Can someone fucking explain neon genesis evangelion? What is the overarching point?

can someone fucking explain neon genesis evangelion? What is the overarching point?

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To profit off the retardation of socially inept Japanese nerds.

get out of Sup Forums

user, it's symbolism


People are all really sad but maybe they should try to be happy.

>phone posting
>Rick and Morty's 2nd worst episode
>not typing with capitals


There is literally nothing wrong with Lucky Star

Except for the entire first episode

symbolism for what though
That's honest to God the best you can come up with? Christ, you are pathetic
While I appreciate this, what did any of the lacanian, psychoanalytic shit mean to achieve? I've read every fucking article, wiki, blogpost, anything, just trying to make sense. Like it's a cool show for the most part, but what is the actual message?

It's the Xenogears of Anime.

i should probably also ask this while I'm here, is Rebuild worth watching?

1 and 2 are.

3 depends on how much you hate Evangelion.

>characters that are supposed to look "sexy" don't even make my dick tingle
Why is western animation so shit?

so... it's a completely different story

I want Sup Forums to leave. Fuck I blame LWA for all these Sup Forumsshitters.

Fucked up people in fucked up times, trying to get on with their lives. That's it basically.

You just have to look for the right western animation, particularly not American.

Bakshi's older stuff is alright, to be honest.

Why do you expect to be spoonfed about sn anime that's over 20 years old? This has been discussed a million times.

American 2D animation is reserved for children shows and comedies. We're fixing it though.

what's the general consensus on the true ending? The original seems to be what the director wanted, but it also has been tied in with being overbudget/ them running out of money before it could truly be finished

>Rick and Morty fan is retarded
Well no surprises here.

Because it was made to explore human nature, emotions and moral debate, it wasn't some blu-ray bullshit for the season

Yea, insane to think there was a time the anime aesthetic used to serve for a bigger purpose than my ''escapism''

Wakfu girls are really hot if that counts.

That's a myth.

I found 2 to be the most insulting to NGE, disrespecting Asuka and Rei's characters

3 was the best due to the fact of not knowing what the fuck was happening

1 is just better looking/sounding Evangelion

ok, but a lot of shows do that. What was the conclusion to the exploration? I mean, I could agree that it has some... Nietzsche-esque themes and quite clearly has a lot of Lacan in there, but that doesn't seem satisfying. The two real responses i've gotten and are similar, but the thing is, very few people are truly as outwardly weak and broken as Shinji is when the show starts. I mean, at least in my, possibly more normie than most, time on this planet, I've never met someone like that. So how is he even supposed to be the vessel for human exploration when he's WAY more of a bitch than even you faggots, I assume, are.

>very few people are truly as outwardly weak and broken as Shinji is when the show starts

Well no shit, Shinji is an abandoned child who has never been truly loved by anyone

so are most plenty of nigger babies, but they're not weak spineless bitches. Being unloved doesn't always correlate with being a pussy, plenty of times it could make people who are just outright insecure or insane, but not necessarily weak. Asuka is the dead opposite and had a very similarly traumatic upbringing, and I'd say she's much more relatable a character.

A boy falls in love with a girl.

Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.

But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.

Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.

Home Movies is one of the greatest gems of western anime.


I agree.


It literally tells you in the last 2 episodes.

How can you be this dense?

Make friends and love life, done.

Already a thing.

>very few people are truly as outwardly weak and broken as Shinji is when the show starts

literally describing all the tumblrinas and SJW's nowadays

>Sup Forums meme'd Trump into presidency
>Sup Forums meme'd Keit-ai into the number 1 movie in Japan

What next?

>in which OP insults the people he's asking to spoonfeed him

the characters aren't meant to be perfectly realistic, they are exaggerated embodiments of certain traits. yes, Shinji could be less of a bitch, this was explored with the parallel universe at the end where he realises he is just one version of himself


Home movies had amazing writing but the animation was horrendous. Also not Sup Forumsnime related so fuck off.

Sup Forums also memed the "cute latin male who impregnates you're waifu" into reality

Wakfu, my man.

but how is this not in contrast with what happened in EoE?

Shinji still decided to come back and accept life for what it was at the end, right? What's your point?

inb4 404

lil bitch boy Japanese kid works some shit.
Various women have some baggage they also need to work out.


Because he didn't just "make friends and love life" he did that during the show kind of, and then temporarily induced the HIP, and then he reversed it and... strangled Asuka to see if things were real? Idk, just seems to be a very convoluted way to explain what most children's shows do.