Where were you when Honoka and Chika got blown the fuck out?
Love Live
The fact that Umi isn't on top and Aqours that low show that most of LLfags have garbage taste.
I don't know what this is for. But what I do know is that Chika is a good girl.
>Eli only 5th
>Honoka only 13th
>Dia only 15th
>Riko only 16th
Shit poll
>Aqours still playing second banana to muse
Maybe if they didn't constantly reference muse and how awesome they are compared to their own group this wouldn't happen.
Chunihane was among the top 10
Wow. I honestly thought that she would be among the lowest. Instead, Mari got it, what the fuck
Goddamn NikoMakifags.
When will TsubaHonk get the love that they deserve?
Only elite patricians appreciate Mari.
I thought nips hated Ruby
> Nico first
What? I thought Japan hate Nico.