What's your definition of a perfect girl?

What's your definition of a perfect girl?

Why, it's you user

>She likes me
That's it I guess.


She must have a strong personality, must take care of herself.

Oh you

pic related

Combine Tanya Degurechaff and Centorea Shianus, my two favorite female characters from anime. Satanichia is also pretty great. I'm not picky.

basically her

pure and asexual

>favorite female character
how many anime have you seen? 10? Tanya is good but not top 2 good by any means

worth picking up?

Vignette + Onodera Kosaki

Damn you're good.

Question is do you let it go to your head

Have an example instead.

Very much so yes. It's one of the best shows Ive watched in a long time and the movie was every bit as good as the series and was just recently subbed.


looks like a recap movie, do not want


So glad that Konosuba is over. Now you seasonal waifufags will slowly disappear.


A girl I'd want to marry

Why would you refuse to acknowledge someone who likes you? Are you mentally ill?

Blonde short haired bubblebutt tomboy who likes Gundam and wants three kids.

There's a fine line between being humble and obsession. Just don't make an idiot of yourself.


and checked

That doesn't answer my question at all. Seems like a self-destructive attitude shown by the socially incapable.

>seasonal waifufags
>Konosuba has had two seasons over the course of one year

Teruhashi of course, offu.

Best girl is the one that can be a mother to me

That's some god-tier taste you have there.

The one that genuinely loves me

cute, smart, and can probably kill me at any time.

The movie is a sequel. Who told you it was a recap because that's a lie.

Blue hair. Short hair. Athletic. Country tomboy in a wedding dress. 9 years old.

Nothing beats being truly loved.

we can at least agree that megumeme was the least inept of the party aside from kazuma

The second season when? Miss her.

downloading now

Big tiddies

same here

the one that doesn't exist.


Small tiddies

Someone who I would have fun being with and who I would be able to get along with, with no excessive negative traits of the sort that would break a relationship.


I hate girls who willingly like me. I'm a pretty fucked up guy.

I'm a sucker for mad bantz though, and I've fallen in love with girls I used to think were ugly for their banter skills.

Medium tiddies