endgame is to create a world government with an easily managed population of 500M slaves that they control.
Wyatt Thompson
It’s not as complicated as you think. They are any money really bad
Brody Diaz
> They have one.
That's not this kind of game because games have winners and losers on BOTH sides.
Nolan Ward
Leo Martinez
Jordan Taylor
Ayden Powell
their are too many races for the Jew's liking. The Jew wants only two races; the Jew and those who serve the Jew.
Lucas Powell
Look up Jay Dyer's blog about this. He reviews globalist books, philosophers, things like that.
The goal is having society look like something between 1984 and Brave New World. Mostly Brave New World.
People will be totally disconnected from nature, and will be disgusted with anything "natural". People will be conceived in test tubes, and will look at the government as if they're their parents. People will be completely controlled in every way imaginable.
Kevin Wright
Wow. I finally get it. Thanks!
Nathan Green
Read the Talmud, my man. It's all in there for everyone to see. If you thought Muslims were fucked, Jews make Muslims look like a fucking half melted toy green army man, the one holding the binoculars.
Carson Howard
Nathaniel Sanchez
Adrian Peterson
Anthony Ortiz
John Thomas
Jeremiah Thompson
Andrew Green
Brody Harris
Austin Moore
Jews want to remain as the top 1% unchallenged for as long as possible. White Europeans are the greatest threat historically to Jewish power and so they are slowly trying to kill us off. Pretty simple really. A singular brown identity-less race of humans with an avg IQ of 85 is easier to rule over.
Lucas Russell
It's not really a zionist conspiracy in the end, it's a satanic conspiracy. The final part of the conspiracy is for Islam and Zionism to engage in a war that mutually destroys one another. With both of these conquered it will make way to bring in the true teachings of the Luciferian church where man will worship himself as a God.
Adrian Jackson
Luis Nelson
They want to be the whitest guys on the cinder.
Jason Harris
>What is the ultimate goal of the international jew conspiracy? Basic tier: continued survival as a *distinct ethnic group. Next tier: to increase in numbers and wealth and power. >World domination? Yes, but only as an eventual consequence of their constant expansion of power. >Why do they want to do this to Europe? To destroy Esau. They have a pathological hatred of white gentiles, whom they associate with the biblical Esau. They associate themselves with Jacob, by contrast. >What's the endgame? Continued survival as a distinct ethnic group
*this is the root of their unassimilability
Landon Allen
Their main goal is to eat all of our bacon.
Nicholas Gonzalez
To breed a lower ~90% class of mongrelized serfs. Instead of supporting a constant propaganda spewing infrastructure, they'd rather make their golems into part niggers. That way they are perma-dumb forever and can be easily managed with welfare politics.
Noah Walker
Aaron Ramirez
>What is the ultimate goal of the international jew conspiracy? The death of everything.
Jaxon Evans
Gabriel Gutierrez
Heh, didn't need to post all that. I got it on the first paragraph, but I only need to read two parts, huh?
Or the grandest temptation?
Caleb Gutierrez
A one world government that forces the worship of Lucifer.
Zachary James
To eliminate the White Race , which is the only one that stands in their way, and rule over a mongrel horde that are submissive and sheep-like. pic related
Jayden Flores
Ah, so why not devolve into bacteria and win forever?
Justin Martinez
Adam Powell
Cameron Murphy
You are projecting your fears on an elusive minority. Jews are not special or dangerous, not even very interesting. The truth is that all your patriotism and conservative values are fucking stupid. Any society that has a decent number of intellectuals will reject you. The future spells globalism. There will be a global police, global currency including a global taxation system, global laws and courts. You cannot prevent any of this. Learn to live with it.
Matthew Walker
Their goal is to unite the world under one people one country one culture one religion to make it easier to fend off a prophesied alien invasion
Connor Hughes
Checked and basically.
Jayden Long
>What's the endgame? to recreate the past.
Jeremiah Wilson
The Jews is a meme created by the real conspirators known as The New World Order. They are luciferians with members from all religions. Jews are the scape goat they use to hide behind when their moves can be quantified
>the white race is an obstacle for the Jews' access to power >somehow they manage to rule the world in each of its facets Since nobody here debates that, why would they expose themselves in such a risky vocal combat against the white race, why would they openly call for their extinction? They're already in power, it would be smarter just to keep things as they are and stay silent, don't you think?
Brandon Perry
greater Israel project
Jayden King
This is true. Jews as a whole benefit from the taboo of the holocaust and the socially condoned nepotism, but plenty of Jews are just unwitting pawns like most libtards.
The top hides behind cultural Judaism, but are actually of the synagogue of Satan.
T. Knows plenty of Jews who are not evil and and has thought about this shit A LOT but is still here forever
Julian Collins
John Hill
White people are the new chosen people of god.
If they kill us all, they probably think it reverts to them.
It won't, it will just usher in an eternal hell on earth in the form of nuclear winter.