RIP: Here are 70 things millennials have killed

1. Beer
2. J. Crew
3. Department stores
4. Motorcycles
5. Diamonds
6. Golf
7. Bar soap
8. College football
9. Lunch
10. McDonalds
11. Vacations
12. Napkins
13. Cars
14. Crowdfunding
15. Wine
16. Wine corks (almost!)
17. The Toyota Scion
18. Fabric softener
19. Marriage
20. The McWrap
21. Handshakes
22. The Canadian tourism industry
23. Light yogurt
24. Gambling
25. Hotels
26. Relationships
27. Marmalade
28. Running
29. Cereal
30. The anti-aging industry
31. Buffalo Wild Wings
32. Focus groups
33. Travel marketing
34. Working
35. Credit
36. Trees
37. The American Dream
38. America
39. Democracy in general
40. Home Depot
41. Self-pity
42. The 2016 presidential election
43. Consumerism
44. Suits
45. Dinner dates
46. Movies
47. Sex
48. Gyms
49. Serendipity
50. Loyalty programs
51. Loyalty in general
52. Taking risks
53. Patriotism
54. Cruises
55. Applebee's
56. Fashion
57. Hangout sitcoms
58. The Big Mac
59. Stilettos
60. Romance
61. The 9-to-5 workday
62. The NFL
63. Gen X's retirement
64. The Olympics
65. Brunch
66. The European Union
67. Baby names
68. Banks
69. Oil
70. Everything

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and nothing of value was lost satan

until the only place left to buy clothes is walmart

The wee cunts !

>vacant eyed millennial has a twin

Explain motorcycles

>Ruining diamonds
>sales of other precious stones are up, the diamond meme just got old

>ruining cars
>implying safety regulations during the 90s didnt kill the car

Moreover the article is from fucking July, so sage goes in the correct field.

boomers are fucking awful as well though.

Harley Davidson might go out of business as their only customers are baby boomers.

63. Gen X's retirement

Most successful micro-breweries aren't run by young people and your undrinkable piss water (Budwiser, Coors) doesn't compare even slightly to an 8% craft IPA. Burgers fuck beer up harder than they fuck coffee.

The only thing dumber than these what are millennials killing articles are faggots that get butthurt about them

>Toyota Scion


>Explain motorcycles
Imagine, if you will, a bicycle with an internal combustion engine as it's primary means of locomotion.


ITT: Satan goes full homo

>37. The American Dream
boomers ruined that

>HD will cease to exist in your lifetime
Truly a feel this good should be illegal

Millennials everywhere are mailing their semen cross country. It's a new trend, and if you take part you are considered a part of the "Cumtry Club". Upon receiving the gift, the recipient drinks the white fluid while posting a video of the act on Instagram. It began as a meme, a way for tech-savvy Millennials to have sex long-distance with friends they met over the internet. But now some Millennials are taking part, well, just to have fun. "Yeah me and some of my League of Legends buddies thought it would be kind of cool to suck each other off through the mail" says Xandar Constantine, a trans-entity from Topeka, Kansas. We met Xandar in xir backyard in a kiddy pool bathing in gallons of xir friends collected semen. But Xandar says they are still just friends.
Now some mental health experts are saying Millennials aren't drinking ENOUGH cum. Baby Boomers on average have consumed at least a football stadium's worth of semen in a lifetime, where Millennials are projected to have only consumed about a quarter of that. "It's a worrying trend" says Harvey Weinstein.

#stopgamergate #elizabethwarren2020 #justisefortrayvon

>boomers ruined that
I think you mean their parents

Most of these I am glad are dead...

true true

That's retarded

no one can kill beer or wine for me