Will the plan succeed?
One Piece
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Carrot will save the day.
/OUR OTP/ will be canon soon
Post cute SaNami, bros
Im watching Desrossa for the first time. Any SaNami flags near the future?
Kek. The nedroid edits that guy did were great. Too bad he stopped his abriged comic.
It's been 6 and a half years. If I see the freaking og timeskip costumes one more time I'm going to puke.
I want the plan to succeed it would be cool to see a yonko assassinated but we all know it's all gonna go to hell.
They leave to Zou. You won't see them. But Zou is full of SaNami moments.
Best arc after time skip too
so is there a chapter this week, or not?
what is En doing in One Piece
For you guys, if you are still here.
Is it normal to cry watching this Anime?
Yes it just means you have a soul
>killing someone
>even indirectly
Oda wrote Strong World, right?
I'm wondering if he was aware of how insanely shippy the Luffy and Nami moments were.
Zoro killed mr. 7
Luffy killed a movie villian. Not canon, but it's a Straw Hat killing someone
They are pirates, y'know.
Zoro has killed, and Oda said that Luffy doesn't kill so that he can crush their hopes and dreams.
What makes Pudding so perfect?
>tfw no chapter next week
Reminder that this man is our proud papa
post yfw oda dies before finishing this
Zoro and Robin have killed before.
>no chapter next month
It would be weird to have a final boss being assassinated by secondary characters instead of losing in a fight against a Straw Hat, but whatever. Oda could use the excuse of Big Mom being poisoned to explain how Luffy beats her.
The plan is weak at some points, like relying on a coward that hates all the involved parties for the escape.
Watching dressrosa on anime is worthwhile?
Or just read the manga?
I've watched everything but 128 episodes of a single saga its a lot.
Read the manga. this way it will not a be a waste of time (since dressrossa has the worst pacing ever). Once you finished reading, then go watch a few of the major moment for the arc. I'm sure they will be esy to ind on YT
>watching the anime
Do you want to give yourself cancer or something
I cried when Whitebeard died in the anime, dude.
The OST was just perfect.
That was before the anime went to shit.
Whitebeard Saga was the only part where the anime actually gave a shit
>the big mom
There are more than one Big Mom?
That's bullshit, in fact that was around the point when the anime was declining. There was a lot of care before Impel Down and Marineford.
As someone who will defend the anime, at least much of the earlier stuff, Dressrosa can really drag and it can be a slog.
You've said it yourself, the amount of episodes is incredible. The fact that an arc that is 100 chapters long is adapted to anime form and has MORE than 100 episodes speaks volumes.
No, absolutely not, it's obviously going to mess up and definitely involving the picture of Mother Caramel
Screencap this
they described what the plan was to the viewer before putting it into action so it will go horribly wrong
What if Hancock raped Luffy in his sleep and Luffy actually had a kid during the time skip and Hancock just never told him about it?
Big Mom is her pirate name. Would you kill the luffy? The whitebeard?
Hancock D. Monkey
Surname is first you fucking normie
The name had a ring to it ya knob
It's a meme you dip
Does this count?
Or The Kaido?
Who knocked up Makino?
Ace? Shanks?
Did Shanks and his crew ever go back to Gou?
>he doesn't get the reference
>watching the anime
It'll go wrong (either due to Luffy's entrance or Big Mom 2 stronk) but they'll save the day somehow.
Sanji's getting married and murdered soon, shippers BTFO.
Makes me wonder how Sanji's able to go along with this since he has his whole chivalry thing. Surely he wouldn't be able to watch Big Mom/Pudding get killed right?
That's not Queenzflip faggot.
also the FI treasure that explodes, Big mom's scream breaking mirrors, maybe even Germa 66 has their hidden agenda and plan something, there's plenty of things that can go wrong
>Ark Maxim
>Enies Lobby
>Conchorde plaza
Luffy improves every situation he makes a grand entrance to
Every part of the plan will succeed somehow, except the actual part of killing Big Mom, she'll only be knocked out for a minute or two
It'll go wrong due to Pudding not following the plan (shooting Sanjay).
She'll probably find a different way to kill hum.
The Pudding will kiss Luffy.
>can't even post right
Why is Luffy becoming such a pussy magnet? Is it the haki?
What are you even talking about?
Hancock is a fucking slut
>Does this count?
With that pic, refering to no other post, this post doesn''t have any sense. It's incomplete and ugly, yet it's not even shitpost or troll or bait. It's just nothing
Oh, you must be underage or the most cringy virgin on the face of the Earth.
I think they're talking about it counting as a handjob bromigo
And you must be the author of that post.
stay mad faget
Leave the Vinsmokes to me!
Why do you think calling people mad makes you look anything but retarded?
Just stop. Go back to redit and be autistic there. Don't derail this thread with meta shit because you're upset you didn't understand a simple joke.
>Sanji will die in your lifetime
Feels sad man
Do two for his papa fujitora now
>Able to criticise anything
>Super nintendrone fan boy
>Annoying voice
Yeah no thanks.
KoL and Queensflip any day over this sperg.
Why do you care? Like all the other shonen heroes, he's asexual.
For still being a virgin? The only slut here is your hand that you put in your pants every time you switch your computer on.
Not really. It's just that Adventure > Sex. If not then he'd just be staying home ramming that green-haired MILF all day.
>fucking Shanks' girl
>fucking some girl who is basically his mom
watch one pace instead. scene padding is tolerable until water 7 / enies lobby
Wouldn't a Byakugan which gives him 360 degree vision be useful to Zoro
Makino was more like the cool older sister.
Dadan was his mom.
Talking about Shanks : we've seen that many Devil Fruit have a basic and a superior version (like the kilo-kilo and the to-ton fruits)
Since Shanks had the Gumi Gumi, maybe it was for himself or Lucky Roo, and since Luffy ate it, MAYBE he found the superior version since.
And MAYBE Luffy will have to fight Shanks, fighting his OWN POWERS !!!
Shanks doesn't seem to like devil fruits that much. One of the things he made fun of the most with Luffy was the idea of a pirate being unable to swim.
I'm pretty sure his crews gimmick is that none of them have ability users. Their strongest fighters are sharpshooters and swordsmen
What's a stronger version of rubber? Silicone?
OP is set in like the 17th century, they can't make that
Maybe some kind of sap, that can turn really hard, rubbery, sticky or fluid like oil.
Like 4 fruit in one
They can make laser shooting robots, but not silicone?
Maybe that's why Shanks is a Yonkou? Everything he has is made out of seastone or something.
*the Kaido
>sex slave
user..i...don't know what to tell you
I fucking love checking their site every few months and just having a handful of eps to watch. Just watched zou this weekend. Pretty good.
>hightech cyborgs shooting lasers
>toxic weapons of mass destruction
>b-but no silicon
Odas like 2 arcs away from transponder smart snails