
They called Jun for some fucking reason
I don't know what to say

Other urls found in this thread:

They were smart for once in their lives

Do Misuzu and Jun have the same smartphone?

I kind of hopped that it would be Carol calling for help.
The delinquents find them
And then turns out Carol ordered a bunch of body guards to beat them up.

Holy shit. What if Misuzu has Jun doing this kind of thing for her all the fucking time off panel? We have been focusing on Tomo the entire time, and now the supporting cast are getting focus.

>see you next time in things that never happened





despite what's happened, they are still childhood friends.

I doubt it. Looks like Tomo is her go to contraceptive.

Save our sluts


I hope Jun walks Carol home and Carol's mother sees Jun.

At least Tomo has a chance of showing up tomorrow

Seeing how disheveled she is, that would be great.


Title: A casual SOS
Panel 1
Misuzu: If we call the police and they ignore us it's all over. Looks like there's no choice.
Carol: Who are you gonna call?
Panel 2
Misuzu: Hello, yes, it's me.
Jun: Gundou? I don't remember giving you my number...
Misuzu: Things have gotten a bit out of hand.
Panel 3
Misuzu: Get over here and save us.
Jun: ...I mean, I will, but...your way of asking is a bit...
Misuzu: We're at the abandoned factory near the school.
Jun: ...alright.
Panel 4
Misuzu: Don't tell Tomo and get over here.
Jun: ...I know.

>Carol: Who are you gonna call?

And Tomo pops up before he gets their!

>Misuzu: Don't tell Tomo and get over here.
>Jun: ...I know.

What the hell? How often do rapists need to get an ass kicking before they finally get the message? Why does Japan seem to have a major rape gang problem anyway? Through she's right about the cops being fucking useless in Japan. They might as well be meter maids

>Misuzu had Jun's number

What does it mean?

>Carol: Who are you gonna call?

>Don't tell Tomo and get over here.
Tomo would probably murder those guys if she found out

>Misuzu: Don't tell Tomo and get over here.
>Jun: ...I know.

>Misuzu: Don't tell Tomo and get over here.

>Why does Japan seem to have a major rape gang problem anyway?
Fumita is just obsessed with rape

>Who you gonna call?
>Jun the Buster!


carol will go to her house and tomo will see jun walking together with misuzu


And of course Tomo is gonna catch him suspisciously leaving without telling her who she's meeting with.

This music is so frustrating.

>Why does Japan seem to have a major rape gang problem anyway?
It doesn't, it's just Fumita's kink.

I don't get it.

So seriously, why would she specify that? And why would Jun know not to?

Misuzu doesn't want Tomo to worry. If Tomo learns that the bitch gang tried to hurt Misuzu, Tomo will probably go after them. Misuzu doesn't want Tomo getting involved with them because they were after her in the first place. Not to mention, Tomo could potentially get hurt. Easier to just call Jun. At least, that's how I interpret it.

Out of context, it can be interpreted as NTR.



The grammar gods are not going to be happy about this.

But Jun and Tomo together would absolutely wreck them, Jun will get hurt more this way.

inb4 misuzu is forced to admit that she doesn't hate Jun as well

It's this, but I think Tomo's gonna find out and think something else is up.

You idiots do realize that Tomo still doesn't actually know Jun fought those guys, right?

And neither does Misuzu.

Those aren't the same delinquents are they?

Go to bed entitled tumbtard.

Everyone is probably aware that Jun is basically a brawler. Sure, he'll get hurt like he did last time, but it won't be that bad. Tomo regularly loses to him in what basically amount to street fights at Gorou's dojo, so she may get hurt pretty badly against fight dudes who hurt Jun.

>Something else is up

I am also expecting this.

Tomo is such a dumb fucking shit she deserves to be eternally cucked by a dumb fucking shit like Jun

Nah, they are already down two and no healer, Jun just needs to zip in solo ult the leader and pick off the straglers.

They are, they went after Misuzu specifically because they wanted to get revenge on Tomo. Speedreader.


They are the same people.

*blocks your plot*

She wrecks the boy's dojo completely too though. As far as we know, only Jun can top her, and Jun's a monster. It doesn't make sense for Misuzu to not want her there.

Im floored by this level of idocy.


don't tell them

>It doesn't make sense

It does. Misuzu knows that they were going to hurt her for being friends with Tomo. So she (rightfully) assumes that they want to hurt Tomo. Her logic is basically to not get Tomo involved with people who want to harm her.

That would only play into their hands, they specifically targeted her to get to Tomo. She's trying to keep her girlfriends out of it.

Honestly these two are more interesting than Tomo and Jun making no progress.


Okay, okay. It still seems like something is up.

So why would she specifically tell him to not tell Tomo, and he acts as if he knows about it already.

Are we just overthinking it, and he just doesn't want to bother Tomo about it, or is there something more to it?

>Carol: Who are you gonna call?

So basically Jun and Misuzu have been fucking behind Tomo's back? Interesting.

>I'm just go ahead

>How dead do you want them?
My sides.

Also you dun goofed, wrote yakata instead of yukata.

>an yakata

A new low, prepare for sudoku.

Tomo and Jun aren't making progress because Misuzu/Carol/Tomo shenanigans get more fucking pages than Tomo/Jun development lately.

They can't develop if they don't get any screen time to do so.



Yeah, I notice the mistake too late as i post it.

Could be. To me it just seems that Jun understood what kind of trouble they're in and knew getting Tomo involved is a bad idea.

you could erase every character that isn't Tomo and Jun, and things probably wouldn't even be at the point they are now. They'd somehow have made even less progress.

>that child in the background

And you missed quads!

>Jun: ...I know.
I don't get it. Seriously, any way I look at this, I just don't get it.

it means Misuzu comprehends the value of Jun being a nip He-man.

Neither of them want to risk Tomo getting hurt.

They have share custody of a four year old user. They have to keep in touch.

Forgive me senpai. I don't want you to hate me.

>Who're gonna call?

man i don't know

>I'm just go ahead

worry not, he's in a better place now

Why does Misuzu's face look so fucked up here?

I'm not going to hate you. I'm just going to poke fun at your grammar mistakes.



>Who're gonna call
>I'm just go ahead
>We can I'll have you

This page is a mess.


Just reread your stuff. Take a pace around your room and reread it at least twice.

On the one hand it's not like that's the only problem. On the other there's no need to over think joke translations.
>Who're YOU gonna call?
>I'm just GONNA go ahead


I assumed it was a girl because of the hair.

Don't delete the ones with mistakes either. It adds slightly to the humor.

Misuzu and Carol want to gangrape Jun instead

I've already shamed my family name and my pride, but i feel like fixing the mistakes.

Man, Tomo is so cool.

You still have "an yukata" in there, it should be "a yukata".

Looks good this time.