Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

OP for watching shit anime

Maid Dragon is AOTS newfag, go watch more anime to refine you're taste

It's shit, it does nothing to spread the work of Christ.

fite me you quad faggot

Normally I'd shit all over you, but your post number made me reconsider my religion.

Quads of truth. Each episode of maidoragon is either shit or mindnumblingly boring.




Is she supposed to be a god or something

Did you not read the start of the series?

She is a dragon working as a maid


Oh ok

>Samurai Jackku

Maid Dragon fucking sucks.

My mistake, it was actually chapter 32 that featured this bit.


I usually don't mind Christianity being promoted in anime but I'll agree with you.
What bothers me though, is the anti-Christianity in this current season.
Gabriel Dropout, Maid dragon, and Youjo Senki emphasis it to some degree.
What do they gain from doing this?

Loli tail is horrible

christianity is a shit religion so we can have fun mocking it with zero consequences

>christianity is a shit religion so we can have fun mocking it with zero consequences


He's right. Shit religion with an even shittier fanbase.


go back there

He's not wrong though
and this is coming from a practitioner

I choose the blonde bitch

That guy's probably just ironically shitposting. No one actually likes Battleborn. The 20 or so people who play it are 2k's interns that are forced to do it.

>proving me right

It's become pretty boring desu. Far worse than the manga. I didn't even bother watching all of the last episode, and I won't be downloading any more.

>What bothers me though
western media are halal