Link goddess.
Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V
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Aoi confirmed Vrains' Sonia Strumm
Kill yourself, OP
Reminds me of how female characters got designed in 70's and 80's anime pretty cute desu.
Will her hair go crazy in VR land.
Why do you faggots idolize the main girl? It's like you never learn. YGO always shits the bed with female characters yet you always delude yourself into thinking it will change. You lot are as delusional and cringeworthy the Tumblrites.
You're just setting yourself up for disappointment.
I just find her design cute reminds me of an old crush.
>Don Thousand they said
>It was scale 1 in the card
What the actual fuck
I can't wait for her to be shitted on, much like Yuzu right now.
Future useless female duelist.
I'm glad they went with the best zexal villain instead of wasting a spot on Don Thousand.
bad subs
Didn't Yuya say ''scale san''
There was a 3 up there on the scale number in the pillar of light though. Seems more that whoever made the card knew what he was doing but the art team and writing staff fucked it up
poor quality, its a scale 3
I was about to say, if that's the case the card designers were on the money but the actual animation and script team shit the bed
What does the staff's twitter accounts have to say about the monumental abortion that was this episode's cutting room floor? Did they blame the Koreans? Are the Koreans to blame?
Its a scale 3
Noticed too late, seeFor my reaction
I still want to know if the nipple people over in sunshine land noticed this special Olympics entry and how they feel about it
Ah yes, good to see that if Reiji loses I can bitch about how Yuya cheated.
According to plan.
- KINGU spams action cards
- Yuya cheats
- Purplish Armageddon gonna go down hard on yuya
PoS or Tranquil?
Yoshida ain't out yet but I just finished 146 and now I need more.
>they said odd eyes clear dragon wouldn't happen
Tranquil. Pretty much anything besides Pot of Shit is good enough.
He also says explicitly
>I can pendulum summon monsters level 4 to 9
He says yon, not ni
>implying it isn't clear wing dark rebellion
It's gonna suck if it really is Dark Wing Synchro-Xyz Dragon/Clear Rebellion Xyz-Synchro Dragon instead of Odd-Eyes Clear Dragon how come CWSD is the only dimensional dragon that doesn't fuck I mean merge with Odd-eyes.
Just one more week, user.
Well, think about it like this: Yuya has all 4 dragons in the field. Even if he fuses Odd-Eyes and Starving Venom, pendulum summons Odd-Eyes back and then combines it with Clear Wing, where does Dark Rebellion go to in that?
Cause the preview shows him only with those two dragons. If both are odd-eyes combinations, Dark Rebellion should be somewhere. If Reiji destroyed it by some effect like Darkness Armageddon's the other dragons should have been gone as well
Guys, will we get a beach episode in VRAINS?
There's pretty much no way any apologist can dance around it (if they even still exist anymore). Yuya broke a basic rule in the ceremonial duel of the show, unless he had activated some sekrit card (and didn't announce it) that let him pendulum summon Synchron.
Good point but you think this, how is Yuya going to fuse OEPD and SVFD and synch/overlay CWSD and DRXD, (without cards in his hand or field aside from the dragons) needless to say card effects, maybe 'Zarc Magician' has those effects so whose to say he can't pull OERD out of his ass.
Never ever
>Judai's ceremonial duel has him using his normal key cards which shows his growth
>Yusei's ceremonial duel has him using his normal key cards which shows his growth
>Yuma's ceremonial duel has him using his normal key cards and making a new boss that symbolizes him and shows his growth
>Yuya spams over half a dozen new monsters, action cards and catchphrases in the first half of his ceremonial duel showing absolutely no growth
>Starve Venom carrying Yuya to an action card
>Clear Wing lifting up Yuya's bike to grabe an action card
>Dark Rebellion striking back after being attack via being protected by an action card
>Yuya thanks all three and pets Dark Rebellion, who if it were girl would have a blush mark
>Odd Eyes screeches like an angry tsundere as Yuya smooth talks about not leaving it out
When did Yuya become a dragon charem lead, why did we have to wait til the very last episode for an action duel that actually acted as an action duel, why did they suddenly remember that part of an action duel is the monsters themselves assisting their owners? Why oh why do Serena,Ruri and Rin not get voiced roles even if we know they're alive,? Why is Ono treating Yuya and Yuzu having to share their livs with 3 other counterparts, who all had their own lives ripped away from them by a moron who managed to convince other morons to be moron invasion with him?
Why does Reji suddenly have extra deck pendulum monsters when he could of showcased his synchro extra deck monster against Roger, his fusion one against Leo and his Xyz one against Yuya or some other antagonist? Oh, god, what if Yuya and Yuzu still have the body switch ability? What's it mean if Yuzu and Yuya eventually get together and do something ecchi. Look at them! They'll be fucking by age 18 and now there's 6 other people involved. They can all see each other's lewd thoughts! Why do Roger,Leo, Barret and Zarc all have shitty motivations?
