WTF she is chariot?

WTF she is chariot?

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She is akkos mum

>the clumsy christmas cake teacher
Next you're gonna tell me that Clark Kent is Superman.

I have heard of this before, didn't think it really existed. this is some top bait

Pff, What's next, Bruce Wayne is Batman? Yeaah right.

Did people really not get that she was Chariot the whole time?

Was it like "nah she can't be it's too obvious, knowing trigger she's probably gonna be like her half sister or some shit yeah" or did you idiots really not get the memo?

Seriously, what if she REALLY isn't Chariot?

I truthfully never even suspected she was chariot until after someone posted promotional art for the anime showing "Shiny Chariot" the character and making literally no attempt to hide the fact that she also dresses up as a teacher and calls herself Ursula.

I had no reason to every question that Chariot was simply gone from the world.
More importantly chariot herself was completely irrelevant to the story outside of getting Akko interested in magic initially.
None of the hints that Ursula is Chariot are that convincing even if you're specifically looking for them.

there's no discernible evidence, it's a false flag

>red eyes
>hair turns flaming red occasionally

>None of the hints that Ursula is Chariot are that convincing even if you're specifically looking for them.

you're fucking retarded

Akko is actually Chariot who is also Ursula whi exists as a self contained time travel paradox loop

It was pretty obvious if you saw the OVAs

>huh wow how can Ursula know the words that activates the shiny arc in the first episode it's almost like she's Chariot or some shit huh wow
>huh wow how come Ursula's eyes are like super red just like Chariot's which is like coincidentally the only other red head in the entire show with the same body type as Ursula's wow weird
>huh wow why did Ursula's hair turn red in that one episode wow huh weird wow

Obviously. They practically revealed it with the hair color changing scene.

>huh wow how come the blue lady in episode 11 refers to her as chariot when speaking to her

To be fair, if you didn't watch the OVAs and came into LWA totally blind, it's possible to miss the clues. Although I think episode 6 had a pretty solid hint.

In which chapter this happened? I don't recall.

No. She is 22 years old and Chariot was active 10 years ago. There is no way for Chariot to be 12 years old.

of course she's not, are you retarded
chariot has short red hair and doesnt wear glasses

eyy what if he's Kudo?

She's Akko. In the future Akko casts a spell and opens a hole in time, then she goes back to become a teacher and protect and teach her younger self.


I mean it was more the fact that Chariot was just completely off my radar. I had considered her to be of no relevance and I was never given reason to believe otherwise.

Why would Ursula know the magic words to activate the artifact? Well she's a witch who teaches magic so of course she would know. Why does she have red eyes? It's anime all characters have flashy designs. Why does her hair change color? Now this one I simply never noticed and I'm still not even sure if it actually happened.

Also the fact that the same hints are being mentioned seems to suggest that you anons didn't actually discover it yourself but rather got spoiled on it online.

You'd have to be mentally retarded not to get that she was actually Chariot.

Chariot is 12 for sensei to be actually chariot. Unless sensei is retconned as 32, this shit would make sense

I hope she's ready to get loved.

Holy fuck guys, what if he's actually Lelouch?

If she was Chariot, then what is she such a big looser? Check mate atheist

AKKO gonna SAVE the WITCHES world !!

>I mean it was more the fact that Chariot was just completely off my radar. I had considered her to be of no relevance and I was never given reason to believe otherwise.
user this is storytelling 101
You don't introduce an idea/character and then just completely ignore it, it's a waste of time and resources. Are you for real with this?

Why? Because she is so idiotic she gets everyone who matters to suck her dick.

Why she has to die? WHY?

I have this odd feeling that the Great Saiyaman is an alien.

Diana, fuck off. If it was not for Akko, you would have exterminated an entire colony of fairies.

>suggest that you anons didn't actually discover it yourself but rather got spoiled on it online.
Or you know, we saw the OVA. But hey, like Akko said, there's nothing wrong with being a secondary. Honestly, it's refreshing to see how many people are enjoying LWA blind.

Listen user, I understand, some people don't apprehend subtext, ok. But listen, I knew Urusula was Chariot in the first episode, and I'm a fucking retard. user, just bear with me for a second here, I'm trying to be kind ok, maybe its not the shows fault for not spelling it out; slowly developing the character of Ursula as a foil to Chariot; playing a with the tropes in plot-structure, only enough for us to expect that Ursula was Chariot. Maybe user, your a little to used to your Gabriel Drop-Outs', your Jojos', and your Maid-Dragons', shows that always tend to be straight forward in their plot and character design. user, I think that if you aren't taking in this secondary level of nuance in LWA, you may find that you don't enjoy it. And thats ok, its ok to not be a fan.

but don't blaim trigger for your shit taste


Has to be bait

>Why does her hair change color? Now this one I simply never noticed and I'm still not even sure if it actually happened.
Go back and watch the first movie. Right after they beat the dragon.

