GuP Final Chapter Part 1 Theatrical Release Date: December 9, 2017
Girls und Panzer
Other urls found in this thread:
>Winter Uniforms.
I'm happy.
Personally I think loli Maho is a lot sexier than loli Miho
Early Christmas present? Fuck yeah!
Maho is sexy!
>something ACTUALLY happening in a GuP thread
Wow! Thanks for the info op
I'm very excited, I'm so glad it's in the earlier half of December, the sooner I get more Saori the better.
Also I saw last thread people wanted a render of the Maho/Shiho from this image, so here we go! Sorry I didn't do it that thread, I was too engrossed in Nier.
And here's the Shiho, I tried to redo her knees but they just never looked right, so I just cropped it up a little.
Is this what you guys mean when you say something is a miracle of the universe?
Another thread to the history of GuP.
>Part 1
It's shit.
Maho so cute even when she little. .Many thanks you Sawreehfag
Yukari is so ugly.
What a lucky man, the Nishizumi dad is.
You are wrong
>What a lucky man, the Nishizumi dad is.
Especially since he was able to sire two daughters. Shiho must be pleased.
Sure, things got rocky after Miho left, but I am sure they would patch things up officially sometime during the Finale.
Miho does make a good Yang Wen-li
I agree, she's adorable. I'm glad you like it!
>I am sure they would patch things up officially sometime during the Finale.
I'm sure this is what everyone would like to see, whether they're fans of the Nishizumi or not. Fingers crossed!
I want to have mind breaking sex with Saori until she's crazy for my cock
>That face she makes when she catches you staring at her butt, as if to say "wanna see more?"
I want to punch Maho's face.
I want to lay hands on Miho's body
>GuP Final Chapter Part 1 Theatrical Release Date: December 9, 2017
>Implying ACTA won't delay it again to next year.
She's for pure
I don't understand Yukari's characterisation. She's supposed to be a loner who could not make friends, yet she seems so cheerful and hyper. I can't understand how someone like her can't make friends, even if they don't share her passion for tanks.
It is actually difficult for people like her to make friends, because she doesn't conform to the cattle herd at all, especially in Japan.
She's ugly. Nobody wants an ugly friend.
But she seems to be pretty normal when tanks are not involved. That's what I don't understand.
You just have shit taste.
maybe she smells bad
>But she seems to be pretty normal when tanks are not involved. That's what I don't understand.
She only care about tanks and military stuff. In theory she could have joined the history team, but her area of interest is probably too recent for them. We have not seen any other kind of hobby from her. She just couldn't find anyone else to be her playmates as a child.
Makes sense. I thought they were just aiming for some "loner moe".
That's so true.
Yukari is ugly! Ugly cute!
Yukari's fresh pheromones would only enhance her beauty
This is my wife Miho.
Say something nice about her!
She's a damn good commander
Her pussy is top quality and feels really nice. I rate it very highly.
Miho has an elite pussy!
>Makes sense. I thought they were just aiming for some "loner moe".
The Nishizumi Clan is one gigantic loner moe by themselves. Miho was an outlier.
>Part I of VI
Is this good or bad?
I'm Maho's friend
Good. More guppies.
>Is this good or bad?
It really depends on the length. In theory it could be like the Hellsing Ultimate series, in that the episode can be any length that they felt like making them. The format means they are no longer restricted to the average TV episode.
As far as delays in the past is concerned, there's no definite date they aimed for der Film when the delays happened. When it was announced that der Film will be shown on November 21, 2015, they sticked to it and it got release on the day they promised to show it even if took a last minute push to finish.
Why isn't the last chapter of Little Army II translated? And also the volume 3 omake?
Erwin is cute and she is also my wife!
>Implying she'd go crazy for your cock let alone be in the vicinity of you after having 100% Aussie beef
Saori is going to be chain impregnated by Sawreehfag and there's nothing you can do about it!
The sooner the better, but we're still not going to be able to see any of these until someone rips the eventual BDs. It'll be like waiting for the movie all over again. Probably won't get it until mid 2018
The one doing the TL/TS for Little Army 2, AP Shells, has not been around here since October 2016. So until he returns or someone took over him to finish the series, we can only wait for ch12 to be finished. As for the Volume 3 Omake, it might not get translated unless someone gives us raws from it.
