>hotpockets permit narutard threads
>hotpockets ban you for criticizing narutard
>hotpockets permit facebook filenames
>hotpockets ban you for pointing out facebookfags
>hotpockets permit blatant reddit users
>hotpockets ban you for pointing out redditurds
>hotpockets permit recommendation threads
>hotpockets ban you for saging recommendation threads
Why do you still browse M/a/L?
Hotpockets permit narutard threads
Other urls found in this thread:
>retard makes a shit thread
>retard gets banned
naruto owns bitch..
Your tears are delicious princess.
go make your faggy complaints there
Who are you quoting?
You could've made a rant, that would've been more impacting, and perhaps, it wouldnt've gotten deleted. Greentexting isn't going to do shit.
I sage and report every rec thread I come across and see many of them get deleted. Are you sure they aren't banning you for shitposting or announcing your sage?
>Le who maymay
Kill yourselves, redditor newfags.
Go back to redit
>make shitty posts
>get banned
Nothing of value was lost
did someone say repeating numbers thread?
If Hiro doesn't reign in his newfag mods I'm going to have no choice but to not renew my Sup Forums Pass™ subscription.
Your thread sure is shit autist-kun. Believe it!
Wow when did Sup Forums start defending mods?
Sup Forums has always been okay with mods.
>hotpockets hate Keit-ai
Why are rec threads despicable again?
They delete frogs on sight so I will always defend them for that alone
Actual MAL threads are allowed here now. It's a result of their infestation.
Based mods.
Lurk more
Doubtful that you've been here longer than me, newfag.
This. They should close in on the "REEE" posterse, as well.
If you report anyone you are a literal bootlicker. A true user knows that much like tripfags, mods are fags.
fucking neo-Sup Forums at it's finest
I bet you'd suck moot's dick if you saw him too
Well, you're using the word newfag so I doubt you have more than 5 years in here.
It really is pointless pointing out this shit though, all forums lead inevitably toward shitness so all you can do is migrate when it gets bad enough, facebook and redditfags will always come in droves and take over this board.
It's not too bad here on Sup Forums compared to Sup Forums or Sup Forums and recently Sup Forums somehow desu, be inevitably Reddit will come and destroy our board but we will scatter and make new chans and all will be good.
>Why are rec threads despicable again?
Because we're not Google.
Which is why moot left us ;_;
Short answer: because that shit belongs in fucking /wsr/, not Sup Forums.
Long answer: because that shit belongs in fucking /wsr/, not Sup Forums. Contrary to the retarded belief of people not giving sauce/recs because of "muh sekrit club", it's because rec threads are OP going "suggest me some x, i liked a b c", it's literally spoon feeding and zero contribution to the board or discussion, OP is a giant faggot and only here to have someone do the work for them and then leave. By allowing them here, you're opening the door to more of the same. Sup Forums is for discussion, not to get people to suggest you anime.
Nice redit spacing.
Start by moving to academiatards and then we can have a talk.
>tfw moot keeps making captchas harder to make us suffer
Funny coming from someone that writes "lurk more" instead of "lurk moar," as well as defending the hotpockets. I bet you call things "bait," too, you filthy redditor. Guarantee you got here in 2013 or sooner.
Oh look, another newfag who thinks everything is reddit, but can't spell it because he doesn't know how to get past the spam filter.
you should lurk moar newfag.
>Guarantee you got here in 2013 or sooner.
>or sooner
what did me mean by this?
I see, fresh out from know your meme.
Why would I want to spell reddit right? Are you triggered?
maybe his butt hurts
Probably "or more recently" but you have no obligation to not call him an imbecile for saying the exact opposite of what he meant.
>uses Sup Forumsermin kojima memes
>insists he isn't a newfag
>get outed as a newfag redditshit
>n-nice know your m-meme, n-newfag!
Pathetic. Both of you.
Spoken like a true SJW redditor.
Actually Reddit came around late 2014.
Who are you quoting?
You're the one angry at people mispelling the name of your favorite website, why don't you go back there?
thanks for letting us know you're a filthy crossboarder