>shitting on my JoJo's
Alright, step up user. Maybe you and I should settle it right here on the ring if you think you’re so tough.

People with mental retardation have always existed. Internet allows them to get noticed more easily now.

Given that Chariot's constantly mentioned and referred to, I would assume that user's just not the type to read into things. It's actually a good trait, in terms of being genuinely surprised when something happens. Although why he's apparently indignant when other anons figure out the clues, eh, I don't know why.

Yea, ok.

>it was all planned from the start


But who was Sucy?

Nonononono, if you user are going to fight it out, you'll do it, at Little Wrestle Anime-niiiiiia *points at logo*

Nah, shes designed as a character with "faith". Trigger has been heavily implying the symbolic relationship between "faith" in magic and "faith" in religion (we even got that little angel wing thing in that first episode with the boy character whatshisface, not to mention the "shiny arc" I mean come on its so hard not to see). Diana doesn't seem to care about magic beyond her obligation to her families name (although its hinted in the OVA that she had the exact same reasons as Akko) and as such she has little faith in the use if magic or its scope. On the other hand, even a poorly educated christian who believes earnestly in the scripture will go to heaven (sort of like Akko being given these tangible divine powers for her belief). I expect Trigger to toy with this idea with Akko, as most Trigger hereos shes probably of the grecian variety, meaning tragic. Her power, and I assume (the assumption is important) her fall, will stem from her faith. But if trigger is clever (which they have evinced so far), then perhaps something a little more interesting is coming.

Anyway if you can't into subtext you'll probably enjoy the show anyway cuz its got CUTE characters and heartwarming interactions.

Sucy is above that. She has her mushrooms.

Apparently on of the 9 witches is pic related

>missing the point
Fuck you

Wait why the fuck did my post get deleted?

(male gender symbol)

Hey, it wasn't me

This show's conclusion will be exceedingly simple and disappointing because they won't have time to fit all the autism in one show and the writers haven't thought that far.

Japs only you inclusive asshole. We must keep the anime bloodline pure.


I suppose you're right.

God forbid people talk about some of animation historys most important people, in a thread about a show closely tied into the animation industry and animating.

Can't be having any of that.

If she's and will be innocent, why does she need so many people defending her?


I wonder how Mechazawa feels about this.

He love LWA

momon can't really really be ainz could he?

>big black claymore
>not a skeleton

the 9 olde witches' hats were dank. Anyone got pics of it? Pretty sure the one skull-looking hat goes to Sucy soon.


Hey, is that guy a robot?


Now I just wait for Shiny Gun

are the three trios gonna be a "nine new witches" type of thing?

So get this, some loser told me that Peter Parker is Spiderman!! I mean seriously, that dweeb?

this image is too sexual

Why would you be so mean to such an upstanding young man? You don't have to be jealous, user, you could learn something from him.

what's wrong with you

shiny toothpick

It all makes sense now

You think the other girls will get to recite a word?

>WTF she is chariot?
Is this bait? Can anyone be so retarded to not know that even before the fucking series started?

they should feel lucky enough if they got a line in the next episode

>taking the b8

>Second OVA has six main characters and manages to give each of them some time to shine (except for the fat one, I guess)
>TV anime is always Akko all the time

>Is this bait?
So close yet so far

Just like how it should be, my brother of african descent.

Open up.

Is she wearing her collar like a good girl?

user, you've let an idea that's totally wrong run away with you. Confirmation bias is causing you to interpret things as signs to back up your theory and that it's significant.

In LWA, magic is allegorical to animation.

Chariot's show is like an entertaining classic kids' cartoon.

Akko as an animator is someone who has kept the feeling of watching cartoons as a kid in her heart, the joy of animation is in its power to entertain. Her desire to become an animator has this intent behind it.

Diana on the other hand is a technical animator who doesn't really care about entertaining people, she's more obsessed with the craft, with the process. She was inspired by Chariot's kiddy cartoon just like Akko, but as she's grown older and wants to appear as a sophisticated adult, she now scoffs at the idea that fun things are fun and has instead rationalised her interest in the practice of magic as an intellectual pursuit.

Akko's pursuit of magic has purpose. Diana's pursuit of magic has little purpose, it's become masturbatory.

This is the subtext of LWA.

Akko's long nose from the OVA should've been a part of her regular design.

I just want to help!



>ah yes Ragnarok will surely improve the landscape in Somerset hnah


Wicker man reference when?

What is the meaning of this Trigger?

Preview for ep 12 WHEN

Follow your dreams.

my theories is that
>magic once can be used everywhere
>some evil witch using magic to rule the world
>nine olde witch seal the magic itself to defeat the evil witch
>magic decline to it is now
so if they unseal the magic, they will face the great evil once again.


Doesn't #6's outfit look like something Sucy would wear?

Is this a Mulan reference?


Is this split-cour?
No bully please.