of late. Not quite as nice as the real thing, but it's cooler and less of a fuss.