Any more of you degenetates seeing this today?

Any more of you degenetates seeing this today?

I see nothing but pain.

No, I saw it last week.

Are you American? Is this licensed by western company? This was better than the Shitkai movie that didn't win an Oscar

>NA release never

Nah, I'm [spolier]L O N D O N[/spoiler]

>watching kyoanishit
>paying for it

ASV was way better than Kimi no Na shit.

Were you raped too?

You're just mad because you're deaf.

>here by myself plus one weeb

D-do I talk?

>going to the cinema alone
I really hope nobody actually does this.

I do it twice a week

I never understood why anyone goes to movies with other people.
You're watching a movie preferably quietly, how other people make that better I dont get.

You can discuss it afterwards.

I watched both KnNw and ASV and I think they're both fantastic in their own right

You can use Sup Forums and Sup Forums for that.

Were you the other one at the prince Charles?

Shut up you autist I dragged you there and paid for your ticket

Just because you didn't want to be alone besides I will pay you back

We aren't debating this over a homosexual asian drawing dnthusiast website

I went to the Prince Charles to see Your Name. What a shitty place. I could hear loud music playing through the walls and the projector operator wouldn't shut the fuck up either.

The animation looks bad, probably not


>I never understood why anyone goes to movies with other people.
Because people don't want to look awkward by doing something alone that's customarily done in couples/groups. The same reason people don't like to eat at restaurants alone.



He's a nightmare honestly, hates weebshit too

Just watched it yesterday. Meh, nothing special.

Its traditional to eat with your family and friends, its a social get-together.
Movies do not have such custom. Socializing During a movie is considered a dickish behaviour.


>Movies do not have such custom. Socializing During a movie is considered a dickish behaviour.
That depends upon where you live. In many places, interacting during the movie is standard behaviour.

Well I'm glad I don't live there.

That happened to me once. I haven't visited a cinema since.

Yeah well I dont live in niggerlandia or whatever shithole thats considered acceptable.

I'm so sorry