Well I can't help with the TL but if you guys are okay with ebookjapan raws I can upload the omake.
She's shit and ugly. You can have her
>Wrong filename
I feel despair
Please do post the raws of the omake so that Lardagus and the others might work on it.
>Theatrical Release
I thought it was OVA?
The OVA are being released in cinemas as well each part.
We know the punishment for that, lads.
Alright will do, just gotta do some cropping because of some silly change ebj did to their reader, once I do that I'll upload it to mediafire.
Do we even have a TL user anymore?
Here's the LA II vol 3 omake.
I'm watching the anime and boy did the Italian school surrender quick.
Just what did they mean by this?
Watch the Anzio OVA, the TV series truncated the battle.
My dream is for Emi and Hitomi to one day be animated and get to fight alongside Miho. Actas please.
DL link:
What exactly is the (recommended) viewing order for garupan?
So the kids are fighting over who gets to be Captain next year, only to find out that one of their leader failed the grade and had to redo the year.
Did you download from the /ak/ torrent? There should be a .txt file in there that gives you the recommended viewing order.
You can use this as a reference as well although it's less easy to read:
Personally, I watched the TV series first, then all the OVAs and Anzio, and finished off with the Film. That viewing order isn't too bad either.
She hasn't failed yet, but Doi (the co-Captain) doesn't think that Yamamori will be able to graduate so she's assuming she'll be captain again next year. Yamamori herself thought Emi would be the next captain after her and Doi stepped down, but if Doi is right then yeah she'll be a repeater captain like their old captain who was recruited by another school. Yamamori doesn't seem to like that they think she's stupid though.
Oh I didn't see that text file.
That's perfect. But not as perfect as Yukari
Anzio OVA's audio is pretty messed up
>Personally, I watched the TV series first, then all the OVAs and Anzio, and finished off with the Film. That viewing order isn't too bad either.
That order is perfectly fine since the OVAs only complement the episodes, they're not essential.
Get the 720p version, dunno who thought it would be a good idea to use HE-AAC.
I don't like the manga
Which one?
Thanks for this.
If you in hapan. Unless they sell the bd at the theaters like they did for anzio, gonna be a 4 to 6 month longer wait.
I don't like tanks
You know what they say. Adaptations are usually inferior to the source material.
LA was pretty good while it lasted and had good art. The original GuP manga though had awful art and awful plot.
LA is a spin-off, not really an adaptation.
>The original GuP manga though had awful art and awful plot.
>awful plot
Unless I'm severely mistaken, they just followed the anime's plot, didn't they?
Not exactly, the artist upped the drama so it felt like a less happy version compared to the anime which had lots of light-hearted moments even in the worst of times. It peaked around the Anzio fight which left the wrong impression about Anchovy. I'm glad for the movie adaptation they chose a different artist.
BTW what happened to Gangsta Cromwell?
You are going to be gentle with her, right Anchovyfag?
Erwin is cute and she is also my wife!
Fuck off, copycat faggot, by the way!
Health issues. He must be recovering from surgery.
>When user tells her that he likes her
>"Eh? Nandatte!?"
>When she realises what he said
>"I... I like you too user-kun."
Care to elaborate?
>You now have säkkijärven polkka playing in your mind
Excuse you?
>Saori greets him as he gets home from work
>Kiss with tongue in the doorway for about 10 seconds saliva trail at the end of it
>Sawreehfag starts removing shoes/ect and changing
>Saori lays down on the couch waiting for him to return stretching out to reveal a little belly
>He returns and immediately locks on to the smooth white skin exposed
>Looks up to see bedroom eyes
>Moves over to her and kneels in front of her laying down
>Begins to kiss her belly for a while
>Saori gets inpatient and starts pushing his head down
>Undresses her lower half and starts eating her out as she undresses her top half
>Eventually she strups him or his shirt
>He scoops he up and carries her to the bedroom while continuing to stimulate her with his fingers
>Plops her onto the bed and she helps him strip further
>She grabs his hard thick dick and starts to stroke it slowly until he starts to drip pre
>She licks her hand clean before laying back and presenting herself to him
>Hours later they're laying next to each other drenched in sweat and panting while holding hands
>9 months later babby
Jelly of Saori since November 2016