Megane thread

megane thread

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sizing them up


thick megane required

This thread needs some manly megane.


This artist's girls make me hnnnngggg so much

Braids and glasses is the best thing.


Rico is a pure best.



What is the superior way of adjusting your megane?



Using contacts and not wearing glasses at all.

9=1=4>everything else

I always go with #1, then you can push your glasses up with equal force on left and right sides.
#3 makes no sense at all; you'd just end up with smudged lenses.


Has Japan not heard of fades?
I do middle and index to bridge sort of like 1.



Sensei was so cute.


>off by 1

thumb and middle finger on the two corners

I used to do 4 until an angry little Irishman saw me and thought I was flipping him off.


>tfw ex gf used to fix her glasses like number 2
>tfw still not over her