It's cause just like how Arc-V the protag is the villain, Reiji is the one that took the role of the hero in the ceremonial duel. He is fighting the four dragons while using cards that symbolize his growth
Based Reiji, truly the hero we needed but don't deserve.
An asspull card that turns one xyz monster into a tuner to add it's rank to the synchro I'm ducking calling it now.
Either that or it's another ultzimaya/nirvana high as balls paladin
Personally I think it would have been cool if there were xyz tuners that would treat ranks like negative levels, so if you pendulum summon enough components for a synchro, an xyz and another monster left over, but your ace is a synchro that needs another as material and your 2 leveled monsters exceed the required level, the xyz can subtract for the summoning, and maybe have detach effects to make it easier to level things out.
I'm really surprised they didn't do that desu
Those trips of truth. I just hope Yusaku is as well developed as Yugi and Judai were. Yuma didn't really change at all, he just sucks when plot armor isn't around and never has to live with his chocies because of that fucking numberion code bullshit.
The only thing that pisses me off about Yusei's is it ends with "YEAH IT'S ALL THE MONSTERS THAT HAVE ALWAYS HELPED YUSEI" and one of them is a card he never used before.
Yusei had a shitton of growth, it was just all in 1-64 and the ending.
Reiji's 3 Executive DDD's and the 3 evolution's of Hell Armageddon are probably more proper evolution's than any of the evolution's Yuya used.
It's weird that Odd-Eyes never had a proper Pendulum evolution, I expected something similar to the evolution's of the 3 other Dragons and the 3 Hell Armageddons Reiji pulled out.
There was really nothing different about Yusei in the ending. It was the same nakama/kizuna/let's move towards our future crap he kept spouting all the time in Fortune Cup and Dark Signers
Synchro Shokan
Yūgō Shokan!
This made me laugh way more than it should have,
Post XYZ
Xyz Shokan
Aoi's VA leaked
6d 4hr until Arc-V ends
Yūgō Shokan
Maybe its re-contract unvierse gimmick
you can modifiy card at will DURING DUEL
I hate myself for laughing at this
Xyz Shokan!
Xyz Shokan!
Rank-Up Xyz Change!
Fusion Summon!
>tfw no Ruri speaking in the final episode
Are they really gonna keep them all dead except for Yuya and Yuzu? How is this an acceptable ending for a kids show?
where's pendulum?
>still don't know what the pendant does
I'm pretty sure there will be a quick scene of the other 3 Yu's and Yuzu's back and alive in the ending/epilogue, even if they won't speak a single line, kind of like the ending for Zexal.
Yeah, and they even allowed to kill off Shun's only family and probably also his best friend.
Tenkū ni egake hikari no āku!
Why is Ono so fucking lazy? It's the final fucking episode, why can't they stop the card shilling for 10 minutes and use them to get all the characters back together?
I choose this one
Stop this unfunny meme
>6th opening
>focus on Raging Dragon and 5th dimension
>Dragons appears twice, dimension only shown in flashbacks
>6th Ending
>focus on cutesy scenarios with the Yuus and Ruris
>They merge into one Ruri and one Yuu and none of the situations happen or are confirmed to have happened
Tribute summon
Considering all the last minuter new cards that will appear next week, we will be lucky if we have 10 minutes of nondueling screen time.
Character interaction has really suffered for the last few episodes, and the random duels we got in turn is to promote the Collectors Pack 2017, which comprises mostly of Arc-V climax cards.
>Reiji actually got the Ceremonial Duel
>its Nii-Sama, not Egao that will make the little monkey smile
>Keikaku Doori, always and forever
Was there ever any real, personal reason for Reiji to create the Lancers, go across dimensions, and go to Academia? Just doing it because it's his father and he's carding people seems kind of weak. It never really felt like there were personal stakes for him.
so, arc-v is cannonically the worst YGO in history?
Does Sup Forums agree?
Reiji deserves this. He was the one thing that stayed consistently static through the whole show. Heknew of the end state from the beginning and just didn't raise our expectations. Sasuga Reiji; Keikaku doori.
Remember when Yuya re-summoned Zarc even though it's a nomi monster and smile universe doesn't ignore its summoning conditions.
Many episodes have mistakes in rulings, if you pay attention.
It was mainly because he wanted his father back to the way he was before he turned into the MUH MUSUME shit he was the majority of the show. However, once he realized that ship had sailed, he wanted to make sure that his city and potentially the rest of the dimensions were safe from him.
Will we have actual singers performing the OP/ED's for Vrains or just boy bands again?
We're getting stock music now.